Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1453: Punch

"The rules are not so fixed?"

The vastness of the gods is cold, and the inspection is repaired, and now it’s time to play it! It’s too exaggerating to beat the level of heaven.

He has heard of the strength of Yi Tianyun, knowing that his ability is not small, but sometimes it is not a matter of principle, but a matter of principle. I have said before, the comparison test under the same realm now spans the big realm.

"No, no, the rules are set by you. You just said that you can beat all of our geniuses. Now we have given a standard. It is already a low standard for us." The elders were indifferent and did not say anything for themselves. Shame.

"I said this at the beginning, but is it really so?" The vastness of God is full of anger. According to this statement, bringing a level of Heavenly King, how do opponents have to face the level of God? In this way, how can I fight?

"It's not like this, but your disciple is so powerful. Don't you let him try more?" The elder smiled: "His performance is beyond our expectations, and it is impossible to beat the next level." Can beat the next three levels, we will win even if you win!"

Not only the elders, but other elders think so, nodding their heads.

The vast **** looked at his father's side, and the repairing Tianyu master did not waver. He still sat there and did not move.

"You are too much!" At this time, the domain stood up and said coldly: "Can there be such a conclusion? If it is passed out, will we not want to repair the face of God?"

After the domain is extremely distressed by his son, it is hard to see one side, is this trying to force people away?

The following snoring, have looked up to the repair of the Tianyu master, is this the meaning of repairing the Tianyu master?

"Sit down!" Xiu Tianyu's main eyes blinked and said in a voice that could not be disobeyed.

After watching the field, he stopped talking and finally chose to sit down.

Immediately, the Lord of the Tianyu said here: "He does have more strength. This is not a violation. The true genius is to fight more and more. It is not a problem to cross the realm. We also have here. This level of genius, such as Jiu Gu Tian Zun, can be a level of war with the gods."

"The only way to be a true genius is to have nothing to say to the four elders."

The repairing Tianyu masters have spoken, what can the vast gods say?

"Good!" The vastness of the gods is gloomy. Does it seem that his father still does not support himself, or does he choose to stand in a confrontational situation?

Immediately, he looked at Yi Tianyun. When he wanted to say something, Yi Tianyun had already laughed first: "Master, give it to me here, I will let them know, what is wrong with them!"

Yi Tianyun stepped forward and swept the cold eyes: "Come on, which one is the first to start?"

"I will come first!"

At this time, a lower celestial body jumped out, the whole body released the power of domineering, and a piece of muscle appeared on the body, which looked very disgusting. However, this is more like a symbol of strength. It has super strength, and it is not too bad compared to the blood of the gods.

"It is karma, and his strength is very strong! The kid is using a fist, and the karma is to use a fist, and he will definitely kill the kid!"

"There is a look at this, and the kid's arm must be abolished!"

"Looking at him is so arrogant, it is really pleasing to the eye! I don't know where it came from, and I can't say what kind of cheating is used to win our brothers!"

I saw the karma one by one, and I felt very excited. I feel that I will definitely win this time. They don't know what it means to be brazen, just know that they must win them! Otherwise, it is really a reshuffle.

Yi Tianyun looked at the karma of Tianli, and his eyes shifted to him, his eyes condensed. This person is definitely the leader of the next Tianzun, and looking at it is the strongest level of the next Tianzun.

"It seems that they sent the strongest ones, don't want to drag and drop..." Yi Tianyun smiled, not as big as before, and wanted to suppress him.

After karma came up, he looked at him coldly: "I heard that your strength is very strong. I have never had any opponents in terms of strength. But if you repair it so much worse than me, let you first come out. Punch, play on my side! See if you can play, but if you just have the power, it is really like itching!"

His two huge fists slap each other and make a "squeaky" sound. Immediately reached out and patted on his chest, indicating that Yi Tianyun attacked here.

Such a generous humility is actually provoking Yi Tianyun.

"Yes, then I am welcome."

Yi Tianyun grinned, and he wouldn't have been a bit polite for this idiot. When I stepped on the foot, I swiftly rushed over here, and I waved my fist and went to the karma.

This punch seems to be inconspicuous, it feels like there is no power, a little fluttering.

"Does this fist look too weak? There is no power at all, let alone hurt the karma, and it is estimated that even one step will not be able to retreat?"

"Oh, it is estimated that this is the case. Just now that is a slap in the face? Now it is not dying, and I will admit defeat."

"It is possible that the previous forces have broken out. What power is there now? Wait until the karma Tianzun will flatten him and let them know what is the real gap!"

These words are often they hang on their lips, that is, let the opponent know the gap between genius and mediocrity. Under their aura, the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and they will never catch up.

"Fast block!"

At this time, the elders looked down and hurriedly shouted karma to resist. However, they did not need to be reminded that the karma was shrinking. The original said that it was necessary to make a punch. Now it is stretched out in front of the chest. The thick muscles are like copper walls and are in front of themselves.

At the same time, a pale yellow light shrouded the palm of your hand and looked like a solid wall.

Through the gap in the palm of the hand, karma is seeing the ridiculous smile of Yi Tianyun.


A loud bang broke out from the karma of the karma, and together with the whole palm, with a huge body, it was swept out by a fist. The void was shattered by a punch, and the cracks spread out!

The karma Tianzun immediately turned into a rock, flying out into the air. But in the next moment, the elders have already flown over, grabbing the karma, and fixing them in midair.

At this time, all the talents can see clearly. The palm of the karma has been broken, and the chest is already a large depression. The karma is now fainting, and a boxing defeat, no pressure.

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