Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1431: reason

"Impossible! Three elders, the purpose of your coming here is so, please go back!" The vast gods waved their hands and immediately refused the request of the cold god.

"I know you won't promise, but do you think the four elders can always hide? Some things must be faced. If you want to prove that you are right, go back and prove yourself, leaving you with less time. "Chen Yan Tian Shen Shen Sheng: "Don't forget, the vow you made that year!"

The vast **** is silent and does not speak.

After the confession of the **** of cold, he turned and left, and did not fight with the vast god.

Yi Tianyun, they looked at each other and did not know how the vast gods wanted to do it. They know a little about the cold and hot gods, but they are not very clear.

"It seems that it is almost time to go back." Hao Hao Tian Shen deeply sighed.

"Master, what's wrong?" They are all confused.

"In fact, it is a vow. I made a vow to say that I want to cultivate a strong person who shocked them. Prove that my decision is not wrong, but correct!"

"What kind of disciple should I cultivate? Isn't it true that she is a sister?" Jiansi Tianzun wondered.

"I don't agree." The thousand-day-old glory is bleak and a little lost.

"What kind of conditions can that be?" They all stunned. If there is no such thing as a thousand days, who can match?

"This condition is actually very simple, that is, the disciple I cultivated can defeat all the geniuses of the Tiantian domain. The month is very strong, but it is still a little worse." Haotian Tianshen said: "I just want to prove that the talent is normal, still Some achievements! The real powerhouse is not simply relying on talent, but also needs all efforts to achieve, not what absolute genius theory!"

"Yue Qian is very good. If you can give a little time, you may still be able to reach the standard. But now time is running out, it is time to go..."

The vast gods sighed and felt a little unwilling.

Immediately, the vast gods said the general situation, and the general content is relatively simple. At first, it was a disagreement. The genius of the heavens in the sky is not to be chosen. It may be chosen as an ordinary disciple, but the absolute core disciple must be super genius!

The vast gods are said to be talented, and they can still surpass everything! Diligence can make up for it, as long as you work harder and try to enlighten, you can still take off. Slowness may be slower, but it does not mean that there is no chance. It should be to give this part of the people a chance!

He doesn't want to be amazing in his talents. He can have amazing talents. It is definitely a good thing, but he can't completely deny those talents. Sometimes perseverance, it is really a miracle!

Unfortunately, his argument was completely rejected and no one would adopt his opinion. The main reason is that there are so many resources, and the talent is amazing, and the effect will be better. For the general talent, the effect is natural, no one wants to do this.

Instead of counting on the so-called miracle, it is better to shift all your energy to a strong talent, so hope for a bigger point. The amazing talent does not mean that you can really reach the strong position in the end, but definitely have more opportunities than those who are talented.

For example, some amazing talents, and finally stuck in the late stage of the gods, will not go to Tianzun at all. This kind of example abounds, but the number of Tianzun really does come out of this group of people.

On the other hand, those talents are generally difficult to come out. These businesses are really not cost-effective.

In the end, the vast gods and the gods of the heavens are in a state of ruin, saying that they must come out and make their own, and they must prove to them that they can cultivate a disciple who surpasses all their geniuses!

The domain owner of Xiu Tian Shen domain, give him a chance, the time is up to 10,000 years, almost equal to the time of the battle of the gods.

Now that there has been a battle of the gods, it will be almost time. When I first agreed, I have to fulfill it now. Can I make a difference?

At least for thousands of days, for him, it is still not strong enough. In the face of more enchanting genius, it is still slightly worse.

"Although it is, it still has to be **** the scalp..." The vast **** is not confident in the moon, but the time is too short.

It takes a very long time to come out and open the sect. It is impossible to find too many disciples even if they go out on the net. Tianzun Dao is one of his thoughts. Looking for some powerful people with perseverance, he demands that perseverance is absolutely strong enough.

Talent is useless, mainly perseverance! Perseverance does not mean talent.

"Who said no one, the younger brother is not the same? The younger brother, can definitely beat the same realm!" Swordsman Tianzun came up with a proposal at this time.

"Well?" At this time, they all looked at Yi Tianyun, and even Yi Tianyun was stunned.

If you think about it carefully, Yi Tianyun can really beat the existence of the same realm, and even Tianzun is blown up, let alone the level of the gods. If the other party is very enchanting, and can also beat the general Tianzun, then at least there is a chance.

"I?" Yi Tianyun pointed at himself with amazement.

"Yeah, the younger brother is not the disciple of the master, or is cultivated from the outer **** domain. Xiu Tianshen domain estimates that all the practitioners of the exogenous domain are not willing to do it? This is consistent with the master's point of view. They seem to be waste outside, there is no talent for ordinary goods, as long as the younger brother wins them, certainly have nothing to say?" The proposal of Swordsman Tianzun is so clever.

"This... seems to be also?" The vast **** god looked bright, watching Yi Tianyun said: "I wonder if you are willing to help the master?"

"Of course, no problem." Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

He is still very interested in the power of the four-character domain, just to go to the field of repairing the gods and see how the overall strength. Anyway, idle is also idle, to go to repair the Tianshen domain, it is still quite good.

"Okay, good! Everyone is on the scene, and I will fight for it. I will prove to them that my disciples will never be bad! From a fundamental point of view, you are all coming in from the outside gods, all are eligible. "The vastness of the gods squinted and said: "But the situation of the sky is different, there is the ability to counter the power of heaven, and the enchanting that defeats the level of God, certainly no problem!"

If Yi Tianyun goes to participate, it must be determined according to the repair of the gods. If it is all sent to the Tianzun level to fight, it is obviously unfair.

Originally, he had no hope, and now he is full of hope! I have been thinking about letting Qian Qiantian go back, but I didn’t think of Yi Tianyun’s side, I would have such negligence.

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