Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1449: Battle

Under the punch, the opponent was defeated and it was easy. As for the other four brothers and sisters, the situation is also an overwhelming force, the opponents are forced to retreat, playing without any help.

It can be said that it is a full-scale suppression, it is simply crushing! Where these geniuses crushed them, but they were crushed by them and could not resist.

However, they are not like Yi Tianyun, they can kill one shot. They are able to suppress these so-called geniuses with the pressure of crushing, which is enough to shock people.

This is not only shocking, but also a face! What genius is so unbearable in front of them!


A shocking explosion sounded, a famous opponent was defeated and flew out of the ring, the first batch of opponents all lost, no one won. In particular, they won the resort in a crisp and neat way, without any mud and water, recruiting and suppressing, in perfection and invincibility, won the first game!

The first game of the first game, so that everyone has been shocked, all-round crushing, can not be shocked. This is somewhat beyond their expectations. I thought I could suppress them and scream at the gods.

It seems that they are wrong, and they are still very wrong. They can’t win in one game, and they don’t even win a single game! All five passed and they successfully defeated their opponents.

"The elders, the first batch has passed, and can continue to the next batch." The vast gods indicated that they can continue to come.

The elder's face sank, he did not expect to lose so crisply, it is simply the effect of being crushed.

"Okay, then choose the second batch!" The elders continued to choose the second batch. Because they thought they could win in one time, there was no second batch of alternatives, which could only be selected again.

"It's still a bit of a skill, this time we must beat them!" The elders felt that it was even more uncomfortable, and immediately arranged the strongest elite at this level.

Arranged to Yi Tianyun is still the seventh level of Shenjun, but it is stronger than the previous one. Whether it is the blood, or the strength of all aspects, we must be strong.

At first they felt that they didn't need to arrange the strongest. It was almost the same as the upper level. Who knows that it is easy to be crushed.

After the arrangement, they all played, the pride of the face can be seen, if the pride can be turned into an entity, it is estimated that all around is filled with pride!

"It's a bit of a skill to beat Longhui's younger brother, but it's here! Everything is over under my hand, letting you know where you are staying..."

The voice did not fall, and a residual image had already rushed to him. He couldn’t respond to it. He only felt a pain in his own body and lost consciousness.

This time, his end is no different from the previous Longhui Shenjun. They were all shot and flew out, and they fell directly into the pile of disciples and smashed a large piece.

There are a lot of practitioners gathered around, and if you basically go down, you can talk about a few. Moreover, they will not evade, but want to give people to the next, who knows that this impact is too strong, and they are almost fainted.

"There is a lot of nonsense, what is the position of the ghost, I will let you go to what position!" Yi Tianyun looked at them coldly.

Yi Tianyun easily solved these so-called geniuses, once again won the first prize, and won the first one.

The other four, including the swordsman Tianzun and Longming Tianzun, all fell into a bitter battle, and the genius disciples who were re-raised were really somewhat capable. However, fighting hard and fighting hard does not mean that we cannot win.

The other month, Qian Tian Zun and Tian Tian Zun, also with a relatively strong force, constantly suppressing opponents, and ultimately they won. Behind the swordsman Tian Zun and Long Ming Tian Zun, also won this game!

This time, they immediately became the leader of the same level. The elders have sent the strongest geniuses to come. If this is not the case, it means that they need to send a stronger level of genius to be able to suppress them.

"How can I win this way?"

The elders have ugly faces, and they have sent the best genius at this level. How can they lose?

"Win, win!" After the field, I was very excited. I was very happy to see that the person sent by my son won this game.

Xiu Tianyu turned to look at her, and closed his mouth after the domain.

Xiu Tianyu's main frowning, looking at Yi Tianyun's side, felt incredible, did not expect his son to teach the disciples, it would be so powerful.

"Did we always make our decisions wrong?" The repairing Tianyu master began to doubt himself. It should be said that he had doubts about the rules of the Tiantian domain for many years.

If this rule does not bring the best benefits, then the rule is that it should be abolished. But what exactly is the result, everything must be seen.

There are a lot of things that can be decided without his head. After all, there are so many elders and deacons who are a little decisive.

"Good!" The vastness of the gods was so excited that they were very excited.

This is the disciple he cultivated. Except for what Yi Tianyun did not teach, the rest are taught by his hands. The strength that has been demonstrated today is beyond his expectations.

Immediately, he looked at the elders with gaze and said: "This time, you need to send a stronger opponent, that is, we must fight more."

The elders looked down upon them. In theory, they didn't want to reach this step. Even if they won, they didn't feel much glory. In the same situation, they can't win each other, they can only represent their overall level is too bad.

But now, they can't admit defeat, they can only send people to the scalp.

"Okay, just as you wish!"

The elders immediately sent out stronger geniuses, and Yi Tianyun’s confrontation was directly on the eighth floor of the gods, which was slightly stronger. As for the fact that they are also sending a level of strength, it means that the swordsmen are respected by them, and they are faced with the superior level.

When faced with an opponent who is one level higher than them, each face is dignified, this is not an easy task. Overstepping combat is often the most dangerous and easier to defeat.

However, it depends on their spare capacity. For example, Swordsman Tianzun and Longming Tianzun are afraid that they will not be able to win this game. When they are at the same level, they have already worked very hard and barely won. Now that the battle is stronger, the difficulty is even higher.

"This time we won, don't blame us. At the beginning of your vows, but to defeat all the geniuses of the heavens!" The elders sighed.

"What I said at the beginning, what is it now." The vast gods have no remorse. The promises made at the beginning can only be done with the scalp, and he does not think that he will lose!

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