Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1423: Impeccable

The simple apprenticeship ceremony is just over. There aren't too many rules and regulations, everything is as simple as that.

"When you meet someone, you don't have a good job for the teacher. When you break through to Tianzun, you can give you a big face for the teacher." Haotian God smiled.

"Hey, younger brother, this meeting will definitely satisfy you. According to the normal situation, only Tianzun can become a disciple of the master, but you are the exception. Therefore, you can not give you a meeting, you must increase your efforts and make a breakthrough. To Tianzun." Jiansi Tianzun smiled.

"Although your overall strength has a level of heavenly respect, but that place needs the power of heaven to enter. Even the master can't bring you in."

Yi Tianyun glanced at it and immediately caught the information. It turned out to be a strange place. This is not an accident. After breaking through to the Tianzun level, many situations rely on their own abilities.

For example, Tianzun Lingbao is very good, most of them are refining themselves. The vast gods can provide materials, but these can't talk about anything.

"This is quite expecting." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Cough, in addition to this, there is another point, is your power willing to join my vast gods?" The vast **** is serious.

Yi Tianyun’s words must have been conveyed by the swordsmen Tianzun. However, the vast gods still have to ask once, and at the same time, there is no strong coming. With the cultivation of the vast gods, there is no problem in crushing Yi Tianyun, and it can even be replaced, but it is not done.

This respect is enough to make Yi Tianyun choose to join the vast gods.

"The disciple is willing!" Yi Tianyun promised without hesitation.

"Good, good, good!" The vast **** is very excited: "When that is the teacher, it will be announced to the outside world. The Three Realms are sheltered by our vast gods! Whoever dares to touch the Three Realms is equivalent to dealing with our vast gods!"

"Speaking back, what is the scale of our vast Shenzong?" Yi Tianyun suddenly asked.

As soon as this topic came out, the whole atmosphere became quiet, and the expression of the vast **** became awkward. The same is true of the remaining three brothers.

Yi Tianyun knew that he had made a mistake. He had heard about it before, that is, the vast gods are actually a bit shabby, and it is really shabby. In fact, he does not know.

"Small younger brother, our vast disciple of Shenzong Shenzong, even you have a total of five. This has been said before. As for the famous disciples, there are quite a few, but they have never become Tianzun. The number will naturally be less..." awkward.

"In this sense, we are five gods in the vastness of the gods?" Yi Tianyun stunned six fingers and said: "Plus the master, a total of six?"

Swordsman Tian Zun made a look to him, indicating that he knew it, and he would not read it.

"Cough, nothing. The teacher's request is strict, but only then can you choose a good disciple." Hao Hao Tianshen shook his head, and he could see that he was helpless.

Mainly some of the breakthroughs to Tianzun, did not come to him. In this case, the number of people is small, there is no fixed force, who will be willing to join?

But now someone really joined, and that is Yi Tianyun!

Yi Tianyun suddenly felt a little sad, so the vast expanse of Shenzong announced that the Three Realms were sheltered by them, which seemed to be of little significance...

"Or, will the vast gods go to this side?" Yi Tianyun tentatively asked.

"No!" The vast **** Shen Shen said: "Do you think there is no power transfer for the division?"

"This is not..."

Not to mention that he became a god, just the late level of the upper level, enough to join any force! At the same time, it can still be a very high position, especially now, it is enough to become an elder level, and the power is amazing.

But he did not do this, or to maintain the bleak expanse of the gods, the purpose of which makes Yi Tianyun think of what the swordsman said before.

It is said that the vast gods are in conflict with the previous forces. Now they are coming out to open the school and seem to want to prove something. Therefore, he is in urgent need of him to join in, so that the decision of the vast **** is correct.

The swordsman Tian Zun repeatedly looked at him, indicating that he would not say more. This will be easy for Tianyun to shut up, not to say.

"You don't have to say much about this. You will know it when you get there." The vast **** said: "I will let you know that your choice will not be wrong!"

He did not say much, they naturally would not ask more.

"That master, go to us now?" Yi Tianyun immediately shifted the topic.

"This is natural. I originally wanted to sit here. In addition, I just pointed out the situation here. You have just come here and there are a lot of things to do. There are many things we can help." A smile has been restored.

"Then please ask the master to give more guidance." Yi Tianyun respectfully said.

Immediately, their atmosphere recovered, and under the leadership of Yi Tianyun, they swept all the way. Under so many celestial respects, they all rushed through the rocks, and large areas were cleared.

If they have been helping, the speed of cleaning has definitely increased by dozens of times! In particular, the power of the vast gods, with a wave of hands, large areas have been emptied, the efficiency is directly dozens of their efficiency, see Yi Tianyun are stunned.

Although I know that the **** is very powerful, I did not expect it to be so bad. Between the fingers, everything is gone.

Anyway, it is necessary to go to the Three Realms to go shopping, naturally to help clean up the rocks, under the sweep, have been cleaned up a large area.

When they came to the Three Realms, they saw that there was a well-organized line and expanded a little bit. The major planets are constantly being exploited, especially the gods, and they are engraved on these planets.

In this way, it can be better mined and transmitted. This layout is a little bit safe.

When they came over, they were shocked.

"This is your power?" The vast **** was shocked.

"Yeah, it is my power, I don't know what the teacher is teaching?" Yi Tianyun asked.

“Is this still used as a teacher to point out something?” The vast **** said with amazement: “Everything is so well-organized, management is so perfect, where do you need to intervene for the teacher?”

"Seeing this environment, I suspect that you have been to the Four Divins before, or how can you be so skilled?"

"No, we have not been to the four-character domain, but we have been rolling in the domain, and we are more familiar with this aspect." Yi Tianyun is full of pride in his words.

Nobody in the domain is willing to open up wasteland, but they are able to open up a good environment, and they are well organized, everything is stable and unassailable!

What makes him most proud is naturally not his own cultivation, and he has always been his own power!

(End of this chapter)

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