Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1452: Go back

Yi Tianyun thought that the elders would admit defeat. It seems that he was naive. The old guy didn't want to admit defeat. Now, when he saw a point, he immediately stopped and held it.

"Very good, now I can check my repairs, see if I am a god, or Tianzun!" Yi Tianyun stretched his hand and his eyes were very cold.

He is naturally not afraid of being tested. He is a god, and there is no change.

At this time, the vast gods stood up and stopped in front of Yi Tianyun: "It seems that you still think that I will use this method to get away with it?"

This is no longer a question of God and Heaven, but a matter of personal principles. On the one hand, it is equal to saying that the vast **** is cheating, how can he endure it?

"This is hard to say, God knows if you will use this? If you can't win the battle, you can choose to cheat!" The elders began to smear the vastness of God, and felt that in order to win, everything would be unscrupulous.

"I will never do this kind of thing in my life. Maybe I have done a lot of wrong things, but I will definitely not be such a despicable villain, especially to the field of repairing the gods!" The vastness of the gods is so cold that it is extremely cold. Staring at the elders, I can't wait to slap him to death!

"Yes, I don't know until after the inspection! If you don't check, you are in the heart!" The elders are still not dying, and they feel that there is definitely a problem. Otherwise, how can they have such a strong ability to fight them all? No effort to fight back.

No matter what it is, it is a solution to make them feel incredible.

They are also angry at the swordsman Tian Zun next to them. Are they all stunned? What kind of weapon is so powerful, can be repaired so deep, so many gods stare, will definitely be seen through.

On the other hand, they look even more eccentric. Defeat the gods, what is the younger brother, but kill the gods like a dog, and easily kill a large piece!

Don't say that it is the leap-level killing of the gods, and it is not a problem to easily kill the gods! Therefore, each one has full confidence in Yi Tianyun, they are to accompany.

Who knows that now is suspected, I think Yi Tianyun is not a monarch.

"If after the inspection, is it still repaired by the gods?" The vast **** looked at him coldly.

"If it is the repair of the gods, it proves that there is no problem. Even if the elders of your four lives are standing straight, many people now feel incredible. If you don't check, how can you calm down their doubts?" The elders looked around. Many people do have doubts about this.

Their top genius, even in the face of the next level of the next level, can kneel down and even deal with! Now, it is defeated under the seven levels of God, how can they feel that they believe?

It is impossible to say that it is a genius of the lower level of the lower level of the Tianzun. What kind of treasure is used to suppress the breath, so that it is mistaken to think that it is the monarchy, but in reality it is the level of heaven, so how can it be played?

"Okay, let you check! If it is the Shenjun repair, I hope that you apologize for the behavior just now!" Hao Hao Tian Shen sighed: "This is an insult to me!"

"If it's really okay, then I will apologize for my actions."

The elder did not hesitate, and immediately came to Yi Tianyun, reached out and grabbed his arm and began to explore his physical condition. After a brief investigation, let him hold it, and it is really a seven-level level of the gods, no more, no change at all.

"No, it's impossible. It's really the seventh layer of the gods. How can there be such amazing power... We are all elite geniuses. After screening through layers, it is impossible to be defeated so easily..."

The elders took a few steps back and felt incredible. In this way, isn’t it true that the disciples trained by the vast gods are far more powerful than their disciples?

When the two elders saw it, they quickly followed, grabbed Yi Tianyun’s arm and began to explore. After simply wandering around, I didn't see any special circumstances, let alone the hidden magic weapon, and even the treasures were not explored.

"It’s really a seven-layer repair of the gods..."

The two elders were also shocked. He used to be skeptical like the elders. When I really checked the truth, I was deeply shocked.

Of course, they can't detect the planets in Yi Tianyun's body. These can't be explored casually. If you want to explore, there is no difference between them and the soul search.

Moreover, the exploration does not need to be too deep at all, just a little check. If there is any treasure to lock the breath, it is easy to find out.

Nothing can be explored now, and the result is naturally the same - the seven layers of the gods.

A repair that made them feel shocked, so they are in front of them!

“Is there still a need to check?” Yi Tianyun indicated that other elders came to check, but no one has checked it. The two elders have checked and said that they are seven layers of the gods, then the rest of the elders do not need to check. what.

They are all face to face, and they don't know what to say.

At this time, the elders struggled to stand up. Some of them were difficult to say: "Here, I apologize to the four elders seriously. I should not doubt you at will. Just in principle, we must check it!"

The elders finally apologized slowly, but sincerity was a little fake, and they did not forget to give themselves a set of rhetoric, so that they would not be so embarrassed.

"But..." The elders suddenly changed their tone: "The test is still going to continue. According to this, you can't simply judge with the gods. At least you need to deal with the level of heaven, as long as this match against all levels of heaven, that is, At the lower level of the heavenly level, we officially recognize your proof!"

As soon as this was said, it immediately stunned. God Jun is a battle against Heaven? Didn't they get it wrong? Even if you are fighting against Tianzun, it is still the success of all the lower level of the Tianzun, including the lower level of the next Tianzun, and the three levels must be dealt with.

In this way, the difficulty is really great.

"It's despicable!" Swordsman Tianzun was very angry, but he just felt very uncomfortable, but his mouth was a faint smile.

If this is the standard, then they are not afraid! Their younger brothers, but even the middle-ranking Tianzun can be hard-hitting, and the next Tianzun is afraid of what!

It’s just that they are annoyed, or this big elder is out! This is the point. I have already said it before. Now I am still talking about it, and I want to go to the real world.

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