Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1454: Giant sword Tianzun

Yi Tianyun’s punch almost broke through the karma, but this is all his mercy, otherwise the karma is absolutely blown!

His current strength is not a joke, and the dragon's blood and the blood of the phoenix merge to become a more powerful blood. The light is pure blood, and it has already produced amazing power.

In addition to this, let alone other amazing blood, and the equipment worn on the body is superimposed. After all are superimposed, you don't need the crazy damage mode, it is enough to suppress the next level.

More powerful than these guys! Especially this idiot, let him attack. If you are desperately resisting, you may not be able to beat a second.

Can not be prepared at all, let Yi Tianyun attack, that is an idiot.

This kind of idiot, Yi Tianyun has never been rare, he thought he was very powerful and looked down on his opponent. The result is that he is killed by a stroke, this kind of person makes Yi Tianyun happy, no need to waste any time.


Yi Tianyun gently raised his hand and indicated that they could arrange the next one. The following is a dumb, extremely optimistic karma is respected by a stroke, even if it is too late to defend, it is too late to be beaten by a punch!

Especially the phrase "next", suddenly let them wake up like a dream, wake up from shock.

"Despicable, even sneak attack! Karma is not ready, you have already attacked!"

"Yes, it’s all sneak attack! The karma is not ready, you attack it, it’s too mean!"

"Just now, karma is still talking to you, you are really shameless!"

One by one began to scream, they felt that Yi Tianyun was a sneak attack, karma Tianzun was not ready, Yi Tianyun attacked, even if it was a sneak attack.

"Sneak attack?" Yi Tianyun sneered: "I will rush to you, and tell me genius one by one, it is just a pig! Don't insult the genius, you are not worthy!"

"I still told me to engage in a sneak attack. He said that let me punch, I just hit it up, and told me about the sneak attack. Although I am not convinced, even if you come up, you are this garbage!"

Yi Tianyun looked at them coldly, even if the clay figurines had three points of fire, a group of people like the big elders, lost and repaid! The standard is even more mentioning, it is really disgusting.

Everyone's face changed, and they shouted in a red neck: "Where do you say garbage? On the top, who is afraid of who!"

"You, you are up!"

"I am going? Why don't you say you?"

"Don't you say that you are attacking, go up and fight with him..."

Said to come up to play a game, but who really dare to go up? It’s a set of words. When you really have to face it, you are all retreating. Where do you dare to play?

They are cultivated as the level of the gods and the heavenly kings. It is only cannon fodder. It is not enough for the former gods to be abused.

Swordsman Tianzun they laughed, and they were even more disdainful of the genius of the Tiantian domain.

"These idiots, the mouths are one by one, but the ability is not. Is it a sneak attack? If there is a skill, where would you be afraid of this sneak attack?"

"The younger brother is awesome, one punch and one god. If we are at the level of God, even if we can deal with it, it will not be so easy."

"It can only be said that the karma is a bit stupid, thinking that the younger brother is an ordinary god.... Then, how can the younger brother be so powerful? They are all gods, how is the gap so big?"

"Is it true that the nine refining monarchs have cultivated them?"

"Nine refining the landlord, this is possible...but it is not right, is it so powerful?"

Swordsman Tianzun they are all discussing, I think Yi Tianyun really gave them a sigh of relief, and smashed the idiots.

"Enough! More effective than the test, continue to the next!" The elders snorted, instructing them to shut up and continue to let the next Tianzun play.

Soon a mid-level of the next Tianzun came out, carrying a giant sword on his body, which looked very exaggerated and reached a height of more than ten meters. It is extremely rare to use such a large sword. It is mainly inconvenient.

And this giant sword, or the Tianzun Lingbao, the power that broke out is absolutely amazing.


The giant sword was pulled out, and it was slightly shaken, making a creaking sound, and the space was shaken a little.

"Some words should be said, some words should not be said, don't you know?" Giant Sword Tianzun clasped this giant sword, as if holding a wooden stick as easy, faint words, but turned into a wave of momentum Going over to Yi Tianyun.

Immediately around the sky, it was enveloped by the sword and turned into an attack range. As long as a sword goes down, it will surely hit. This is his skill.

"This sentence should not be what I said?" Yi Tianyun looked at him faintly.

"Oh, cut your tongue, don't you know if you can still tell it?" The giant sword Tianzun walked over to Yi Tianyun step by step, his eyes full of killing.

"Cut off my tongue?" Yi Tianyun sneered: "Look, can you see if you can cut it!"


The giant sword Tianzun suddenly fell down with a sword, and the surrounding swords suddenly rolled up, turning into countless wind blades to the Yi Tianyun side. Every wind blade was extremely sharp, and the speed was lightning fast. Cut into a faint white shadow.

Every wind blade, the place to aim is just the mouth of Yi Tianyun, saying that cutting his tongue is to cut it.

At the same time, the giant sword in the air is even more squatting. The aiming is still the area of ​​Yi Tianyun, and I want to lock it all in all!

The shot is extremely hot, and if you don't kill Yi Tianyun, he will definitely be cut into several pieces. Anyway, as long as the soul is not destroyed, it must not die, but it is seriously injured and it takes a long time to recover.

The giant sword Tianzun is not as savvy as the karma, and the shot is a very strong move, in order to achieve a trick and kill, do not want to waste any time.

Yi Tianyun fluttered into the void, and the wind blade around him had no influence on him. As long as he did not cut the space, he could not cause any harm to him.

"The power of the void?"

Everyone has a glimpse of their eyes, and this extremely rare ability has appeared on a human race?

The giant sword Tianzun’s eyes condensed and quickly locked the void that Yi Tianyun had just entered. A sword slammed down and yelled: “Even if you are hiding in the void, don’t let me out!”

"Where are you?"

A ghostly voice came from behind him. His heart was cold and he wanted to quickly backhand a sword. It was too late. The heavy foot squatted down and turned him into a rock-like, heavy squatting on the ground, and his back was sunken.

When he was detained, he did not know how Yi Tianyun came over. He just came into the void and came over?

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