Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1441: Temple of the Temple

The cold and hot gods lead the way in front, the vast gods with Yi Tianyun, they are behind, while he has been observing the situation around, sighed again and again.

"It hasn't come back for a long time..."

"Yes... It’s really been too long. It’s the first time I’ve left here.” The vast **** sighed deeply, how could it not be missed in the place where it was born?

"Well, this time, either you will prove it to everyone, or you will come back honestly. I hope that over the years, you can achieve your promise!" The voice of Leng Yan Tian Shen is still cold, without any feelings. .

"Yes, the third brother!" Hao Hao Tian Shen suddenly changed his mouth, calling the cold and the gods as the third brother.

Leng Yan Tian Shen nodded, did not say anything, the expression is still indifferent, but the eyes are full of worry. Being called a third brother, how can you not worry about your brother?

It seems to be very indifferent, but his character is like this, there will be no change. It’s just in words, but it reveals his concern.

When I first met, I didn’t do it. I just took the routine responsibility and persuaded me. I didn’t say anything ironic here, but I was full of concern.

Yi Tianyun, they looked at each other in the back. It seems that the vast **** is here, there is still support for him, not blindly optimistic about him.

Under the leadership of Lengyan Tianshen, they soon reached one of the planets, which has a luxurious hall, which is large in size and covers the entire planet. It seems that the handwriting is quite large.

After they flew down, Yi Tianyun saw the megalithic stone on the edge, engraved with several characters: the temple of repair!

These words are magnificent, and the pressure of a **** is released from the font, and pressure is applied to them, which immediately gives them a sense of oppression.

This is the font of the power of the gods. It just looks like it is natural, just like the gods standing in front of them, feeling a little bit of pressure.

After they entered, there were many disciples inside, and each of them had a level of heaven and above, and they all looked very young.

Their appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, mainly because their faces were too strange. It is not a man who can come in to repair the temple. Only the super genius who has reached the level of the heavenly king can come here to practice.

The shrine is divided into a number of areas, even if Tianzun can cultivate here, enough to see the resources of this temple, how amazing.

This can actually be felt from the core of the underground. The temple is inlaid with several cores of five products, which are listed in different regions. In fact, having a few cores in a planet is not new.

As long as you force it in, you can accommodate it. The problem is that energy can't conflict. If it conflicts, it can cause the planet to explode.

The planets here are very well distributed and isolated, and naturally there is no problem. However, in Yi Tianyun's view, it is still a lot worse than the core layout of the Three Realms.

"Hey, who are they, have you just recruited?"

"There are a lot of heavenly lords, and gods, what are they doing here?"

"This is not clear, there are still three elders personally leading the way, definitely have any identity."

These disciples whispered beside them. No one knew the vast gods and they had never seen them.

After passing through this shrine, I came to the next shrine, where there are disciples of the gods and monarchs walking around, apparently being a disciple of the monarch, and being divided into cultivation in this area.

It means the next area, that is, the place where Tian Zun is treated. It is an elite disciple of the Shutian domain, and it is the pillar of the Tiantian domain.

When they came to the Tianzun area, someone immediately recognized the vast god.

"It’s four elders, he is finally back!"

"Four elders? We have four elders here?"

"Of course there are four elders, and the vast **** is our four elders. At the beginning, he chose to leave the field of repairing the gods, in order to prove the talent, and still crush the genius!"

"Funny, what are the disciples who have been working hard and can't achieve success? Those are simply a waste of resources, and it doesn't make sense to cultivate them."

"That is, look at those guys who have worked hard for so long, but they have only risen so much, interesting, and what resources are allocated to them, so that they can be eliminated!"

After hearing the thoughts of the vast gods one by one, I felt very funny and more disdainful. I think this is just a joke, a talent that is mediocre, more than a genius? In that case, what is the cultivation of genius?

"These guys!" Long Ming Tian Zun was angry. When he wanted to fight with them, he was immediately dragged by Li Tiantian. He turned his head and looked at it. Li Tianzhao shook his head and shook his head, indicating that he would not be impulsive.

"It’s a real eye, the master is not such an idea. It’s not a genius, but a gift, and it can’t be abandoned!” Long Ming Tian Zun has deep feelings. He is talented and spends more time. To achieve this.

Although he is a little slower, he thinks that his current strength is not lost to the genius of the genius!

"Now we are not to prove it? They don't understand, it is their business, the master said, don't be too excited." Li Tiantian as a master, still very stable.

In fact, he is also very angry inside, but once it breaks out, it will only hurt his own master. A good fight, prove your strength, not lose to anyone!

On the thousands of days, she clenched her fists and stared red. She knew how difficult it was to walk along the way. Genius may be able to allocate more resources. Is it natural that there is no way to get it?

She is a natural talent, and I don’t know how long it takes to reach this level. She is grateful to the vast god, if not the vast god, she does not know which slave to become.

Everything is a vast god, choose them to stand out from the crowd.

The talent is mediocrity is not terrible, the terrible thing is not working hard! The vastness of the gods is that they do not accept their lives, choose the spirit of hard work, and increase their efforts to cultivate.

The rest is the same, maybe not his disciple, but at least he gives a chance. However, after some achievements, they rushed to those big forces and now abandon him.

Many situations are cruel, but the vastness of the gods is still so persistent, the back is so lonely.

Yi Tianyun looked at them coldly and coldly. If it was not prescribed, I really wanted to play with them!狠狠 Create them and let them know, what a **** genius, but it is their own stepping stone!

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