Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1422: Apprentice

This kind of character of the vast god, let Yi Tianyun smile, still feels cordial. There is no such utilitarianism, and there is no such arrogance. As with the phantoms I have seen before, nothing has changed.

"Master, don't be modest, your help to your disciples is still very big."

This is true, and the things left to him before the mighty gods are quite precious. There is still a lot of help for him, especially those martial arts, and the power of the day, and his help is great.

However, I have to say that he really relies on his own ability to get to this point. The vast **** said, not so many famous disciples, can achieve the achievements of Yi Tianyun, basically he is just one person.

This has already shown that the vast **** is only used as an auxiliary function. If it can become a god, it depends on itself. Originally, I had to rely on myself. At first, the vast gods had already said it.

"Okay, don't be a poor mouth. You are not officially becoming my disciple. Now I have to shoot so much, how can I shoot it?" The vast gods turned their attention to the shield and wondered: "Fall back. This is something that can stop us from entering. I remember that the new world of the gods did not appear."

"Yeah, we have never seen this kind of thing, and we have blocked us all. Although I don't know what it is, but look a little, it seems that our ability can't be broken." Swordsman respects what they call, Naturally, it is a few times, and I feel a little.

After a few clicks, if they have not been broken, then they will not continue to try. The main reason is that this site is Yi Tianyun. If it is broken, it will be troublesome.

"In fact, I don't know, I found it when I came over."

Yi Tianyun arbitrarily compiled an excuse, he would not tell the truth to them, it is impossible to say that the completion of the main line task, right? Of course, this can't be said, even Shi Xueyun did not dare to say it.

Some things don't say the best, only he knows it, and there is no need to confess all. Especially these more important secrets, no one can say it.

"This way, it seems that other gods don't go, even the master can't destroy it." Swordsman Tian Zun sighed: "Master Fu has broken through to the gods level, and can't destroy it. Of course, it is not exhausted. All-powerful. After all, if this is what you have done and destroyed, it is not trouble."

"How is it possible, if we can make such things out, who are you afraid of?" Yi Tianyun respected the vast gods and goddess: "When you come back, congratulations to the masters for further improvement, break through to the gods level!"

"Ha ha ha, this is indeed worthy of congratulations. The teacher did not expect it to be a breakthrough, has been stuck in the late Tianzun late level, after killing the **** Tianzun guy to fight once, but successfully broke through. After the breakthrough, the injury quickly recovered "The vastness of the gods blinked: "It's a pity that the guy who killed God is dead, or else I will kill him personally!"

"If he knows, my repairs will not retreat, I think even if you live, you will be mad!"

Saying that the vast gods are laughing again, the rest of the disciples are following a smile, and their masters can successfully break through, which is indeed a happy event.

I have been stuck in the upper position of Tianzun for a long time, and finally succeeded in breaking through the level of the gods and becoming a powerful person.

"It seems that we can't get in here. It may be to give you special care. As for how God arranges, we don't know." The vast **** shook his head and said: "In this case, we will not go in."

"We just came back and immediately rushed over with the master. Not to mention the first batch, at least the second batch. It is still quite far away. After rushing over, I found that many Tianzuns were stopped. We are slightly I tried it, but I didn’t try it.” Swordsman Tian Zun said next to him.

Yi Tianyun nodded and was very touched. It seems that after he knew it, he immediately rushed over.

"This should be able to come in, you can't get in, I should be able to bring you in."

Yi Tianyun walked over and easily passed through the shield. With a wave of energy to cover them, they came in with them.

"I can really come in... This old man is too careless about you? Can you control this shield?" They were all stunned by the swordsmen, and even the vast gods were stunned.

"I just tried it. I didn't expect it." Yi Tianyun shrugged. "I believe that all the brothers know that this stuff is so strong. We just came up. Naturally it is impossible for us to build. But I guess, Since it is a protective cover, it should protect us. I will try it. I didn’t expect it to be true."

The explanation he said was reasonable and they all believed. I feel that this is true, so a strong protective cover, even the gods are not good to break, how can Yi Tianyun make it?

"There is no need to worry about this. We are still running all the way. I just don't know how long it will last. If it is only a few months, it will be too short." Swordsman Tianzun admired.

"This is not clear, only one step can be taken, at least there is protection." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

Of course he knows how long it can last, and that is a thousand years.

"Well, it is true, at least in the short term." The vast **** smiled: "This time, in addition to protecting your three realms, the other is the teacher's ceremony. Here, I will ask you again, willing to become vast. What is the disciple of Shenzong!"

"The disciple is willing!"

Yi Tianyun is half a sigh of relief and is very happy to become a disciple of the vast gods.

"Well, that is the teacher who accepts you as a pro-disciple and teaches you all martial arts! You need to do two things. The first point is that you will never betray the vast gods. The second point is that we cannot let our vast gods lose face!" The words are powerful: "Besides, there is nothing to say."

Yi Tianyun at a glance, these rules are really simple enough, there is no more to say other rules.

"The rules are as simple as that?" Yi Tianyun stunned.

"Oh, our vastness is not big, but it is still quite free. What rules can there be? As long as you don't betray, and you can't do anything with the heart of the gods, there are rules. We can't like it at all. "Jian Si Tian Zun, they grin and smile, freedom is the focus.

But not completely free, nothing will be managed. If anything is going to be a mess, can you ignore it? The point is still that you can't betray, the vast gods have things, and naturally need to go back to aid immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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