Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1416: 叮嘱

Two weeks is very short for the practitioner. But for them now, it’s like a year, and everyone is wary.

Even if the two great gods are destroyed, they are still wary and will not let go. Even if Yi Tianyun let them relax, they will not relax.

As long as it is not really passed, then there is no way to relax, let alone end.

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, it took almost two weeks, and it was a few hours later, even in the past month. At that time, everything settled, and a one-of-a-kind domain rose to the four-character domain. This is an unprecedented miracle, creating a miracle of history!

The general competition is the three-character domain, a product is a cannon fodder. Now it has been reversed, and the Sanpin Divine is a cannon fodder.

I am extremely excited and excited when I think that I can go to the Four-Fantasy domain.

"Little teacher, after the time to go to the four-character domain, the master should come to you soon. I will help you to sit in the town, so as not to be besieged by other gods." Li Tiantian said: "But the master's injury has not recovered. When it is time to have a strong enemy invasion, it is very difficult to resist."

"But we will rush over soon, and the time will be for you!"

"Just there is a problem, you have to face down...that is, you as a disciple of the master, do you not want to join us in the vastness of the gods?" Li Tiantian hesitated for a while, or intends to say it, "this does not force Even if you don't join the vast gods, the master will also sit down."

"Why not join?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

The three of them did not choose to escape in times of crisis, but kept covering him to escape. Just rushing to this point, the vast gods are worth joining! This point does not need to think much, he has already decided to make a decision.


They didn't expect Yi Tianyun to agree so quickly, but even if it was a joy: "Since the younger brother is so refreshed, it would be better. But the master has never intervened to manage any forces. Let us develop. It will only declare to the outside world that your three realms have joined the vast gods and belong to the vast gods!"

"Does this a little good influence on the vast gods?" Yi Tianyun felt a bit curious about this.

"This is affirmative. It is mainly because of our vastness and sacredness. In fact, it is more difficult. There has been no **** domain power..." Li Tiantian respected them very much. When they said this, they felt very embarrassed.

"The vast gods, there is no **** domain power?" Yi Tianyun horrified.

"Yes, we are in the domain of the gods, but stay in the domain of the gods without the master. This is a meaning with the chaos of the gods, so there is no power. If the younger brother announces to join us, it is equal to one more. Face, equal to the master's teaching, can let a disciple come up from below."

"The situation of such a master will be a little better. At least it will not be underestimated by the forces that were originally there..."

They are actually very embarrassing, seemingly very powerful, in fact, the level in the realm of God can only be considered acceptable. This is the same as the original, a holy king in the world of the cross, in the domain of the gods is the bottom of the truth.

"The original power?" Yi Tianyun.

"This is a long story. In short, the concept is not harmonious. The master left the original power under the spur of the air. So that he will fall into the realm..." Li Tiantian shook his head, did not say anything, some things were too complicated. When Yi Tianyun went up, he knew it.

"That is no problem, it is very welcome to transfer to the Three Realms to settle down." Yi Tianyun laughed.

"This will not happen, the master will certainly not transfer. He is free to use, just do not want to manage too much, will come out from the original forces." Li Tiantian thought, and continued to explain: "There is still a little The territory of the Divine domain is even more precious. Before you are transferred, no one knows which area you will be assigned to. But no matter what kind of area, it will not be bad."

"When the time comes up, it is estimated that there will be other sacred gaze in the future, and I want to come and swallow you. At that time, it is also possible to usher in a war, so you must be careful, you must die! The master will be much better after the past. "Li Tiantian reminded.

Yi Tianyun nodded and knew that the above would not be too stable.

"I will do this, but I just got up and was immediately besieged. Is this too much?" Yi Tianyun said.

"This is normal. If you find out your strength, if it is weaker, or if there is no background, it will be attacked immediately. The territory of the four-character domain is fixed. Only when new forces come up will a new one be opened. Regional. New area, means new resources, can you **** it?" Li Tiantian explained.

"It turned out to be the case. It seems that it is a real war." Yi Tianyun shook his head. It is no wonder that after the upswing, the reward of the mission also included the formation of a strong shield to protect them from attack.

If there is no mountain, it is estimated that it will be destroyed immediately.

"It's almost like this. The time is almost the same. We will evacuate first. At that time we will meet on the top!" They couldn't follow up with one piece, so they could only go back to the sacred domain through the passage.

"it is good!"

Immediately they quickly teared open the void and they rushed back as quickly as possible. There are still a few hours now, and no one has come to attack this point. Even if there is a sneak attack, Yi Tianyun should be able to solve it, and they don't need to worry about it.

After watching them leave, Yi Tianyun came outside the hall, and a group of practitioners were excited outside. When I saw Yi Tianyun coming out, I looked at it with gaze, including the gods and the glazed domain owners. They were all excited.

"There are two more hours, we will successfully complete the battle of the gods, and then we will move to the four-character domain!" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "I am equally excited about this, but after going up, facing It will be a greater pressure, I hope you will work harder at the time!"

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered, even if they died, they felt worth it. For so long, sometimes it is not to be alive, sometimes to live for too long, it will be mad. Especially when there is no goal, when there is no motivation, it will be useless for too long.

There are new challenges now, so even if you die, you can at least die in the four-character domain. Before that, they have already received a glory.

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