Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1446: Shock

"Ten, ten talents, this, how is this possible!?"

A group of people were scared, even if the repairing Tianyu master was shocked to stand up, there were two brilliant eyes in the eyes. Ten talents mean that a **** will be born in the future, and the **** is the most valuable.

Not to mention the ten talents, even if the nine talents are not left to cultivate, it can be said that they are doing their best to cultivate.

The key is that Yi Tianyun showed it before, only six talents, how to risk ten talents?

"The younger brother is too powerful, it is a ten talent!?"

They are all stunned by the swordsman Tianzun. They are ordinary talents, but their little teachers are so dazzling, reaching ten talents. It seems that they had a good luck this time, and they even received a enchanting genius.

Yi Tianyun let go of his hand and slowly descended from the test stone. At this time, a group of people looked at him differently.

There are embarrassment, envy, some are incredible, and more are full of embarrassing eyes. Ten talents means that if you join the Shutian domain, there is no problem with becoming a senior level, or even a sub-domain level, or a domain level!

Of course, before this, the domain master level may be done by the vast gods, or it may be done by others. After all, Yi Tianyun's cultivation is still too low, even if it is a ten talent, it is unlikely to become a domain owner or elder immediately.

"Little teacher, you are really amazing, ten talents!" Swordsman Tianzun they greeted, eyebrows, and happy for Yi Tianyun's achievements.

"Ten talents, this is really something that the teacher did not think of..." Hao Hao Tian Shen is also happy to smile, his disciple has a genius, naturally a good thing.

He did not reject genius, but he was disgusted with the way of repairing the gods.

"Wait a minute, in fact, you are all talents of ten talents. It should be said that everyone is a talent of ten talents." Yi Tianyun smiled.

They didn't understand what Yi Tianyun said.

"Jokes, everyone is a talent of ten talents, do you really think that the ten talents are Chinese cabbage?" The big elders next to me slowed down, and my heart was filled with sorrow and dissatisfaction. I didn’t expect the talent of ten talents. Appeared in the camp of the vast gods.

"Ten talents, it is indeed Chinese cabbage here." Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

"Fart! Four elders, it seems that your teaching level is limited, and your disciples don't care about teaching, they like to let go of their words!" The elders were all angry, and they were all angry.

"My disciples can't talk nonsense, he will say this, they have their own reasons." The vast **** said so, but there are some doubts about Yi Tianyun's approach, I do not know why.

"I mean, there is a problem with this test stone. In your opinion, the ten talents are actually virtual!" Yi Tianyun said: "I thought it would be a stone that was very accurate. Who knows it is a broken piece." Stone tablet."

"You, what do you say!?" The elders were even more angry, and they suspected that their test stone was not allowed.

"I didn't say it. This test stone is not allowed at all. I used to be a six-level talent. After I tried it, I rushed to the ten talents. This is really not allowed." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

Yi Tianyun’s words immediately caught the attention of everyone, and when I think about it, it’s true. Before the six products, the back directly rushed to the ten-level level, what is going on?

"Impossible, this test stone has always existed, no one is not allowed! We can test the talents accurately by testing the stone tablets. After the training, we did not see the miss!" The elders immediately denied.

"Of course, I can't say it is detailed. If it's a simple test, it's still a bit more. If it's accurate, then it's against fairness, and some talents are really good, and it may be buried!" Tianyun Shen channel.

Their pupils shrink, and if they are really inaccurate, it really has a great impact. It can be said that the geniuses that were found before are all abolished.

The vastness of the gods, a smile, and really want to be so, it is really funny. This is a rule that has been kept for many years. It was suddenly impossible to say that it was really a blow to the sky.

"That, then how do you say it!" The elders were stuttering, and they were not as good as they were before. Thinking about the problems that occurred before Yi Tianyun, it is very likely that it is not allowed.

"This is simple, you will see it later. I let several brothers go to the test. They have all tested it. I believe you all know how talented they are."

Yi Tianyun came to the side of the swordsman Tianzun, and the side of the head quietly said the general method. After the swordsman Tianzun heard it, his eyes widened and he was shocked by this method.

"Can you still play like this?"

The swordsman Tianzun was a bit strange, and immediately he lifted his foot and came to the test stone tablet. He reached over and covered it, and then poured energy into it. Soon the entire stone monument was lit up, and instantly rushed to the ten talent level.

"Oh, it's really ok!" Swordsman Tian laughed and turned to look at a group of stunned disciples and said, "I am also a ten-talented talent. Don't hurry to train me?"

When he said that he would laugh and go down, how can he feel a cool word inside?

"Little brother, you are really enough to face, they must be swollen." Jiansi Tianzun laughed.

Yi Tianyun smiled and gestured to Longming Tianzun to try.

Followed by Long Ming Tian Zun in the eyes of the public, came to the test stone tablet, also reached out and covered it, followed by a dazzling light - ten talent!

Followed by Li Tiantian Zun and Yue Qian Tian Zun, both tried and rushed to the ten talent level.

These performances make them completely dumbfounded. It means that the test stone is really a problem, and it is still a problem! Past tests, all of which are invalid, are all failed tests.

Yi Tianyun's performance this time is not so simple, but to dig the foundation. The test methods have been disrupted all the time, meaning that this genius must be revoked!

What genius can be virtual! Suddenly a lot of geniuses sink to the bottom, and the hatred of Yi Tianyun suddenly rushed to the top. They only hoped that they would not be screened, otherwise they would be really finished.

"How, what is the result?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

The elders were shocked and couldn't speak. Even the repaired Tianyu master was shocked. I haven't known what to say for a long time. Immediately, each face was gloomy and even a little scary.

This is not a good news for them, but a bad news!

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