Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1435: Light attribute energy

Yi Tianyun followed the random walk around, in fact, in essence, I want to study carefully, what kind of attribute is the core here.

It is not easy to explore from the entrance. The eye of the investigation is not so bad, and it can be seen through the layers of ban. As for why it can be felt that it is the core of the five products, it can be easily sensed from the breath, and the difficulty is not great.

After a round of laps, I finally found out that the core below is the core of mine attributes! The core of the five-paste property, he always wanted to get the attributes.

Although he now has five cores, the core of the mine attribute is not perfect, and he always feels that he wants to fill it. Ray attribute is also very important to him, and can play a strong role in strengthening.

Who would dislike his strength too much? Therefore, he has been looking for the core of the mine attribute, so that it can be absorbed and cultivated.

The vast gods have several cores of five products, but the basic attributes are two, all within the five elements, which does not meet his requirements. And it is only five products, his core of the five elements can reach the level of six products, the effect is stronger.

"Yes, it's the core of mine's attributes..."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and he immediately picked the place. The choice was not large, but it was not small. If you want to live here, you can't buy a place to live. If you buy a place where you can meditate, you won't have to live here.

After all, cultivation requires only a small piece of space, and the extra is all.

"On this part of the place, you go back to force the Tiantian Zun quote." Yi Tianyun signaled the woman next to let Li Tiantian Zun check out.

"Yes, adult!" The woman was very excited. She turned away and quickly left, and she was finally taken over by her.

After she left, Yi Tianyun simply built a house here, the house is quite simple, it is a simple shell, because the focus is not this, so there is no need to be so luxurious.

He just wants to put the core of the mine officially together. Once it is condensed, it can basically leave.

So after I got in, I started to cultivate.

When meditation, the energy of the thunder underneath the ground was quickly taken out by him and absorbed into the thunder planets in the body. In the original, there was lightning and thunder, and now more of the thunder property energy, swimming inside.

"Not bad!"

Yi Tianyun felt very satisfied and followed him to concentrate on cultivation. As time went by, the core of the thunder in his body became more and more powerful, and finally with a roar, the thunder planet became very huge, and the core was replaced by a five-level level, terrible cohesiveness, stronger than before. Several levels.

He did not improve his cultivation, but the ascension of these planets is simply equivalent to upgrading and repairing. The effect is quite amazing. The leap-level killing of the opponent's secret is naturally that the foundation is very strong, and it is able to kill the opponent.

"Almost, it's time to leave..."

When he got up and was ready to go back, a special energy wave rushed from the side to the side, which came from the living place on the side.

"This energy seems to be the core of the light attribute?" Yi Tianyun immediately sensed what kind of thing, this energy is too obvious.

He immediately set off and went out to the residence next to him, reaching out and knocking at the door.

Immediately, a girl opened the door and looked up and down Yi Tianyun wondering: "What is this son?"

"After the abrupt question, I wonder if you can see your master?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Sorry, my host is not seeing guests, please come back!" The girl apologized abruptly, and quickly closed the door and ignored Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun was speechless for a while, and it seemed that he was afraid that he could not see the master, unless it was strong. However, after observing the residence, the decoration is somewhat elegant, and the whole body is white and snowy. It looks smooth and clean.

In addition, it is to arrange a lot of big arrays, to ban it here, simple exploration, it really can't penetrate, or once it penetrates, it will immediately cause perception.

It is quite rude to explore other people's residences at will, and it is easy to cause anger. This is to follow the intention to explore the energy in other people's body, who dares to chaos, that is to find death.

Unless it belongs to the elder type, it is different. If it is similar, the relationship is more general. Exploring it at random is the rhythm of opening.

"No, look at what is inside!"

Yi Tianyun is very interested in this energy, because there are two places in the Three Realms waiting for him to break, one is dark trial, the other is light trial, which has the atmosphere of light attribute core, if If you get it, you can strengthen your ability in this area, so he has to find a way to get it.

As for the dark core, he already has it. Before that, he plundered the dark cores of many evil spirits and stored them in the inventory. When the time is ripe, he will absorb it immediately. Now he will not absorb it for a while, and wait for him to improve and then choose to absorb.

Sometimes it is too low to repair, and if there are too many planets, it is not easy to control. In the case of weak control, it is not a good thing.

Immediately, he quickly returned to the house and began to quietly explore with his own spiritual knowledge to see what was inside.

When his spiritual knowledge touched this large array, he followed it in a little bit. He thought it would be more difficult to infiltrate. He did not expect it to penetrate in a relatively easy way, and penetrated the big array in one fell swoop and drilled inside.

Followed by the scene inside - in the center of the yard, there is a beautiful woman meditating there, bursting with dazzling white light, that light attribute energy is transmitted from the inside.

At the same time, there is a strand of thunder attribute energy, which is constantly absorbed into the body by her. Under this absorption, she is confused about her constitution. Now she is in a very bad situation and has been in a state of confusion.

The girl before, worried beside him: "Miss, you must not have anything..."

This girl can't help much at all. Her cultivation is only a level of God, and naturally she can't help.

Yi Tianyun frowned, and if he continues to do so, it may explode.

"She wants to absorb the core of mine attributes, attached to the body? Light and thunder properties? This idea is really bold enough, obviously a light attribute, why do you want to cultivate more mine attributes?"

Yi Tianyun felt that some of the women could not see through it. What was the real idea? He was too lazy to pay attention. Now he is thinking, do you want to rush to help?

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