Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1418: Open spree

Yi Tianyun did not enter the state of cultivation. He planned to go around and see what the environment was like. His cultivation is relatively high, so the environment of the four-character gods is less effective for him, and he will not meditate and meditate like other practitioners.

When he just wanted to see other situations, there was a pleasant sound coming from the ear.

"Hey, successfully complete the main task" to win the four-character token core, upgrade to the four-character domain! Get 100,000 points of compression madness, 100,000 points of compression, 100,000 points of compression proficiency. At the same time get special protective cover No one can invade the Three Realms within a thousand years!"

“Complete the rewards you get for a while: get a super pack and unlock the crazy damage mode!”

Such a pleasant sound made him shocked, and he had to say that it was finally a bitter for him. Tired and tired for so long, is not the main task? There is also this invincible spree.

He doesn't know what's in the spree, but only needs to know the crazy damage mode, which is quite important. Without this crazy mode, it’s really a big deal.

"I finally completed this main line task, the difficulty is really not small..."

Yi Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief. It should be said that he was relieved for a while, and God knows what forces will be attacked later. Don't forget that the Ten Thousand Gods and the Holy Peaks are backstage.

Now that he has seized the opportunity of the two great gods, he has also destroyed so many gods, and the gods of the gods must be hostile to him. In this case, it is immediately the enemy of the two major gods, and it must be said that the pressure is not small.

A layer of aperture is formed immediately outside, ejected from the three circles, and then quickly spread around to form a transparent shield.

"Oh, you have successfully won the invincible shield for a thousand years, can withstand the invasion of any practitioner, and at the same time you can control the entry of anyone."

The invincible shield is left to be controlled by him, and it can withstand any strong man who has been repaired. He has to say that these benefits are good. However, the time is only a thousand years, and a thousand years seems to be a long time. For the initial development of the forces, the time is still too short.

Even if there is an environmental blessing in the four-character domain, it is still difficult to get up quickly. Especially Tianzun is the focus of this place. There is not much meaning in the light of a bunch of gods.

“It seems that it has only developed in a thousand years, and it will develop as much as possible during the period...”

Yi Tianyun licked his head and felt a little pressure. However, he believes that as long as there are enough resources, the problem of upgrading is not big.

"Let's see what's inside the spree."

Yi Tianyun turned his attention to the big gift bag. This is quite an expectation. Every time the gift package provides, it will not disappoint.

"Open the spree."

"Hey, successfully open the spree, get the cooling rune (one performance one-fifth cooldown); all the magic and blood, improve the level; empty the mall purchases; enhance the fusion mode (can fuse the blood)!"

"Hey, improve the crazy mode... because the level is not enough, you can't improve."

"Hey, improve the blood of the Dragon God... Because of the full level, you can't improve."

"Hey, improve the blood of the Phoenix... Because of the full level, you can't improve."

"Hey, improve the level of the lucky halo, reach the fourth level, the lucky effect is improved!"

“Hey, improve the instantaneous movement level, reach the sixth level...”

"Hey, improve the blood of the sky..."


A series of magical techniques and bloodlines have all been upgraded to the next level. It is not worthwhile. There are only individual level restrictions, which can only be wasted.

But overall, it still saves a lot of crazy value. This is still very satisfying for him. After all, overall, the overall strength has improved a lot, and it can be said that it will pull up a piece of strength at once.

Of course, the most important thing is to cultivate, and repair is the foundation. Now he is experienced enough to upgrade, but he is not eager to upgrade. If the level is too high, the leapfrog battle reward is likely to be gone.

Although the leap-level battle rewards are now experience points, but tens of thousands of tens of thousands are tens of thousands. Who would disappoint more experience?

"Cooling the Rune, this is a good thing..."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are bright, and it is a super evolutionary version of the cooling **** stone. This reduces the cooling time by one-fifth, which means that with five shots, the skills can be cooled down immediately.

However, this does not apply to short-time skills, such as a one-minute cooling time, but it is divided into five points to cool, that is too much loss.

This stuff is very suitable for the cooling time of the five elements of the core, after five years of five years, it will be re-used. This skill is not needed for the time being. Anyway, there is an invincible shield. Who can invade?

"The fusion mode has been upgraded to be able to fuse blood... So, can you combine the Dragon Blood and the Phoenix Blood?"

Now his blood power has a limited effect, such as the dragon's blood can provide hundreds of times the power bonus. At present, we can only provide a power bonus of more than ten times, and the same is true for the blood of the Phoenix. It can only provide a speed increase of more than ten times.

This is the problem of blood level restriction, the grade is too low, resulting in a significant reduction in effectiveness. This is why he does not use the previous martial arts, or weapons.

The effect is very weak, not that the power will be weakened, but the effect of the increase will become too weak. In the past, those martial arts were abandoned. After all, there is no way to upgrade. You can only choose to give up.

In order to continue this way, the Dragon God blood has to give up, the effect provided is getting lower and lower, and there is no difference between using it.

Now I can fuse the blood, I don’t know how the two will be lost. What will it feel like?

"Combine try!"

Yi Tianyun immediately put the two bloods in, even if the failure does not matter, anyway, the effect has been a little weaker.

After being thrown in, the two bloods are immediately merged, and a little fusion begins in the fusion system. In less than a moment, the new blood is in front of you - the dragon and the phoenix!

Dragon and Phoenix God: not only has the amazing speed of the Phoenix family and the rebirth of the fire, but also the great power of the Dragon God! After the combination of the two, make up for the shortcomings between the two and achieve a new blood effect!

The current level is one product, the effect is: 50 times the power and 50 times the speed! It has a rebirth effect (cooling time is ten years). At the same time, it can be turned into a shadow of dragon and phoenix, which has a repressive effect on the monster family.

Yi Tianyun's eyes are bright, and the effect is immediately different, which means that there is a new increase effect.

(End of this chapter)

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