Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1451: Spike

The super genius of the peak of the gods and monarchs is still being fled out by Yi Tianyun, and there is no resistance at all. Seemingly a bit of a sneak attack, in fact, sprinting at a speed that is too fast for the opponent to react, defeating the opponent with one stroke!

This situation has once again caused an uproar, they are all cheeky, raising the leapfrog to the level of the gods. It is not only the peak of the gods, but also the strongest genius at the peak level.

The result is still spiked, with no resistance at all. This makes them doubt that their brother, is not a fake brother...

Yi Tianyun is shocking people here. The Qianji Tianzun is basically suppressed. The opponent is too powerful. The powerful Jiulong blood has become a pattern attack, and the strength of a dragon is everywhere.

Thousands of days of Tianzun were repelled and eventually completely blown out. The vast gods quickly flew over, and when they reached out, they took the moon and the gods, and wrapped the power of her dragon, quickly dissipated, and there was no residue left.

"Master, I am sorry..." Thousands of tears fell from the corner of the eye, and I felt very unwilling. I didn't expect it to fail in the end, and I didn't win for my master.

"Nothing, you have done a good job, everything is just the burden that the master has imposed on you..." The vast gods stretched out their hands, and the light shrouded the moon, and began to heal her.

His mentality has changed a lot, and it should be said that it has changed before coming. He was arrogant at the time and felt that everything could be successful, and he could change the stubbornness of the Tiantian domain.

It seems that he is too young now, but it is not the result he wants to let his disciples fall into such humiliation.

The month of Qian Tianzun fainted, and she died for a long time before she lost. The body suffered a very serious injury and continued to do so, almost died.

If it wasn’t for the opponent to fly her out of the ring, it’s really dead, and I’m not willing to admit defeat. Thousands of Heavenly Respects are so stubborn, they will not give up until they die, but they will lose here.

In the final battle of five people, Yi Tianyun will still be able to win.

"I won, is the master victory here?" Yi Tianyun intervened at this time, the voice spread throughout the hall.

The elders have a glimpse of them, and this will only remember that Yi Tianyun won. Before the elders did say that as long as they won this game, it would be a great victory.

Thousands of days have lost, it doesn't matter, but Yi Tianyun won, it is a global victory! The seven layers of the gods are against the peaks of the gods, and the difficulty is no less than that of the upper stage of the early days of the battle. Therefore, in theory, it is equal to crushing their genius.

This will everyone's eyes are gathered on him, as his words, it is really equal to the victory of the vast god.

"Yes, so to speak..." The elder's answer was a bit difficult, but what he said before could only become a reality.

The most powerful geniuses of the gods have been defeated, and they have been unable to shout out stronger, unless they let Tian Zun come to deal with Yi Tianyun. But this is not the same level of the realm, but across the big realm.

Swordsman Tianzun, the more they deal with the superior Tianzun, in fact, is essentially Tianzun, so the meaning is different. Nowadays it is different. The gods deal with Tianzun, that is, they cross the great realm, and the difficulty can be imagined.

"And me!" At this time one of the young people stood up and looked at Yi Tianyun coldly and said: "I am stronger, come and compare with me!"

This name is also the level of the peak of the gods. Yi Tianyun looked at the past and knew that his comprehensive level was not as good as that of the previous one.

But they are not willing to lose, just want to play another game with Yi Tianyun until everyone loses!

"Well, let's come up." Yi Tianyun signaled him to come up. Since he said so, he will not refuse to come, how many will be played!

The elders had no time to stop, and the young man rushed up and poured out the anger in his heart. Aligning Yi Tianyun is a sword running through and pouring all his power. Under a sword, like Wan Jian attacked, locking a large area, there is almost no way to escape.

Yi Tianyun still has no fancy movements. Turning over is a slap in the face, quickly find out the flaws, and easily break open and let people fly out.


Yi Tianyun's right hand is behind him, extending his left hand to indicate that they continue to storm, and his face is light, it seems so easy and freehand. Dealing with the gods, a super **** title, can already kill any god.

The invincible God genius, facing this title, is to be embarrassed! With this blessing, not only is the damage increased, but also the effect of absolute suppression, which is equivalent to increasing the damage of a hundred times, so how to play?

"I come!"

Another genius rushed up with a loud bang. They were extremely upset about Yi Tianyun and ruined the test stone. Can you be happy? Especially when I think of my talent, it may not be this level, I feel very uncomfortable.

However, anger can not increase their strength, can only be reduced to cannon fodder, Yi Tianyun gave a foot to fly.

"This is the so-called genius in your mouth? I am only a gift of six talents. Are you at least seven or eight talents? Also tell me the correct position, I think it is you, you should be right in your position!" Yun Leng said: "Good talent can make your starting point higher, but it does not mean that you are the king of this era!"

Yi Tianyun's momentum surged, and they pressed back and forth, and their legs trembled. This is the momentum, it is to let them for a time, do not dare to continue to fight.

"I, I am coming!" Someone still tried to get up on the scalp, in order to sigh, not to be crushed by a six-person talent.

They all want to rush over and want to defeat Yi Tianyun with the wheel battle. But when they want to continue, the elders are coldly beside them: "Enough!"

At this time, many disciples stopped and looked unwilling. Did you lose like this?

"Your level does not seem to be equal to the level of the gods. It is very likely to hide the strength. Your true level, it may be the level of heaven! Now it is concealing strength, it is estimated to stay at the level of God!" At this time, the elders did not Admit defeat, but move to other aspects.

He believes that Yi Tianyun's true cultivation is that he has a cult of heaven and deliberately concealing it to suppress them. The gods face Tianzun, still not winning? This completes their mission.

Yi Tianyun stared at him, and it seemed that he still refused to admit defeat and began to turn his attention to his true cultivation.

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