Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1401: Continuous madness

Both of them are unwilling to erupt, and they are reluctant to erupt, and all of them are Tibetan mastiffs.

What Yi Tianyun wants is this kind of effect, constantly harvesting the lives of many practitioners, and easily gaining a lot of experience.

"Two idiots, beware of each other, and when you break out, I will solve your men."

Yi Tianyun sneered in his heart. He liked this ending most, and could restrain each other. Instead, he watched him harvest his own power.

"Damn, if we continue to do this, we will be finished!" Shengfeng domain chief anger said: "Join hands, let's join hands! Make an oath, wait until any of us grab the token core first, then we can attack each other and simultaneously When you kill the guy, you can't keep it, how!"


The anger of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Domains is even worse. He promised without hesitation. If he made a vow, he would not attack each other. The main thing is that all of them will break out, and they will not suffer.

Originally, the Wantian domain owner worried that after his eruption, the leader of the Shengfeng domain would look at it. When he broke out soon, and then he would fight hard with him, it would be finished.

Now that you have made the oath, you can attack it with a little peace of mind, at least not at the back.

"Give me a drive!"

The wings behind the master of the Wantian domain were fully opened. From the original two wings, they suddenly changed into four wings. The speed suddenly increased several times, even dozens of times.

The sound of "咻" broke through the void to the side of Yi Tianyun. The speed was too fast, and the speed of Yi Tianyun was directly dropped.

Yi Tianyun's speed is several hundred times, which seems to be amazing. But the bottom is really too bad, for example, a hundred times doubled five hundred times, that is, 50,000 points. However, the foundation of Tianzun is 10,000. If it is several times, or ten times, it will be different.

In one breath, he crushed the speed of Yi Tianyun and chased him to his side.

"This speed, it really is his real speed!" Yi Tianyun saw the Wantian domain owner rushing over here, his heart glimpsed, but his speed did not weaken, continue to harvest to other practitioners.

"Give me the suppression!"

At this time, the Lord of the Holy Peak also broke out with his strongest power. The huge peak of the Holy Peak was quickly suppressed. Both the speed and the coverage area were stronger than before.

At the same time, there are countless chains around, and wrapped here, it is actually a suppression of the block-type Tianzun Lingbao.

The Lord of the Holy Peak also used his other median Tianling Lingbao to block it. I have to say that everyone's own style is very obvious, Wan Tian domain owners like melee, but also like amazing speed.

The Lord of the Holy Peaks is the power that likes absolute repression, blocking all retreats and letting the opponent escape.

Under the joint efforts of the two great gods, Yi Tianyun was forced into the impasse, and there was no escape route. This will be the 10,000-day domain master has been killed, the claws in the hands are released to the maximum, from the original small claws, suddenly turned into dozens of meters of claws, smashed here.

This time, Yi Tianyun still dared to continue to fight, and then turned to this side and slammed it. Since there is no way to escape, simply take a hard break.

At the same time as the counterattack, he first hid in the void. In the void, there is the ability to weaken the other side, thus reducing the sense of stress.


The core of the five elements in the body is running wildly, and the star gun in hand is immediately turned into a golden gun, which is invincible!


The two collided in one piece, Yi Tianyun was directly shaken out, the tiger's mouth was numb, and there was a feeling that the hand almost broke. However, the Wantian domain owner is also not much better, and his strength is also sent to the earthquake.

Although there is a gap between the two, Yi Tianyun's crazy injury mode is not a vegetarian, and the blessing power of the major blood is very amazing.

Having said that, the two men were also shaken out of each other and barely made a tie. The point is that after Yi Tianyun was bombed, the attack of the Lord of the Peaks came, and it was surrounded by circles and circles. Both up and down, it was completely surrounded by Tianzun Lingbao.

Yi Tianyun is in danger, he can't leave with the **** of transmission, but it does not mean that you can't move in an instant!


Yi Tianyun's figure flashed, and disappeared in the same place. The light above the whole piece of heaven suddenly disappeared, and it quickly reappeared. When it reappeared, this light of light had already descended into the area on the side, and escaped from the siege of the two great gods.


Both of them were shocked, and the two great gods joined forces, and the various blockades could not be trapped! Especially the Lord of the Holy Peaks, the heart can not calm down for a long time.

If the Wantian domain owner is extremely confident in his melee, as long as he is close to the other side, he can kill it. The Lord of the Peaks is absolutely suppressed and besieged. As long as the two treasures come out, they will be able to block the opponent's suppression and will not let them escape.

Who knows that the results are still unexpected, Yi Tianyun easily escaped and escaped his blockade.

After Yi Tianyun fled, he continued to join the crazy killing and quickly harvested the cultivators around him. This is to earn more experience and crazy value, but also to reduce these practitioners and to completely eliminate them.

"Quick, run!"

Both the gods and the lower heavens have chosen to escape. The next Tian Zun faced the power of Yi Tianyun's violent violent, completely unable to resist a few strokes, and will soon be spiked.

This makes them all crazy, so many practitioners can't stop even one person, it is ridiculous. I thought it was taken down steadily. Who knows that the difference in strength is so disparate, it is simply the suppression of absolute power.

Yi Tianyun confronted them, it is difficult to kill them, or hurt them too much. However, the escape technology is first-class, easy to slip away, followed by rushing to other practitioners for a killing, to eliminate them for crazy.

"Damn, what is going on, can we both suppress him?"

The main character of the Holy Peaks and the 10,000-day domain are ugly, and it can be said that it is extremely embarrassing. They thought it would be easy to suppress. Now it seems that they are naive. Even if they break out with all their strength, they are slipped away by their opponents. It is a shame.

"Come back!"

They did not stop and immediately joined forces to continue to attack here. The Lord of the Holy Peaks and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Domains, this time, they have erupted even more powerfully. They have been completely angered and have already squandered everything.

In any case, Yi Tianyun will solve the problem first, and the rest will stand by! What is sensible, what to guard against the opponent, has now been thrown aside, began to mad at Yi Tianyun.

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