Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1400: Speed ​​burst

Yi Tianyun was deeply shocked by this speed. The original gap was still so big. I used to hang so many days. Now when faced with the real strong sacredness, the level of the gap immediately came out.

However, if he stays in the Three Realms, he will undoubtedly be able to narrow the gap. After all, in the Three Realms, not only can he strengthen his own strength, but he can also move around and escape.

But he did not want to bring the war to the Three Realms, unless he was forced to help, he would never want to introduce the war into the Three Realms. The Three Realms are always weak, and perhaps the practitioners are more than one crazy and willing to fight for him.

It’s just that at a critical moment, he still doesn’t plan to go back. If the comprehensive strength of the Three Realms is really equal to the Sanpin Divine, then he will certainly be willing to stay in the Three Realms.

It’s not working for the time being, at least try to see what kind of level you can achieve, and how much can be intercepted by the strong here.


On the edge of the 10,000-day domain master and the Holy Mountain domain master crazy fight, after a face-to-face attack, completely angered the tens of thousands of domain owners.

"Sacred peak domain master, do you see the right point! Actually attack me, you **** bastard, come to die!" After the Wantian domain owner was picked up by the holy peak, he was immediately violent.

If he was not a strong one, he was really squashed.

"Who told you to rush over, there is nothing to do with me!" The Holy Peak Lord constantly waved the Holy Peak and intercepted him.

He can't dare to play melee with the Wantian domain master. It will definitely be him when he dies.

The two major domain owners are fighting in madness, and Yi Tianyun on the side suddenly smiles. What he wants is this effect. Immediately, his gaze shifted to other strong people, and while they were fighting each other, they resolved these gods and gods.

"call out!"

Yi Tianyun's figure rushed forward and disappeared into the void. Everything was so shadowless, as if he had completely escaped. However, this is an illusion. The light in the sky is still shrouded, piercing the void, and shining the Yi Tianyun that shuttles through the void.

Having said that, this does not prevent Yi Tianyun from rushing past, and in the blink of an eye he has killed the two great gods in the heap.

"Oh ah..."

A cold light shot from the void, each gun can easily blast their heads, basically one shot! Not to mention Tianzun, at least the gods are one shot at a time, all of which have turned into a wave of experience.

Yi Tianyun also opened a bunch of experience cards at the same time, so that his experience value can be maximized! He had killed nine Tianzun before, and the accumulated experience was not enough for him to rise to two levels, enough to see how difficult it is to upgrade now.

Therefore, you must have more experience and a higher multiple to get yourself to upgrade faster. The higher the number, the more you can leave them here.

Especially the crazy value, earn more experience, so you can improve your blood. Go up one by one, who can stop yourself by then?

With a fight, the level of the gods is paper-like, and the level of the gods is okay. If you don't pay attention, you will basically be spiked. If you are prepared, you will be extremely seriously injured and you will almost be killed.

However, Yi Tianyun did not fight, and if one shot could not be killed, he immediately shifted the next target. After all, what is here is not only the holy peak of the gods, but also the gods of the gods, but also has other gods!

This is the battle of the gods, not alone. It’s just that the Holy Peaks and the Ten Thousand Gods are the most overbearing, so they will first **** them, and the rest of the gods will be on the sidelines.

Some of them also have a leg with the Shengfeng Shenyu. Since they are all a group, it is impossible to let go.

With a burst of killing, many practitioners were killed in the blink of an eye, and the block could not stop. Yi Tianyun cooperates with the blood of the void, combined with the terrible blood of the 鲲鹏, the shuttle speed in the void, can be said to reach the extreme!

The situation here was quickly stopped by the Lord of the Peaks in the battle. If they continue to fight, their strong side will be finished!

"Damn, this guy is taking advantage of the fisherman!"

The Lord of the Peaks, they were violent, and they rushed over here, trying to suppress Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun completely ignored them and continued to harvest many powerful people at an extremely fast speed.

"鲲鹏血脉, upgrade!"

"Hey, successfully deducting the madness value of 10,000 points, the blood of the 鲲鹏 is upgraded to the level of three products! The effect is increased from three hundred times to five hundred times!"

It is worthy of the speed of the Peng Peng blood, just three levels, it has reached the full level of the Phoenix blood. I don't know how amazing the speed will be when I upgrade to the back.

"call out!"

The speed suddenly increased, and the harvest was carried out at a faster speed. It was easy to kill a group of practitioners into slag. The head of the Holy Peaks can't catch up with them, they can only watch as Yi Tianyun madly kills his own men.

When they are ready to catch up, Yi Tianyun will smash them in a sharp turn, even if the Wantian domain owner can't easily catch up.

"Damn, how quickly did the speed become so fast? Did the Tianzun I sent out were solved by this guy?" The heart of the Holy Peaks was shocked, and a practitioner who exuded the scent of the gods from time to time broke out. Strength is already reaching their level.

Immediately, he yelled at the owner of the Wantian domain: "What are you doing, stop and stop him! Keep going this way, don't say it is my men, even your men must be killed!"

The two of them turned out to be friends and began to communicate with each other.

"Do you think I don't want it! His speed is too fast, faster than me!" Wan Tian domain owner did not want to suppress Yi Tianyun, but Yi Tianyun's speed is faster than him, how to catch up!

"Fart, you just don't want to break out. Once it breaks out, you can catch up, even faster than him. Don't think I don't know, you still hide a lot of power!" The Holy Peak Lord is next to him. stand up.

"Dad's, don't you hide a lot of power? There is a kind of outbreak that you first broke out with him." Wan Tianyu followed him and the two did not give each other.

Both of them are actually Tibetan mastiffs, and they have not erupted their strongest strength, mainly because they dare not break out. Once someone gets the benefit of the fisherman, they lose money.

Therefore, no one dares to come around at random, but they are not afraid to break out of their full strength. They are all guarding each other. Even Yi Tianyun is now crazy to clear their men, still do not dare to mess.

If you are gone, you can still find it yourself, and you are dead, even if you don’t even get the token core. The token core is the most important.

Even if there are countless deaths and injuries, you must grab your hand!

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