Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1436: Save people

In the eyes of this light attribute woman, if it does not help, it is very likely to explode. The Ray property is very unfriendly, especially for her, quite unfriendly.

Her cultivation is not weak, and she has been trained in the early days of Tianzun. In this realm of the world, it is a very good repair. I did not expect to live here, presumably for the core of this mine, will stay here to live.

Otherwise, with her cultivation, she can definitely stay in a very good power, where the core of the five products is not a problem.

Yi Tianyun is hesitant to help in the past, but rushing in, what if he causes misunderstanding? Especially now, still in the control range, it is impossible to support the past.

If you rush over, if you disturb the other party, you will be easily irritated. So let's take a look at the situation first. If you can't hold it, he will rush in to help.

To save lives, this can maximize the benefits.

After the finalization, Yi Tianyun stayed on the side to observe the situation. As time went by, the energy of the thunder attribute became more and more violent, and it was faintly in her body.


At this time, the woman reached out and two pieces of Tianzun Lingbao flew out, surrounded by her, followed by a steady stream of energy, rushing around, suppressing the power of this thunder.

Under the sacred treasure of this day, Lei Zhili was quickly suppressed and turned into a softer force of mine, pouring into her body.

Everything looks so smooth and there is no big problem. After she controlled, she continued to introduce the power of Ray into the body and quickly switched.

Yi Tianyun looked at it and looked like it was still being downgraded? In this way, there is no chance for him to take the shot.

But after waiting for a while, the power of this thunder continued to raging in her body, and it bounced off. Suddenly the woman opened her mouth and spit out a blood, dyed the floor in front of the red, her face pale and bloodless.

The girl next to "Master!" was frightened and pale, and wanted to help but could not start.

When the woman's body was soft, she fell to the ground and was fainted. At the same time, the body continues to produce the power of thunder, constantly burning her body, continue to do so, her body must be burned.

Yi Tianyun glanced at him and quickly rushed outside. He opened the door with one foot. The loud noise of "咚" made the girl scared.

As for the woman, there is no reaction, and she is fainting there, even if she wants to be against the enemy.

"You, what do you rush into?" The girl quickly reacted, and stopped Yi Tianyun, not letting him close to his master.

"Do you want to watch your master die?" Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng.

"No, don't want to... but your repair is similar to me, can you save the owner?" The girl is a five-level level of the gods, and Yi Tianyun's cultivation is indeed no better than her.

She can't save, Yi Tianyun can save?

"Since you think so, look at your master to die." Yi Tianyun is too lazy to move, anyway, if the other party is dead, he has no big loss.

The girl’s face was white, and she glanced at Yi Tianyun. She glanced at her master and finally squatted on the floor: “Please, save my master!”

She also saw that her master continued to do so, the situation would become very bad, and even have a life worry! She couldn't help, and I saw Yi Tianyun say so, and I can only die as a living horse doctor.

At least she has been stupid and waiting for her. Even if Yi Tianyun does not come in, she can only turn to other people, otherwise her master will die.

"Okay, then let me see the situation now."

Yi Tianyun stepped forward and quickly came to this person. He did not hesitate and reached for her arm.


The girl hurriedly shouted, so many of the gods and thunders were raging everywhere. If they were directly grasped by their hands, they would definitely be killed half-hearted. How can they save people?

Yi Tianyun did not hear the sound, but he continued to grab it. The girl couldn’t stop it, and she could only close her eyes in pain. Immediately, she did not hear the screams, nor did she hear the voice of Yi Tianyun.

She slowly opened her eyes, not the scorched corpse, but the thunder of her master's body, which was quickly pulled out and poured into Yi Tianyun.

Don't say that he was charged, and no hair was hurt. Yi Tianyun has a huge thunder planet in his body. He has no pressure to absorb it. How can it happen?

This is why he dared to save. He has a powerful thunder planet in his body. It is not only okay to absorb, but can help him cultivate.

"It’s really chaotic. In order to make myself break through, I actually play this kind of insurance..."

Yi Tianyun frowned. While absorbing the power of Lei, she immediately felt the situation in her body, which was not very ideal. Her purpose is simple, that is, to condense the thunder planet and use the dual planet to help them break through.

It is extremely difficult to have two planets. Not everyone is like Yi Tianyun. Being able to own multiple planets is not a system problem, but his physical fitness is in line with the ability to own multiple planets.

Some are not very consistent, forcibly absorbing their core energy to condense the planet, that is the act of finding death.

"I don't know where she came from this method, the physical attributes of the light, to absorb the thunder planet..." Yi Tianyun thought, this method seems to be feasible, and the combination of thunder and light is the ultimate light mine!

This may sound good, but it is extremely difficult to do it. This woman's situation is more difficult for this kind of integration, but she just tried it.

The result is very obvious, that is, I am being burnt, if not he is just next to it, it must be dead. Unless the girl goes to ask for help, it is just that person who cultivates the thunder property.

Here is the core of the mine attribute, which does not mean that they need to absorb the power of the thunder. It is not the power of the thunder that can absorb it and transform it into the energy that it needs.

After all, how to say, this is the energy of the five-grade level, and the effect of absorption is naturally different.

As time went by, the power of the thunder in the woman's body was quickly sucked away, basically no problem. The rest is slowly conditioning, but the difficulty is not big.

"Almost." Yi Tianyun slowly let go, indicating the girl next to him: "You can bring her back to the room, just take a break, or feed a little healing medicine."

"More, thank you adults!" When the girl saw nothing, she slammed down excitedly and gave Yi Tianyun a head. Even if she was repaired, it was enough to have such a skill.

Yi Tianyun shook his head. It seems that this is quite loyal to his master. It proves that this woman is still quite good to her slaves.

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