Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1445: talent!

The performance of the thousands of Tianzun, which surprised them, was deeply shocked and subverted their cognition. But soon they calmed down, and even then, they could not prove anything.

This is only two. The examples are really too few and not enough. Occasionally there are two such exceptions, not surprising at all.

The vast **** knows that they will not easily admit defeat, it is to signal Longming Tianzun to go to the test, and soon Longming Tianzun test results - five talent!

Although Longming Tianzun absorbs things like dragon blood, it does not mean that the talent will change, so the talent effect is unchanged.

"It is also a median Tianzun with five talents..."

They took a sigh of relief, but they didn't expect it to be wonderful. The five talents are for them, let alone cultivate to Tianzun, and it is very good to be able to cultivate to the gods.

Longming Tianzun once again proved to them that even if it is a five-product talent, it can still be cultivated to the level of heaven! However, compared to the thousands of days, it is indeed a little less shocking.

The talent of the thousand thousand days is also the five-level level. Having had such performances, the performance behind will naturally not cause too much sensation. Unless you have a talent for four, but you have the level of the upper heaven, or the level of the middle heaven, this is even more powerful.

Followed by the swordsman Tianzun was sent out, the talent for testing is slightly higher, reaching the six-level level, not high at all. However, they still reached the level of the median, and they were shocked again.

The four consecutive Tianzuns are all ordinary talents. The vast gods have no amazing resources, and the power of one person is nothing more than the whole **** domain. After all, these geniuses are tantamount to letting countless talents be offered by ordinary disciples. If they are not collecting resources, they will definitely not use them.

Genius, even if you don't need to do anything, you can get countless resources. As for those talented people who have worked hard to do countless tasks, they can get a little resources. I have to say that this is a cruel reality.

It’s just that the Shutian Shenyu is doing something more extreme. Basically, this kind of camp is shaped, and it is easy to cause the relationship to deteriorate. It should be said that the relationship has now deteriorated extremely, but it has not evolved into a conflict.

"The elders, I don't know how this effect?" The vast gods are indifferent.

The elder's face was ugly, but he didn't expect to hit his face so fast, but he still clenched his teeth: "The number is still too small. You spend thousands of years to cultivate such a person. What's so good? If you change to a genius, I don't know how much it can bring out!"

In ten thousand years, four talents can be cultivated, and the number is a bit less. Of course, it is not too flat. The great elders are hard supporters, and they are not willing to admit this fact.

"Jokes, I am alone, I want resources, no resources, how can I cultivate a lot? Of course, soon there are disciples who have broken through to Tianzun, and the number will gradually increase." The vast **** Shen Shen said: "But I never Denying more efforts to cultivate genius, I just want to say that talent is average, can't be abandoned! Don't turn black and white upside down, saying that I seem to hate genius very much!"

"Don't forget, my talent is at the level of nine products! I hate genius, isn't I hating myself?"

The eyes of the vast gods are full of anger. These old guys, old stubborns are stubborn, and they have to stay on their deaths. They are not willing to recognize the facts.

Is it so difficult to change the strategy? Perhaps this is the arrogance of genius, and I don't want to be wary of those mediocrity.

The elders are still full of disdain in their eyes, retorting coldly: "If you say so, don't forget, you want to prove yourself, not just a test talent!"

"I know this." The vastness of the gods sank, indicating that Yi Tianyun went to the test.

It seems that he has a heavy face, but he wants to prove that his theory is correct. Everything must look at the fist! Comprehensive strength is the key point. It takes one game to know who is right and who is wrong, not a mouth.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun lifted his foot and came to the test stone tablet. He reached over and covered it. Before the test, he took a deep breath. He has never tested his own accurate talents all the time, but he knows that talent is not the focus. After so many life and death experience, this is the most valuable experience!


Yi Tianyun immediately put energy into the test stone, and soon the stone was lit up. After several consecutive flashes, the final answer appeared in front of his eyes—the six-level level.

This talent is still good, not going up. His parental talents in the domain are good, but that is only in the domain, in this case, it is not worth mentioning. However, it is not bad to be able to achieve six talents.

"Six talents..."

Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled. It seems that his talent is not bad. He can only be considered a medium level and does not surpass those so-called enchanting geniuses. If it really surpasses it, then it will be embarrassing.

After all, the vast gods want to try is to recruit ordinary talent, not the talent of the sky.

However, the true talent is enchanting, and the vast **** is still having its own set of words, but it is not needed now.

When he turned and just thought about it, the eye of the probe presented detailed information.

Talent Test Stele: The extremely general test method is simply to test the energy control accuracy to determine, there is not much reference value.


Yi Tianyun stunned, this talent stone monument is so garbage? Is it based on the degree of control of the test energy to determine the so-called talent?

To put it bluntly, you only need to control the energy enough to be precise, then you can change this level of talent. In this way, isn't it arbitrarily changed?

He turned back again and stared at the talented stone tablet, showing a smile.

"What's the matter, isn't the test finished?" The elders frowned and they have already tested it. How can they go up and test? "Is it that the talent is too low, not very accurate, want to continue testing?"

"Four elders, your disciples don't seem to be convinced. If you want to continue testing your talents, you can't be higher... It's a big joke. How can this test stone be wrong?" The elders sneered: "Sometimes To learn to accept life, the talent is born at the moment of birth!"

The vastness of the gods is cold, just want to say something, a dazzling light from the stone into the sky, shrouded this hall - ten talent!

Absolutely ten talents, basically equal to the talent of super god, looking at all the genius here, can reach ten talents, there is only one person, that is to repair the Tianyu master!

Now Yi Tianyun has ten talents, but it really scares everyone. It’s just a six-product talent, how can I rush to ten products?

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