Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1432: Are you a god?

After the decision, the vast gods let them prepare first, and after a while they will go to repair the gods.

Yi Tianyun will not let them lead the way this time, but feel free to wander around here and see the environment here. Sometimes it is more integrated into the life, feeling the feeling at first.

"Bold! Who is the person who came, dare to swear at our imperial city!"

When a strong person saw Yi Tianyun coming in, he was shocked one by one, and he did not know when it came out.

Yi Tianyun smiled and disappeared in the same place, and everything disappeared without a trace. They are all stunned, and no one knows what is going on.

"It’s good to walk in the world..."

These worlds can't pose any threat to him. If you change to the previous words, you can enter these areas without authorization. That is a dead end.

After a lap, he felt that he wanted to go out and take a look at what is going on outside. After all, every time and space door represents a different world, and perhaps other worlds can bring him a lot of surprises.

After he passed through the time and space door, when he appeared outside the Wanshen domain, the outside guards who were guarding the outside world took a clever action and finally saw Yi Tianyun coming out!

"This kid is out alone, and the courage is really fat!"

"Look at the situation first, and say that other people will follow it out..."

"Okay, then wait and see, if you are alarmed by the vastness of the gods, then we will be finished."

They don't want to disturb the vast gods, otherwise they will die. Immediately they quietly followed the past, quite hidden.

But they just tracked it, Yi Tianyun immediately sensed them, but he did not stop, just smiled a little, went ahead.

"I really have a guy who doesn't know how to live and die. It just happens to make an experience. Otherwise, it's not fun to go to the Tianshen domain."

Yi Tianyun began to fly to a farther area, pretending to fly to other time and space doors, farther and farther away from the vast gods.

"This guy is really one person. It seems that they think there will be nothing?"

"God knows, can you almost besieged now? If this kid enters other worlds, it will not be easy."

"Well, now I’m going to be surrounded, I must catch the living, don’t kill it by mistake!”

"Understand! A little god, dare to sway here, is really daring. I don't know if the vast gods are too confident about their own power, or are they too confident?"

"Haha, I think it is too confident about the prestige of the vast gods!"

They gave a smile, and when Yi Tianyun did not enter other time and space, he quickly rushed to surround him and completely blocked all escape routes.

"Kid, go with me, or we don't mind, beat you first, then catch you."

He spoke of a median Tianzun, and the rest had three median Tianzun, all of whom surrounded him. It’s a big deal to send four median Tianzun at once.

The original goal is a god, it is impossible to send a strong strong, can send a median Tianzun, in order to do things a bit.

"Oh, what do you want to do?" Yi Tianyun looked at them with a smile, like watching four fat sheep.

Originally, I wanted to go around. I didn't expect anyone to send experience, so he was welcome.

They thought that Yi Tianyun was afraid, and he smiled and said: "It's very simple. As long as you take us into the new domain, we will let you go, give you a life! You can even give you a few top grades. Heavenly weapons, or martial arts, guarantee your satisfaction. In this way, even if you are considered a traitor, you will not lose anything."

"Does this sound good?" Yi Tianyun nodded with satisfaction, but he didn't believe the ghosts of these people at all. When it was time, he would kill him. How could he let him go?

They are now only using the simplest intimidation and temptation to attract him.

"Of course it's not bad, we said it! As long as you promise, everything is fine." One of the gods saw Yi Tianyun's heartbeat, and he smiled: "If you can take us, find the new domain." Domain owner, that would be great, and reward more when it comes to time!"

The other party extended three fingers and smiled: "We will give you three top-grade treasures, and a lot of excellent materials, to ensure that when you break through to Tianzun, you can refine the Tianzun Lingbao. This business is very cost-effective. What?"

They want to be strong, but if they don't let Yi Tianyun take them in, they can't go in. Moreover, they have not seen the domain owner, and the thief first smashes the king. It must be the first to grasp the domain owner, and then the whole **** domain can be controlled.

"It is indeed not bad, then now you can hand over the treasures, I am the domain owner of the new domain." Yi Tianyun seriously nodded.


They sneaked, and one of them immediately sneered: "You play us! When we are fools, you will be the domain owner? The domain domain of the new **** domain, repaired as not weak, at least level above the level of heaven, a **** in your district Tell me that it is a domain owner? It seems that you are tired of life. Do you think we are afraid to do it?"

"Yes, you are doing this, and you want to be a domain owner? If you are a domain owner, I am a god, idiot!"

They completely do not believe in Yi Tianyun's words, a **** can be a domain owner, it is just a joke!

When the voices just fell, they only saw a flower in front of them, followed by one of them, a rifle was passed through the body, and when they did not wait for the other party to react, they quickly swept away and easily killed a god.

"Oh, success in killing the mid-level of the median, and gaining experience..."

A pile of experience popped up, Yi Tianyun gently licked the rifle in his hand and looked at them indifferently: "The first one."

They have a glimpse of such a terrifying power, where is the shadow of the gods?

"Hurry, grab him!"

They are rushing to run the strongest force and want to suppress Yi Tianyun. The current strength of Yi Tianyun has been greatly improved. When the blood and the like broke out, the speed was suddenly improved to the extreme, so that they could only see a few afterimages!


In the blink of an eye, two Tianzuns were easily killed, as easy as a dog. In a twinkling of an eye, there is only the **** who is in front of him.

"You,, how could it, you a god, how could there be such a strong power..."

"I didn't say it, am I a domain lord?" Yi Tianyun walked toward him step by step, smiled and said: "But now I have become a domain owner. Have you become a god?"

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