Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1417: arrival

Two hours are a group of people staring at the past. After finally reaching two hours, the time on the token core in Yi Tianyun's hands immediately disappeared and became a normal token.

At the same time, the shrouded shrouded, quickly disappeared, and everything returned to a normal state. This time he will not be locked, and he will not be stared at.

In fact, whether the light has disappeared or not, it doesn't matter anyway, no one will dare to invade them anyway.

"Is it finally time?"

Yi Tianyun looked at the token in his hand, and soon the token in his hand began to bloom with dazzling light, covering all the planets in the entire Sanjie Divine.

"Would you like to go to the Divine domain?"

Yi Tianyun was so excited inside that he finally went to the Divine domain and went to the new world!

Immediately they only felt the light in front of them, and the dazzling light made them unable to open their eyes.

The next moment, the three planets of the Three Realms began to disappear in the same place, as if they disappeared from the air. Yi Tianyun also felt an invisible energy, rushing down from the void, and shrouded them all.

After the disappearance of the planets, none of the planets in this **** domain remained and became empty. Not long after they just disappeared, there were other practitioners who flew over and saw that they were all stunned when they were empty.

"Really, it will be removed, so many huge planets have been removed. What is this power?"

"Yes, this is really amazing. If you want to achieve what you can do, can you transfer so many planets?"

"This is not clear, maybe it is not artificial, but God."

They trembled inside, and when they saw this scene for the first time, they were still deeply shocked. Everything was amazing, and they were shocked.

Soon the practitioners of other gods flew over and saw that the planets here were all transferred away. However, there are still some practitioners who have not been transferred, but have left with disappointment.

They are involved in the battle of the gods, but the time of participation is too short, and it is not recognized at all. These days, the days of the gods are not long, but they have been around for decades.

Perhaps they contribute a little more, and some of them can still be transferred successfully. However, there are still some, no success has been transferred, staying in this empty domain, it is inevitable that there will be some loss.

So many people have gone to the four-character domain, but they are unable to travel. It is disappointing to be disappointed. In particular, they all held a mortal heart and went to participate in the battle of the gods. They finally passed, but they did not rise, which was too disappointing.

But the facts are in front of them, they can only choose to leave.

At the same time, this incident caused the turmoil of the entire outer domain, and a group of practitioners flew over to occupy this area. When this area is vacant, it will naturally be robbed.

How to say it is a **** area, even if there is no planet, but it is a site. Especially if you re-condense the planet here, it will take some time.

Therefore, they have all moved over and snatched this domain. However, this area is no longer called the Sanjie Divine. It can only be called the land of no land.

When the crowds robbed the area, the real Three Realms have been moved to the domain of God.

Yi Tianyun felt very long, they have been shrouded in white light, and I don’t know when it is the end. However, they are not in a hurry. They all know that they are already moving to the four-character domain. As long as they know that they can transfer the past, it will take a long time. They can only wait.

Anyway, everything is settled, then it is not particularly anxious.

Yi Tianyun guessed that it may be too far, which led to a long time. It’s too far to go from a product area to a **** domain.

Under normal circumstances, it is transferred from the Sanpin Divine, the distance is relatively close, and the time required is naturally not too long. The distance is a bit far away, and the transfer time will take a little longer.

However, time does not take a long time. After a few days, the white light finally disappeared. Instead, an endless starry sky is in the air!

Yi Tianyun looked up and saw countless small spots of light, flashing in the sky, just like the stars.

"Is it finally in the gods?"

Yi Tianyun just wants to feel the difference between the gods and the gods. When there is any difference, in an instant, there is a sly energy that flows in from all directions and impacts their bodies!

However, it is not the feeling of flying them, but they are constantly pouring into them. They do not need to absorb them themselves, and they continue to penetrate into them and strengthen their cultivation and physique.

Just for Yi Tianyun, the effect is not great. The people on the side are extremely amazing. One by one, meditate immediately, actively adjust the energy in the body, and absorb the energy from the outside.

Most people meditation on the spot and began to absorb it. The faint white light began to appear on the body, and it seemed to be covered by a layer of energy.

"The sacred domain is the sacred domain, and the environment is even stronger. You don't need to cultivate yourself. If you just play around here, you can easily break through to the level of Xingjun and Dijun... ”

Yi Tianyun can feel this energy, can make the repair to a low point, and quickly pull up and repair. As for the level above Tianjun, the effect will be much weakened, but it is still very amazing. According to this situation, it is not difficult to break through to the gods.

Originally stuck in the level of Tianjun, now they have broken through the bottleneck and broke through to a higher level.

In the final analysis, the energy of the Divine domain is more pure and richer. There is also a force in the main body! Yes, in the field of the gods, the power of the gods is extremely rare, but here is everywhere, full of extremes.

The power of this day is still attributeless, meaning that there is no limit to the attributes, as long as the practitioners can absorb into the body and further enhance their own realm.

"According to this situation, it is not difficult to rush to the comprehensive strength of the Sanpin Divine. It is no wonder that it is necessary to kill the head. If there is a small group of people left, it will be able to rebuild a large group. The practitioner came up..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head and needed the elite of the elite in the four-character domain. The gods in the outer gods are very strong, and here is definitely a commonplace, the cabbage on the roadside! Therefore, it is not difficult to return to the peak, and there is no fear of the death of the battle of the gods.

The strength of the Tianzun level is the protagonist here.

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