Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1437: Phoenix Fall

Yi Tianyun asked the girl to bring the person back to the room to rest, and he stayed on the side, waiting for the woman to wake up. He came to save people, but not from any kindness, he just wanted the core of light, otherwise he would definitely not rush.

With so many nearby houses, he can’t always explore them one by one. If there is energy spillover, this woman must be able to escape.

"Oh, success in the treatment of Feng Yangzun, get a thousand points to compress the crazy value, fifty points of character value, and get the other party's friendship 50 points!"

Additional treatment mission rewards, pop up, let him lift his eyelids. He had treated other people before, and he didn’t get rewards. Generally, there are more people to save, and only one title will be obtained at a time. Now it is directly accurate to a single person.

Moreover, this is not a task. It is simply to save people and get rewards. It is not like a previous task of saving people.

This makes him feel strange, how is it so special?

"Strange, how can she have this treatment..."

Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked at the room. After penetrating the door, he gave the details of Feng Yangzun to Luo.

Feng Yangzun: Scattered, has always been willing to help people, one heart to the good, saves countless people, is called the salvation heaven! At the time of birth, the body has a core of light, which is cultivated to reach the level of the previous level of the heavenly esteem.

After Yi Tianyun saw the detailed information, it was really scared. Still a salvation god, she does not know how many people saved, in order to have such a title. The key is to have a light core just born, it is simply against the sky!

It means that just being born is equal to the golden spoon, and has an absolute advantage. It is definitely a genius in genius. This kind of genius is still a mess, it is incredible.

No one has joined, and now almost died here. It’s really hard to say that there are good people who have good news. If he is not here, no one knows.

"No, maybe a good talent won't let her die..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, and it seemed that Feng Xun was rescued by him. Didn't God let him arrange to save people?

Perhaps this is the case, he is able to get this experience, it is a relatively unique reward.

He stayed here, did nothing, equal to a law-abiding, and stayed at the door. After a few days, a grateful voice came from behind him: "Thank you for the help of this friend. If you don't help your friend, I am afraid that it is no longer in the world."

Yi Tianyun turned his head and saw that Feng Yangzun came out from the inside, his face was still pale, and these injuries were not so easy to recover. It’s almost going to explode. It’s a simple way to take the remedy. How can it recover quickly? It takes at least a while to recover completely.

"This is not a polite thing. In fact, I have my own purpose. It just happens to sense a strange energy atmosphere, that is, come to the rescue." Yi Tianyun immediately said his intention, he did not like to bend around.

"Purpose? I don't know what purpose a friend has. As long as I can do my best, I can satisfy you." Feng Yuezun smiled slightly and looked like a holy light. Yi Tianyun could feel that he was going to be cured.

These powerful light attribute energies have the feeling of purifying the hearts of others! This is really a light that can shine the light of the world, and all the people!

"A strong mental strength is simply equal to Guanyin's life..."

Yi Tianyun’s heart trembled, and the light that purifies the soul, if it was shined for a long time, really became nothing. This is the power of the light attribute, and it has the effect of a holy light.

This kind of energy with full affinity can definitely have countless followers and swear to die for her. If she can join any force, she can definitely become a powerful booster, comparable to the Virgin!

In the Three Realms, he already has a saint, and that is nine miles. But if she is allowed to join, it is equal to the second saint, and the appeal of the saint is absolutely amazing.

If Jiu Lingyi belongs to the saint of the Three Realms, that Feng Fen is equal to the saint of the Four Divins, and the scope is extremely broad! Suddenly he has a heart of enthusiasm, especially when he sees that the other party is a part of the repair, which means that he can come together.

He can feel that it is not the phoenix autumn deliberately doing this, but the release from the heart, which is related to the light core in her body.

Careful sensing, the core level of light in her body, at least to the level of seven products, is definitely a level of anti-sky. The core of his five elements is six products, which is enough to shock. The core of the phoenix fall ancestors reaches seven products, that is, the enchanting enchanting.

This immediately made him feel that there are people outside the world, and what geniuses are there. The age of the phoenix in front of the eyes is no more than a thousand years old!

It’s incredible that Chitose’s Tianzun is still a mess.

"Actually, my purpose is very simple, that is to ask you..." Yi Tianyun’s voice just fell, and the girl’s face changed in front.

"Let's let go! This adult, even if you save my master, you can't be so arrogant!" The girl violently thundered, even if a **** is saved, it would be too much to have a god. I don't know how many people want to swear by the fall. Wife, can't do it, a **** wants to step into the sky?

Feng Yang’s extension reached a slight stop, indicating that she would not say more: “The words of this Taoist friend are not finished, you should not be impulsive.”

"Yes, master..." The girl can only retire.

"No, I didn't say anything wrong, I want you." Yi Tianyun smiled and repeated again.

"You!" The girl directly bombed: "Master, look! This guy is simply rude, it must be seen when you live here, you will come in!"

Feng Yang Zun is still keeping a faint smile, not angry at all. She has seen too many such things all the time. Some are really disgusting, but Yi Tianyun in front of him is really disgusted. The main reason is that Yi Tianyun is so clear when he says such words. There is no filth at all.

This kind of gaze-free gaze, the true meaning, certainly is not the case.

"Cough, don't be excited, what I mean is indeed true. What you want is Fengfeng Respect, joining my power is so simple." Yi Tianyun has no choice but to spread his hand, but his own words are not explained clearly.

The girl was blown up again and her face was red. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to say this kind of content. She thought too much.

"I am very sorry, thank you for your love. But I have never joined any forces. I will not join any forces, either before or now." Feng Yangzun refused directly and didn't want to.

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