Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1433: Street address

Do you become a god, and you are scared by the other side. How could he become a god, he said before, not to mention the gods, it is good to break through a small level.

"I, how can I become a god..." The other side's body trembled, and there was a feeling of collapse. From this strength, it is definitely a superior level. Otherwise, how can it kill them?

This time he immediately believed, Yi Tianyun in front of him, is the domain owner of the Three Realms! If this is not the case, how can it be so powerful?

Rumor has it that the domain masters of the Three Realms are very strong, and everyone thinks it is the level of the superior Tianzun, but I did not expect it to be a god! This made him dare not believe, who would believe a god, but can lead a **** domain, directly rushing to the four-character domain?

Do not say that the cultivation is extremely strong, at least need a median Tianzun late level? If you don't even have this level, how can you bring the Three Realms?

But this is the case. A god, you can achieve this kind of achievement, it is shocking.

"Oh, then give me to die!"

Yi Tianyun will not give him a ventilating report. I hope that everyone thinks that the domain owner of the Three Realms is an extremely powerful existence. In this way, he can easily hide his identity and think that he is a small sister.

The blood of Kunpeng broke out, and the speed was even more amazing after the upgrade. In the blink of an eye, it went out and the opponents didn't see it. It was already easy to kill. At the same time, it turned into a pile of experience and it was able to catch a stroke.

"Yes, I have an experience. These guys are really good. A little more, I am looking for the province." Yi Tianyun was satisfied with the smile, this kind of enemy just let it come to the door.

As for the mad killing of their gods, this is unlikely. If you anger those gods, then it is not easy to do. Judging from his current cultivation, the **** is still too strong to deal with. After a ban, his moves could not escape.

Now that he is killing this group of people, even if he is known, he will not be irritated by the gods. It will only be too weak for them to ignore their lives.

The stronger the strong, the more you want to face. Unless you hit the door, you will personally move to crush, this face can not afford to lose.

After destroying them, Yi Tianyun continued to fly forward. As before, they were free to enter the door of time and space that no one guarded.

The original plan was to hang around at will, and after killing them, not only did the mood not get worse, but it became more enjoyable. With so much experience delivered to the door, can you not feel happy?

Immediately, he entered the door of time and space casually. It was indeed a world that just came into view. He just came in and immediately saw that the environment was extremely beautiful, the birds and flowers were fragrant, and the environment was very comfortable.

"There are five cores under the ground? This is a must..." Yi Tianyun looked bright, but did not expect to encounter this kind of good world.

"This son is planning to buy a place to live here?"

Yi Tianyun just entered, and immediately there was a beautiful woman who came here with a smile and came to him. When she came to him, the attitude was very respectful.

“Buy your home?” Yi Tianyun stunned and looked around. He did have a house. It looked like a residential area. There were not many practitioners coming and going. Whether going out or coming back, they all returned directly. My own house is not swaying outside.

"It seems that this son is coming for the first time? This area, as long as it is open space, can be purchased at will, the price is calculated from the orientation and area..." Green Rong introduced it in detail.

"This... I just came in and took a look."

What he thought was the original sale of a house. It is no wonder that such a big hand has a core of five products below, in order to attract the practitioners to come and live and practice. If you want to cultivate here, you have to pay a high price to buy it, otherwise you don't want to practice here.

Green Rong smiled a little bit, and the beauty of the sputum showed a bit of contempt, and casually came in and swayed, it is very likely to look at it, not to buy it.

"That son, please, but the time of watching, can not exceed a musk time, otherwise it will increase the price." Green Rong's smile is gone, replaced by a cold expression.

She has already determined that Yi Tianyun is coming and going, and certainly will not buy it. Take a closer look, it is only the Shenjun repair, how much area can you afford?

"Can you only see a fragrant incense?" Yi Tianyun frowned, is this time too short?

Although I am afraid of some people, deliberately mixing in and looking at the site, it is actually coming in to practice, but this time is too short.

"Yes, there is only one incense, now it's been a part of the time, please ask me a little faster." Green Rong has been a little impatient.

Yi Tianyun was a bit uncomfortable, and this attitude is too bad, right?

However, if this is a rule, he will not pay much attention to it. Turn around and look around. He is a bit interested in this place. If you want to check it out, look at the core of the attributes, so that you can absorb them and use them.

When he just wanted to leave, there was just a group of guests on the side. The head of the group was a mid-term strong man. After coming in, Green Rong immediately smiled and greeted him. It was sweeter to smile.

"Several sons, are you coming in to choose a place to live?" Green Rong asked enthusiastically.

"Well, let's come in and look at the environment first, see if it's good," said the next-born Tianzun.

"Please look at it, do you need me to lead the way?" said Green Rong.

"No, we can go shopping, this is no problem?" said the day.

"Of course, no problem, but according to the regulations, only one day, but also hope for understanding." Green Rong smiled.

"One day, enough." They understand the rules here, and certainly can't wait too long.

"One day, isn't it just that there is only one incense time?" Yi Tianyun inserted a sentence in the side, feeling very unhappy, how the treatment is so big.

The other party can stay for one day, he can only stay a fragrant!

"Can you compare with an adult? Say you a scent is a scent, please leave after reading!" Green Rong did not give him a good face, was judged to have no purchasing power, certainly not good The face is gone.

Next to Tian Zun followed with a scorn smile, although he did not say anything, but from his expression, you can see that Yi Tianyun is extremely disdainful. I feel a bit sour, I dare to come here to hang out, want to come here to hang out, have to look at their pockets a few pounds!

Yi Tianyun's face sank. When he wanted to say something, he saw a familiar figure coming in from the outside. It was his brother's strength.

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