Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1442: Siege


Tianzun level has an impression on the vast gods. After all, these are the disciples of the older generation, and now they have broken through to Tianzun. In fact, at the level of the gods, there are people who see the vastness of the gods.

At the beginning, the vastness of the gods was quite loud here, and there are still many things to remember. Only Jiangshan has talented people, and many new disciples have emerged like mushrooms, and naturally they will not know the vast gods.

Just knowing the vast gods, they are extremely disdainful of the theory of the vast gods, and feel why they should allocate resources to talents. Even if it is to be divided, it is also a part of it. As for other special treatments, I don’t even think about it.

This is the case with the repairing **** domain. The talent is generally destined to be cultivated in a region. No matter how hard it is, how good the level of performance will not give an excellent cultivation environment.

For example, if the talent is good, you can stay at the core of the five products, and the talents are generally only to be cultivated in the core of the three products. This is the difference, no matter how hard you try, you can beat some of the geniuses, so there is no chance to turn over!

In the end, it is the moment when the talent is confirmed, there is no chance to turn over, they are destined to do so. In the general circumstances of the talent, not to give a good resource, let alone take off and turn over, it is good to break through.

Don't say that talent is average, even the talent is amazing, if there is no resource, it will still be awkward! This is like eating, even the food is not enough, but also hope to have strength?

It is hard to hear how difficult it is to talk to people here. They may not have the vastness of the gods, nor are they qualified for the vast gods. No matter how vast the gods, it is a god, who dares to chase?

However, they dismissed the theory of the vast gods and felt that it was simply an idiot. If it wasn’t for the great gods to break through to the gods, it would have been a dog.

Such an unpleasant voice, the vast goddess expression is indifferent, ignored their discussion. For the past few years, he has not known how much he heard.

"Be sure to change the atmosphere here, continue to do so, there must be problems in the repair of the gods!"

Yi Tianyun frowned. Under the two polarizations, carefulness would cause a general resistance. Once gathered, a fuse is formed. When it is detonated, Xiu Shen Shen is afraid that there will be chaos.

After all, they don’t look pleasing to each other, and what unity is talked about. Perhaps for this reason, the vast gods will choose to leave and find a persuasive way to improve the sky.

The vastness of the gods to leave is to repair the gods and gods. How can he not be the son of the domain owner?

Under the many discussions, they finally came to the front of the main hall. There is no one here, empty.

"They have already rushed over, I hope to wait for your performance, don't let me down." Leng Yan Tian Shen went to the next stop, indicating the vast gods waiting for a while.

After a while, a figure walked in from the passage on the side, and the repairs were all above the upper level. Only the upper level of the Tianzun level has a bit of discourse power in the Shutian domain. The basic status is similar to that of the deacon, and it can manage many areas.

If you want to become an elder level, you need a higher level of the upper level, or a **** level. At the same time, there are extra promotions. For example, if a certain feature is excellent, it will be promoted.

After they came in, their eyes were gathered on the vast gods, some of them were complicated, some were full of disdain, and some were gloating.

It is undeniable that the vast gods have become gods, and they are not under pressure. But one thing is the same, how can we finally come back? How strong, can only be regarded as one. In particular, they like to see that the vastness of the gods, which was so arrogant, was suppressed and could not be turned over.

After all, no one is optimistic about the vastness of the gods, they feel that his theory is stupid, and what is more powerful to cultivate talent is simply a waste of resources. They all want resources, why should they go out more?

"Four elders, I haven't seen you for a long time. These five people are the proof disciples you brought?" A **** came from the side of the money, watching Yi Tianyun's eyes full of disdain, apparently looking down on the vast gods disciple.

"The two elders have indeed disappeared for a long time. They are indeed my disciples, enough to prove their disciples!" The vastness of the gods is very powerful, and there is no sign of a slight decline in the wind. He will not weaken his prestige.

"Oh, it looks really good, four Tianzun, one god, two can see, the rest..." The two elders sneered, and slowly added: "Not very good."

For them, there is no upper-level respect, it can't be said to be rubbish, but when I think of the words of the vast god, I feel very bad.

Before the vastness of the gods, the words of your majesty, that is, after ten thousand years, the disciples brought back, crush all of your genius, no matter what level, all crushed!

If it weren't for this, it would be enough to bring out so many gods, which is enough to prove that the vast **** is very strong. Some of them are very unworthy for the vast gods. If these people are all talented, can they bring out such cultivation, if the talent is strong? It’s not a late level, you even want to break through the gods!

That is to say, the vast **** is not a fool. He has seen too many geniuses, and even Tianzun can't break through. I really thought that Tianzun and Tianshen are both Chinese cabbages, can they break freely?

"Yes, I know if I can see it." The vast gods did not pay attention to the irony of the two elders. He had already prepared for this.

"I don't think I can see it either." Another **** came from the side and looked at them coldly. He said: "This answer sheet, I am not very optimistic. The repairs are too weak, I don't know the truth." How is the talent. And there is one thing that makes us feel very dissatisfied. We have to accept the new domain, why do you refuse it!"

This is a very serious topic. In the final analysis, the vast gods are the people who cultivate the gods. Whether it is life or death, it is a person who repairs the gods and cannot change.

Although some people say that they have been delisted, they have never been known. The vast gods are only going to complete their own ideas. It’s just a matter of reluctance to go back. It’s not really a departure from the Shutian domain.

Xiu Tian Shen domain is so overbearing, if anyone wants to leave, it is very simple, the first is to abolish all of his cultivation, then you can get out.

"Because that is not my power, it is the power of my disciples!" The vastness of the gods is cold, still not afraid.

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