Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1398: Support yourself

The Sanjie Divine has a special reputation recently, but many of the Divines do not regard him as an opponent, but can only be regarded as a potential opponent.

Who knows that the token core is now taken by the three realms, which really makes them dumbfounded. The three-character domain defended each other and nervous each other. In the end, they discovered that they were taken away by others, and they felt that everything was busy.

"Damn, it was stolen by a district **** domain! Now... take the token and go to the domain!"

The first thing to kill is the more powerful Shengfeng Divine and the Ten Thousand Gods. It is basically killed at the same time. The two enemies look at each other and their eyes are filled with deep killing.

It’s just that the token core is not in their hands, and even if it’s a killing, it’s impossible to kill. Now even less in the Three Realms, their gaze can only be transferred to the area where the token is located - where!

One by one, the eyes were cold and cold, and after looking at each other, they rushed to the domain. Since the token core is not here, they don't need to stay here, but instead kill it to Yi Tianyun.

The token core is the key point, destroying its power, and not getting a half-point token core.

Therefore, the domain owners who quickly killed one by one, and then quickly sneaked into the area where Yi Tianyun was located, did not stop at all. Logically speaking, as long as you get the token core, the best evasion area is your own site.

If you escape from your own area and stay outside, it can be a fool's behavior. Anyway, as long as you persist in a month, everything will be judged successful.

Therefore, what is lost is a very normal situation. Yi Tianyun chose to leave his own domain, which is very reckless, and in their view is extremely brainless behavior.

Just change them, and immediately sneak back to your own territory, as long as there are intruders, kill all innocent!

Soon, thousands of horses and horses rushed to Yi Tianyun, and Yi Tianyun observed the situation in this area. He released a lot of pets there and could stare as an eyeliner.

Because the distance is not far away, it is able to convey information and let him know what is going on there. Fortunately, none of them reached out to attack the Three Realms, but came to him.

"Is it all over..."

Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold and cold, wearing a black armor. This is the evil Tianjun suit. The hand is holding the star gun. The gods on it flash, and everything is ready.

It didn't take long for the first to tear the space to kill, it was the domain owner of the holy peak **** domain, followed by the domain master of the Wantian domain. The two most powerful domain masters, the same as the repairs, were all repaired in the middle of the Tianzun, and almost rushed to the superior Tianzun.

The superior Tianzun is not so good to break through. It can be quite a bad day to become a median Tianzun. Especially in the outer **** area, it is at the top level.

"call out!"

The Wantian domain master has just appeared, without any muddy water, immediately killing Yi Tianyun, flashing a cold light in his hand, if you look closely, it is a claw-type weapon!

Few practitioners use claw-type weapons, and they are also the level of Tianzun Lingbao, which makes Yi Tianyun extremely surprised.

However, he has no time to be surprised, and immediately broke out the crazy damage mode, and opened the strongest force to withstand the attack of the Wantian domain owner.

The power of the outbreak of the Wantian domain masters directly rises to the extreme. Because the space of the domain is relatively fragile, all the way through the void, everything becomes fragmented!

"Give me the token core!"

In the main sky of the Wantian domain, there was a glimmer of cold light, and it was torn to Yi Tianyun.

"Hey Gods - Water and Fire Wheel Gun!"

Under the double superposition of the water attribute and the fire attribute, the originally seemingly repulsive attribute is directly merged into one piece, thus detonating a stronger force in the star gun. Superimposed on it, there is a more overbearing dragon **** blood force, a heavy shot and smashed the void!


The two simply went through a trick and directly blew out a large piece of void, and immediately the two were forced to retreat, and it was barely a tie!

"It’s not a million-day domain master, the strength is really strong enough..." Yi Tianyun felt a little numb in his hands, and his opponent used a claw. After he scraped it down, his star guns were a few deeper. Deep traces come.

Sure enough, the heavenly level weapon is much worse than the Tianzun Lingbao. If it is hard, it will definitely suffer.

At this time, he also realized that he and the median Tianzun are still quite different. Under the full force of the explosion, it is enough to know how amazing the other side is.

Mainly the main force of the Wantian domain suddenly broke out most of the power, there will be no mud and water. Not the same as before, seeing Yi Tianyun is the level of the gods, there will be less power out.

The Wantian domain master did not do this, and immediately broke out the ultimate strength. He wanted to kill Yi Tianyun and then seize the token core. Who knows that he did not succeed, but he was sent back by the earthquake.

Yi Tianyun felt a little surprised, and the other side was even more shocking. The Wantian domain owner originally wanted to kill Yi Tianyun and steal the token core at the fastest speed to avoid other things.

Who knows that it is certain that it can be robbed, but it is resisted by a god.

"A god, how could it be so strong!" Wan Tianyu's heart felt very shocked. He thought it was a very lucky god, just happened to pick up the token core. Now it seems that he is wrong.

The Lord of the Holy Peak is also dumbfounded. He turned to look at the Wantian domain owner and said, "Are you not a piece?"

"Who is with him? We have never teamed up with the Three Realms. The Three Realms are not supported by us behind!" The Wantian domain must be bombed, and now loudly screaming, refuting the Sanctuary The words of the Lord.

"But if you support it, who will support them?" The Holy Mountain Lord did not see that the Wantian domain owner was lying, meaning that this is a real thing!

In this way, he sent out so many days of respect, did he die in the hands of an unknown power? Or, to die in the hands of this strange god.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Wan Tianyu's main temper is bad.

"Ask me." Yi Tianyun smiled on the side: "I can answer you."

"Then who you are supporting!" Wan Tianyu Lord must be laughed at.

"I just support myself, is there a problem?" Yi Tianyun answered a question that made people feel vomiting blood.

Is this different from saying nothing? But this is the case. All the way, he has come all the way, whether it is before or now.

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