Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1443: dispute


The vast gods replied to them with a sigh of relief. Originally, the Three Realms were controlled by Yi Tianyun. Naturally, it was his power.

"Jokes, the power of your own disciples, is not their own power?" It is not someone else, but a great elder!

"That is your standard, not my standard. I will never control the power of my disciples. It is his hands-on. If you manage it at will, you may destroy the original rules." Explain: "And feel free to take the things of your own disciples, I think I still point to the face."

The elders, they are all sharp-eyed, so big fat, really do not want to give up. I have to say that the words of the vast gods are really drawn on their faces.

What is your own disciple's own thing? This old face is still not needed?

"Four elders, you are still swearing!" The elders angered.

"I am awkward? Who am I? I just said what I thought. Isn't it that you are free to ask for your own disciples? In my opinion, unless you are a disciple, you will never ask your disciple for something." "There is something in the myth of Hao Haotian, not only to save the Three Realms, but also to express your own code of conduct.

This is not to gas them, they will say so. When I first came to the Three Realms, I said that I would not intervene in any of the Three Realms, unless Yi Tianyun said that he would hand over the management to him.

If you have a word, immediately block their mouths and don't know what to say. There are many disciples of their own here. When they come in, the rest of the genius disciples are coming from other temples.

It can be said that this hall is full of people. If they say it, their disciples are free to ask for it, but it is really no face.

In the field of repairing the gods, it is very supportive of his disciples to go out and build power. If it's a bit of a pick-up, isn't it taken over at random? How can I arbitrarily hand over people?

Even if it is your own master, can't you force it to come?

Therefore, the elders, they don’t know what to say for a while, but they don’t want to give up this fat.

Yi Tianyun smiled aside, and the vast **** was strong. In one sentence, he blocked all the words.

When they wanted to say something, the guards on the side hurriedly shouted: "Welcome to repair the domain, the domain!"

At this time, the eyes have shifted to the past, followed by the repair of the Tianyu master and the domain, slowly coming from the channel on the side, each step is integrated into the heavens and the earth, and more is full of the pressure of the superior.

Compared with the repair of the Tianyu master, the vast gods are indeed somewhat similar. It is indeed a mid-level of the median god, and it is difficult to continue to improve at this level. It is also amazing to reach the level of the median god.

After the domain is repaired to a slightly lower level, reaching the level of the lower level of the gods, but it is always a god. How can the children of the two gods be worse?

Immediately after they appeared, many disciples were slammed down.

"Welcome to repair the domain master, domain!"

A large number of people have kneel down on one knee, except for the repairs above the level of Tianzun, all of them must be bowed down. Even if it is above the level of heaven, you must pay tribute.

When everything went so smoothly, suddenly there was a burst of explosions from the side: "Bold! Even see the domain master, don't go down!"

This is not the other person, but the two elders. The two elders yelled at Yi Tianyun, and the Tianzun was repaired as follows.

Yi Tianyun repairs only the Shen Jun, and naturally it is necessary to kneel down.

“Hee?” Yi Tianyun smiled and said: “I only marry my parents and masters, plus I am not a disciple of Xiu Tian Shen domain. Why do you want to kneel down?”

It’s not that he is arrogant, but the rule should be like this. If he goes out, he will see a **** and squat, and his face will be gone. Others are afraid, he can not be afraid.

"Your Majesty!" The two elders screamed and reached for him to cover it, trying to force Yi Tianyun to bow down.

When this force was ready to put pressure on it, the mighty gods stood in front of Yi Tianyun and reached out and waved this force to fly out.

"My disciple is right. He is not a disciple of Shutian Shenyu. There is no need to do this." I think he is qualified to stand up!" Haotian God knows Yi Tianyun's ability, if this ability can not stand Then all the heavenly lords will fall down.

"Oh? I am qualified to stand up. This is really arrogant. A god, how can I stand up!" The two elders were gloomy.

He certainly does not act for the rules, but to see the vast gods are not pleasing to the eye, will be played by the title.

"Because he is the new **** domain domain master, he can win in the battle of the gods. From the grade point of view, like the Shutian domain, it is the four-character domain. It is reasonable to say that it is squatting, from the status It’s still a flat ride.” The vast **** is really bold enough, and all these words can be said.

But his words are really not wrong, the domain owner of a four-character domain, from the level of view, basically follow the main level of the Tianyu. The only difference lies in the cultivation, that is, the difference is different.

"A god, is the domain owner of the new forces? This is really a laugh. It seems that the battle of the gods in the outer domain has become so unbearable?" The two elders laughed and filled with disdain.

"It's quite unbearable. The battle of the gods has killed dozens of heavenly lords, and there are many heavenly lords. They are all dead in his hands. Many of them are from the gods, and they are equal to saying that the gods in the gods are also So unbearable." The vast **** said faintly.

"Four elders, even if you want to prove yourself, can't you brag like this? A god, can you kill the gods in a step-by-step manner? Even if it is the most enchanting genius on our side, the killing of the leap is no problem, but it is not so easy. The two elders are very unbelieving, and they feel that the vast **** is talking loudly.

"Enough!" In the above repaired Tianyu master finally spoke, sitting on the top and said: "Now is not a quarrel, if you want to deny, wait until the results come out."

After repairing the Tianyu master and the domain, I looked at my son. I didn’t say anything on the surface, and I still had some concerns in my heart. However, the main expression of Xiu Tianyu is a bit colder, and the eyes behind the domain are full of love, she is more worried about her son.

As for the repair of the Tianyu master, it is essentially biased towards the genius, but it does not mean that it does not care about the vast gods. He even wants the vast gods to know how to return, not to continue the wrong way.

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