Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1450: has no meaning?

The words of the vast gods, can not help but let them look a few high eyes, I thought I would say one or two rebuttals. It seems that they think too much now. The vast gods must say what they have done. What they said before, there will be no change now.

Even if you lose, you must implement this belief. If you fail, all the bitter fruit will be borne by yourself!

"Good!" The elders had a complicated look, but there was no looseness on their mouths.

He does not want the vast gods to break the rules, even now, they have no signs of loosening. They don't want to change the rules over the years, they are not in a straightforward manner, and the previous rules can't be changed!

In one order, the test started right away. It was not long before the battle began. Longming Tianzun immediately fell into extreme hardships. If they continue to do so, they will lose.

Opponents are not only stronger than they are, but their talents are even more amazing. It is too difficult to win. Therefore, the outcome can only be a failure, but the strength of the heavens and the thousands of days of respect, but it is difficult to solve the problem with the opponent, I do not know how the outcome.

Yi Tianyun still has no outbursts here. It is an understatement. When he goes to the front, his opponent is directly kicked by a kick and easily killed.

"Too bad, this is the genius in your mouth?" He said indifferently: "Come on a stronger point, it is still too weak."

For a time, Yi Tianyun once again grabbed all the limelight! Do not look at the battle of the gods level, but the leapfrog battle is still extremely difficult, the difficulty is almost the same as the Tianzun level war.

However, Yi Tianyun is still a spike, there is no difference.


A group of people are looking at this side with their eyes wide open. I thought that Yi Tianyun would also be in a hard fight. Who knows that it is a spike. If the same gust is like it, the opponent will be like a ball and fly over here.

The elders, their faces sinking, suddenly think of the words of the vast gods, then Yi Tianyun is the domain owner of the new forces! In this case, it is normal to not discuss it with common sense.

But they didn't say much more. Let's take a look at the battles that are respected by them every day. When they are all over, decide who to send them up.


Forces every day to scream, the blood of the gods broke out, beat the opponent with a violent attitude, and directly won this game!

The same is true for the thousands of days, she has no amazing blood, has a stubborn force, forcibly defeated the opponent - the victory.

They are all victorious and almost lost.

Three of the five people won, and it was incredible that the thousand-day triumphant wins a superior Tianzun late powerhouse! Does it mean that the cap won?

Of course, the answer is not that the elders sent by the elders will not be the strongest. It is a bit shameful to be able to send a superior opponent in the late stage of the Tianzun, and also sent the strongest out, the face does not need to be.

"Win, we won!" Li Tiantian respected them and they won the most difficult, so they felt deeper.

Yi Tianyun is not as excited as they are, but just smiles. He just shows a layer of strength. If they are all displayed, wouldn’t they be shocked?

"This is your win, but there is the next one!" The elders poured a cold water next to them, and said: "If you win this game, then you will win!"

They are respectful of them, but they have not said anything. According to the promises promised by the vast gods, they can continue to arrange. To defeat all geniuses means that you can continue to send them out. The ones that were originally sent are not the best, and naturally they won’t win.

They will only formally admit if they defeat their best genius.

"Good! It's better than the last game!"

Li Tiantian respected them and tried to take over the battle. Followed by them all have to adjust the rate, take the recovery of the drug, after all recovery, will continue to the next game.

This time they came up with their strongest genius! It can be said that it is the strongest level of genius in each stage.

The first is the genius that Tian Tianzun encounters. He has the superior level of the superior Tianzun. In fact, he is the opponent who has just been defeated by Qian Tiantian. Thousands of days are respectable and can be defeated. Now it is the turn of the power to deal with it, the difficulty is extremely high.

On the thousandth day of the respect, it is a brand-new super genius, and it is also the post-level of the superior, but the power it displays is very different.

A special energy is slowly released from his body, forming a special space within a certain range.

Yi Tianyun looked up and immediately felt the power of this person, and it was still a very powerful level.

Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects: With the power of the Dragon Blood, you can release the power of Kowloon in one breath, destroying the earth!

"The power of the Kowloon blood?"

Yi Tianyun glimpsed, although this thing is also the blood of the dragon, but from the quality point of view, it is definitely the first five levels of blood. Light is the power of this blood, it is far more than the blood of the thousands of days.

Xiu Tian Shen domain judges a genius, naturally not by testing the stone monument, you can fully cultivate. The stone tablet is just one point, and the other is to see the blood.

If the blood is ranked in the forefront, then there is no need to talk about it, and it is directly cultivated, and even the test stone is not needed. Bloodline rankings are more reliable than testing stone tablets, and they exist longer.

It is unclear who is ranked, but from the past years, it is indeed the level of anti-day, no one can resist.

"It seems that the teacher of the month is dangerous..." Yi Tianyun frowned, not only the domain of the heavens, but also the genius of this level of blood. If you encounter it, you will lose.

"You should care about what kind of opponent you are facing."

At this time, the cold voice came from the front, and Yi Tianyun’s line of sight was transferred. I saw a handsome young man standing in front of him, and the cold and cold breath was released from his body. It was obviously the cultivation of ice attribute martial arts.

After Yi Tianyun looked at him up and down for a while, he smiled and said: "You don't need to know, I just need to know that you can't beat me."

"Awesome!" The young man sneered aloud: "I thought that if I defeated one or two opponents, I thought I was invincible in the world? It seems that you really inherit the arrogance and pride of the four elders, but soon let you know..."


The young man’s words were not finished. Like the previous one, he flew out with a kick. Under the stunned eyes of the crowd, he said indifferently: "What is the meaning of introducing so many?"

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