Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1424: induction

Yi Tianyun's most proud, naturally is the power of his own management, can achieve this achievement in such a short period of time. It is absolutely unique in the outer domain, especially since he is a lot of people, he is very capable in management.

This is why he is assured of giving it to them. The solution is absolutely reasonable and more perfect.

From the praise of the vast gods, we can know how good these people are. Even the gods feel very good, what else do you want to say?

The vast gods are not judged from cultivation, but from management. He retired from the big forces and knew the advantages of the management of the big forces.

Therefore, if you want to guide in this respect, who knows that the Three Realms are so perfect, it is almost strength. If the strength is stronger, it will really be able to leap forward.

"Oh, is there a **** spirit?"

"Yes, the disciples saved a long time ago. Now join my forces and work hard." Yi Tianyun did not conceal anything. These were all seen through the eyes of the vast gods.

"The gods of the gods... originally in the realm of the gods, now become a declining family, now do not know where." Hao Hao Tianshen shook his head and sighed.

"What? The gods who are here are not there yet?" Yi Tianyun stunned.

"That is of course, the gods are very good, but in the face of extremely powerful forces to suppress, can only be reduced ..." Hao Hao Tianshen sighed.

"Extremely powerful forces to suppress?" Yi Tianyun said: "What kind of power?"

"Five products of the gods." The vast **** said simple and rude.

"Five Pinnacles?" Yi Tianyun breathed a condensate. He didn't know what the standard of the Five-People's domain was, but from the standards of the Four-Fantas domain, it was already quite scary.

"Yes, it is the power of the five geniuses... everything is from the existence of the strongest position..." The vast **** shook his head.

"Xinqiang position?" Yi Tianyun was quite surprised by these, it is too much unsolved mystery.

"Yes, it is the level above the gods. We call it the Emperor! A supreme being, the only domain of the gods!" The eyes of the vast gods are full of longing eyes, but at this level, he is afraid that he can't reach it.


Not to mention Yi Tianyun, even Jian Si Tian Zun they are not very fascinated. The emperor is above the god, belongs to the gods the strongest, and the whole **** domain, there is only one existence.

It means that whoever becomes the emperor represents the king of the gods! Who dares not to accept, directly suppress.

"Master, you are saying that when the five powers of the gods, there is a big energy in order to break through to the gods, madly plunder resources, or crazy plundering blood and the like?" Yi Tianyun guessed.

"Yes, that's it. The four-character gods seem to be powerful. For the five-character gods, it is like a dog." Haotian **** smiled: "Of course, the general five-character domain will not do this, but it is not disdainful." The last battle was nothing more than an exception. This will not happen this time."

"Of course, that time is not only the gods, many forces have been destroyed seven seven eight eight, basically equal to reshuffle." The vast gods are stunned, the last moment is still extremely brilliant forces, the next moment has become declining.

Yi Tianyun nodded and said nothing.

He thought that there would be the power of the gods here, so that the two could be contacted, and now it seems that they can't do it. But he thought about it, it was.

If there is a strong spiritual family above, it is already sent people to pick up people, or to strengthen management power or something. Nowadays, no one has been sent down, and the gods of the gods are left to fall, which means that the same is dead here.

When he wanted to continue to understand, he suddenly felt a powerful force, constantly hitting the shield, and it was shocked after wave after wave.

His face changed, it was obvious that someone sent a strong man to come over, and he continued to madly hit the shield, trying to break the shield.

"Little teacher, what happened?" They immediately saw that Yi Tianyun was not right.

"I feel that someone is attacking this side of the defense, trying to break this protection." Yi Tianyun did not hide, nor will it hide.

"Can you still sense it?" They were a little surprised. It was so far away, could they be sensed?

"I have a little sense. I think I feel that I am a domain owner. Let me feel a little more." Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

"It can be so magical... then let's look at it now!" The vast gods did not say much, the world is not strange, there is indeed a similar induction.

Immediately they flew over, and along the way, they cleaned up the rocks. There is a vast expanse of the gods to open the way, the speed is definitely to the extreme.

When you arrive at your destination, it is easy to arrive at least half a day.

They just arrived, Yi Tianyun immediately felt a horrible energy fluctuation, constantly tapping from the front. Through the invincible shield, release it to this side.

Since they are all resisted, they can feel like a gust of wind, and there is not much feeling.

"God of Heaven?" Yi Tianyun looked up and immediately saw a **** madly impacting the shield, slamming it down again and again, but it was impossible to break the shield, and even a crack was not opened.

What appears in front of you is indeed a god. It is also the level of the lower gods. It is not much stronger than the vast gods.

In terms of comprehensive strength, it is still a bit stronger than the vast gods, mainly because the vast gods have just broken through, but if they continue to consolidate, they will definitely exceed the gods in front of them.

"It is the shadow **** god of the wind **** domain, it is to support the outer **** domain of the holy peak **** domain. He has exhausted all efforts, and some traces have not been broken, this protection is really strong." The vast gods were shocked after seeing it.

The same is true of other Tianzun, which has been deeply shocked. This shield is too strong. The gods can't break!

"What a ghost thing, it can't be broken, who is here!"

Wu Ying Tian Shen continued to attack for a period of time, so I couldn't break a little bit. After I reached out and wiped my sweat, my eyes were full of incredulousness: "This is really strong. I have tried my best. I can't break it." ""

"Wu Ying Tian Shen, how do we join together?" This time, there is also a god.

"Jingshen Tianshen..." Wu Ying Tian Shen squinted, Jing Xun Tian Shen is a supporter of the Wan Tian Shen domain, the two are considered enemies, but now they are talking about cooperation.

"I know that our relationship is not very good, but if we don't break this protection now, we can't get in. How about teaming up temporarily?" Jingxun Tianshen smiled and smiled.

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