Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1399: Terrible speed

"Play us!"

The two main domain owners of Wantian Domain and Shengfeng Domain were directly angered, and they attacked Yi Tianyun. They raised their hands one by one, and their own Tianzun Lingbao broke out. All of them were two Tianzun. Lingbao.

One of the best products, Tianzun Lingbao, and the other thing, the Tiantian Zun Lingbao, are fixed. However, the power is completely different, and they can all exert their strength to the extreme.

The Tianzun Lingbao of the Holy Peaks is extremely rude. It is a small holy peak that has been thrown over to Yi Tianyun. The small holy peak immediately turned into a huge holy peak, like a huge planet, smashing down to Yi Tianyun.


The layer of void was shattered by this huge holy peak, followed by the shock to Yi Tianyun, and wanted to give him a layer to crush into pieces. This is only the power of the goddess of the gods, but in his hands it is a terrible force.

This is the difference between cultivation and strongness. Even if it is the lower heavenly spirit, it can still release terrible power.

The Wantian domain master also attacked here, but he still belongs to the kind of melee-type mode. Another Tianzun Lingbao is actually a wing! After being equipped on the body, it suddenly turned into a streamer and broke through the void here. In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Yi Tianyun. It was almost impossible to be fast!

This speed directly kills the speed before Yi Tianyun, and can be said to lead a lot. This is in the powerful repair of its own, but also equipped with the anti-theft treasure effect - speed shock!

"Fast, it's too fast!"

Yi Tianyun couldn't catch up with his eyes. He saw the speed so fast for the first time. In fact, killing God Tianzun can also explode with an astonishing speed. No matter what strength is suppressed, and it is seriously injured, so that he has not really experienced it, the power of the median Tianzun.

As for the superior level, it is even more unnecessary to say it. I have never felt it.


“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’ and successfully broke through the six layers of Shenjun!”

"Upgrade again!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’ and successfully broke through the seven layers of Shenjun!”

In a breath of two levels, crazy to improve their basic attributes, the momentum suddenly rose to a new peak. The speed he saw at this time was still an afterimage.

This is still the effect of his outbreak of the blood of Kun Peng, still can not compare with the other side, still a big gap.

"Hey Gods - the magical earth is flowing!"

The power of the magical gold and the power of the earth's attributes are directly integrated into one, forming a thick defense around his body. Since you can't escape or avoid, you can defend it once.


A sturdy defense, pierced by sharp claws, sharp claws like a layer of paper, easy to penetrate. This is the perfect match between speed and claws. He finally knows why the Wantian domain master uses the claws as a weapon. With the amazing speed, it is really invincible!

Melee has always been the most powerful offensive. Wan Tianyu's melee strength is very strong. If you match the wings, you can perfectly play the advantage of melee.

Once close, it means the battle is over.


The eyes of Wan Tianyu are full of excited eyes, ready to grab the token core. In the heart of the holy peak of the edge of the heart, anxious, want to accelerate can not accelerate, his speed can not be as bad as the Wantian domain owner.

The strongest of the thousands of gods behind him, a happy heart.

"Close, win!"

Closeness is a victory, and it has always been the case.


This scratched tears, hard to the terrible evil heavenly suit, still torn! As if everything is under this powerful force, it is a pile of broken copper.

However, while continuing to stab, at the same time, Yi Tianyun’s head has already jumped in value!

"Upgrade the blood of Kunpeng!"

"Hey, successfully deducted the madness of 5,000 points compression, and upgraded the blood to two products!"

"The second product is the blood of the Peng, the speed is increased from one hundred times to three hundred times!"

"call out!"

The blood of the 鲲鹏 and the blood of the phoenix are superimposed on each other, so that his speed is improved by 500 times. Logically speaking, the speed of the Phoenix blood is blessing, it has been as high as five or six hundred times.

However, the quality of the Phoenix blood is somewhat low-level, and the worse the effect is, the only way is to superimpose it at a speed of five hundred times. However, it has been quite amazing, and it is necessary to stab him when he is still a little small.

Yi Tianyun's body was transferred urgently, moving one meter away from the back. In the instant burst speed, it is actually a little faster than the Wantian domain!

Although it is just a little faster, it is always fast, a little faster, it has already represented itself.

Immediately he avoided this deadly attack, but the aftermath of tearing, still hurt his body. Five traces were left on him, and the evil Heavenly suits were torn apart. There were five more deep traces in the body. These powers are too strong.

If it is a little later, then he will certainly be torn into five pieces.

After he avoided, he did not stay too much and quickly ducked back.

"What!?" Wan Tianyu found that Yi Tianyun was shocked when he escaped his attack.

At this time, the holy peak was just suppressed. The Wantian domain owner had no time to chase Yi Tianyun. He could only choose to shoot his hand to the back and bombard it with this holy peak.


The two collided with each other, and Yi Tianyun just fled the area and took a breather. The injury on the body quickly healed. His healing ability is extremely strong, and both the Phoenix blood and the Dragon's blood have amazing healing effects.

"It's too strong, it's too strong..."

Yi Tianyun frowned at the chest, the five wounds that healed quickly, and the heart was a little bit guilty.

He can feel that the other party is not using the full force. It’s not a complete effort, it’s already so bad. If you completely inspire your own strength, what level will it reach?

Even if he breaks through the seventh floor of the gods, the gap is still amazing. Sometimes it is not enough to improve combat effectiveness, and speed is still very important.

After all, the world's martial arts will not break! Fighting power is amazing, it can be useless.

The crazy damage mode, just to enhance the power, does not mean to increase his speed, nor to enhance any defense. The speed is still dependent on the outbreak of major blood, before it can rush up, otherwise there is no way to close the distance.

Now is the best proof. In the explosion of the seventh layer of the gods, his power is very impressive. However, in the face of the speed of the Wantian domain master, I was almost hanged!

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