Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1419: open up

"This fusion system is really good, if you integrate the void blood into it?"

Yi Tianyun had a bold idea, that is, to integrate all the blood, but eventually chose to give up. First of all, the void blood is not the limit level, and the effect is still very strong, so it is still not necessary to integrate.

When the effect is really gone, maybe it is time to merge. This is the same as the Dragon's blood, the effect is basically very few, naturally it is to be integrated.

As for the other things, he is too lazy to try to merge. For example, in the previous wild suits, these equipments can be integrated, but the effect is still too weak for him.

Now the target is the top-grade treasure of the top grade, these have the greatest effect. When he is repaired to break through to Heaven, then you can use Tianzun Lingbao.

"Breakthrough to Tianzun, you still need a lot of experience..."

Yi Tianyun can see the experience he needs, but he can still get one or two levels, but after the upgrade, he still has not reached the level of Tianzun. In this case, it is better to keep it, and to kill Tianzun next time, you can also get extra leapfrog kill rewards.

"Hey, successfully took over the main line task to improve the comprehensive strength of the Three Realms and achieve the strength of the real four-character domain." The goal is divided into three levels. The primary level is: Tianzun 15th, Shenjun 100, Tianjunyi Thousands; the intermediate level is: Tianzun 20, of which the median Tianzun is up to five, the Shenjun two hundred, Tianjun two thousand; the senior level is: Tianzun 30, the median Tianzun ten, the upper Tianzun five! ”

"The rewards are: 500,000 points compression crazy value, 500,000 points compression proficiency; direct upgrade to a level; all skills blood level up!"

The difficulty of this main line task made him stupid. Although I was prepared for it, I was still scared. This means that it is necessary to substantially increase the overall strength to achieve the goal.

It is the primary difficulty that makes him feel vomiting, let alone the difficulty behind. However, after the completion, the reward is quite considerable.

Especially for the second reward, it will be upgraded directly without any conditions. The upgrade is definitely the most degrading now, and the experience required is not the level that is particularly counter-attacking.

But when he finishes this task, he doesn't know how long it will take. At that time, his cultivation is definitely more than the current level. It is possible to break through to the level of Tianzun level. When he is promoted to the next level, he is quite satisfied.

As for the last one, it is even more unbearable, and all of them will be upgraded! Both the level and the blood condition can be upgraded to the next level.

It means absolutely saving money and improving a lot of strength. This still makes him feel quite satisfied, just seeing the difficulty and making him look bitter. It doesn't take long for this difficulty to be completed.

"It seems that this will be the longest task I have ever had in history."

Yi Tianyun shook his head and did not feel depressed. After all, no matter what, he must let the whole force be strong, or else he will not be destroyed once he is not here?

He is sure to be strong, but if it is not all powerful, then the destruction of the Three Realms is the inevitable result!

Yi Tianyun temporarily put this thing down and turned his eyes to the outside of the Three Realms. Originally intended to explore the situation outside, the task that emerged, his attention has been transferred.

Now that I have spare time, I will turn my eyes. After a little exploration, I felt speechless immediately. The original planets of the Three Realms are all gathered together, not separated, but stacked together!

It means that more than a dozen planets are gathered here. In addition, there are many rocks outside, and they are wrapped around in a dense place. The key is still moving around, like a block of thick walls, enveloping them inside.

The outside can't easily come in, and the corresponding ones can't easily go out.

"This is really to open up the territory..." Yi Tianyun shook his head. When he saw this situation, he knew that he needed to open the rock in this area, otherwise he could not go out.

Immediately, he immediately summoned the strong men above the level of the gods, and began to smash out all around, and smashed the stones into powder.

They are all involved in the glazed domain, and since they do not need to cultivate, they naturally join this development.

Under the mad mammoth, the surrounding rocks quickly decreased, and soon they saw a blue planet floating on the side.

"New planet!"

This quickly caught the attention of everyone and flew over there. When it falls into this planet, it is filled with the energy of the water, and the interior is inlaid with a water core of four levels!

"Four products water core, this is really an excellent place to cultivate water properties!" The main eye of the glass field is full of ecstasy, her previous water core is the level of one or two products, it is too low.

Now that I have a four-level level, how can I not surprise her?

"The water core is then handed over to the glass sister to manage." Yi Tianyun immediately assigned this water attribute to the glass domain owner.

"Then I will be welcome, I will take advantage of this water core and cultivate a large number of water property strong! For example, your wife is very suitable to practice here." The glass domain owner smiled.

Yi Tianyun smiled a little, and Shi Xueyun followed her practice, and it would never be bad. It would only make a sudden leap forward.

Immediately they did not stop, continue to develop rock and spread out. You can find such a good planet and let them feel great. When you continue to develop this way, you will definitely find better resources.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, I immediately found a core planet of soil properties, which is also a core of four products, quite precious.

I have to say that this is exciting news, let them work harder to develop, I do not know how many excellent planets can be created after the whole **** domain is opened up.

These are excellent places to practice, and they are more precious than the elixir. Of course, there are many elixir in these planets, and the grades are not low.

Recycling the four-character domain, resources are unlikely to be bad, especially these unexplored planets. None of these resources have been mined, and it will definitely bring him a lot of resources!

In this way, a bunch of strong people can be erupted in a short period of time, not a dream.

"Very good, very good!" Yi Tianyun is getting more and more excited. When he stabilizes the four-character domain, he will attack the five-character domain! The five-character domain is the ultimate goal.

However, it takes a long time, he can only come slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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