Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1458: Under the punch, everything is gone!

"Do not worry, even if the master does not say, I will not let them go. I will block their mouths and let them have nothing to say!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are cold and he wants to hang himself, so he can see if he has the ability! It’s really disgusting to go back and forth twice.

He knows that this group of people is trying to maintain their status and does not want to damage their interests. Once you admit defeat, it is basically equal to the vast gods win, and by the time of the promise, the vast gods will be able to master most of the killing power!

How to distribute it at that time is the thing of the vast gods. How can such a group of people tolerate this kind of thing? Especially since they have always looked down on those talented mediocrity people, they feel extremely disgusting when they think that resources are being allocated to them.

Therefore, you can only choose to rebel, thick and cheeky, so that you can continue to have an opportunity to suppress Yi Tianyun.

Immediately, the elders immediately selected another lower-ranking Tianzun late strongman. He did not dare to choose the median Tianzun. If that came, it would be too shameless.

Originally, the gods deal with Tianzun, and it is a joke to say that going out. If you become a mediator, you really don’t want to face.

"Oh, I thought it was a killer. It turned out to be the Tianzun who specializes in the nature of the wind. There are also various speed blessings... On the power, it is somewhat inferior to the fire, but from the speed point of view, it can be seen." Yi Tianyun looked up and down the Fengrui Tianzun, and immediately knew what kind of ability they had sent.

When they see the power of the flames, they can't suppress it. They just take out the celestial abilities of similar abilities, and they compete at a speed! See who is faster and can suppress each other with faster power.

"Your speed is very good, it is really amazing, but unfortunately met me! I will let you know what is called the real speed!"

When Feng Rui Tian Zun came up, there would be not too many fancy movements, and he immediately released the Tianzun Lingbao on his body - the white wings, quickly equipped on the back.

This kind of acceleration of the Tianzun Lingbao, has not been seen before, Yi Tianyun has seen it before. It is a very correct choice to give the best of your own strength to the extreme.

"咻", Feng Rui Tian Zun turned into a white light, scraped over to Yi Tianyun, as if he is a wind blade, this wind blade is him!

The huge wind blade is like a half moon in the night sky, and it is harvested from Yi Tianyun.

Seeing such an amazing speed, a group of people began to exclaim, in their view, this speed is definitely better than Yi Tianyun.

The elders are clenching their fists, and he hopes to win this time! Fengrui Tianzun is inferior in strength to the fire, but under the best efforts, the speed can definitely exceed Yi Tianyun!

Nowadays, Fengrui Tianzun has just played, and immediately choose to inspire all the power, and turn into the speed to attack Yi Tianyun. What is required is not that the power is extreme enough, but that the speed is absolutely extreme, and that it is almost impossible to keep up with the median.

This is his ability to be proud, but unfortunately the original representative is not his presence. Because he is the speed of light, the elders think they need the power of extreme violence to prove their strength.

Who knows that it was hanged by Yi Tianyun, now it is his turn to speed up, trying to kill the Yi Tianyun in front of the eyes with the strongest speed!

At the same time that everyone is screaming, I don’t know that it has fallen into a strange circle. Even if they win, it is not glamorous. After all, they are faced with the gods, not the gods.

The power of such a strong explosion, even if the result beats Yi Tianyun, will not be proud.

Yi Tianyun squinted at the Fengrui Tianzun who flew over here, and had to admit that the speed of the savage under the full force of the explosion was really amazing.

This is the speed, it is already a lot of median Tianzun. It's just speed. It's a little weak in strength. When dealing with some real powerhouses, even if you hit your opponent, it's hard to be fatal. It's impossible to be seriously injured.

"What is the speed... but I can't compare it with speed, it is better than power!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and the fist instantly condenses the power of the planet in the body. The core of the five elements instantly bursts out of the energy of the cockroach, rushing into the fist, and the cyclone is intertwined.

The blood of the dragon and the phoenix directly detonated and completely integrated into his fist. The evil heavenly suit is more powerful, and the power is raised to the top!

Among them, the most powerful power of the fusion of martial arts is erupted - the **** of heaven is "broken"!

"Give me a burst!"

Yi Tianyun did not lie in this place, but chose to lie in the front of the void, the power of violent under this mammoth, like a smashing on a transparent wall.


Suddenly, this piece of void immediately collapsed and turned into a chaotic space to be shredded around. The Fengrui Tianzun, who rushed up, hit a violent force. Under the rebound of strength, he directly vomited blood, and the body was smashed into a large piece and turned into a pile of powder, which quickly disappeared.

Immediately following the small half of the body, the body fell from the air to the side, heavily squatting on the ground, **** and fuzzy, quite horrified.

Everyone's eyes widened, not the body of Yi Tianyun, but the body of Fengrui Tianzun! Nowadays, the body of Fengrui Tianzun has been smashed into a large piece and looks quite cruel.

What speed, under the fist of Yi Tianyun, was directly blasted. Extremely amazing range, locking everything around. His punching speed is not fast, but the power that broke out, locking the entire range, avoiding inevitable.

"The real genius is not to make excuses for his own failure. Losing is losing, not not acknowledging! I am not without strength, but your ability, it is not worthy of my full exertion!" Yi Tianyun cold channel "If you can't beat your opponent, don't make excuses to comfort yourself. It will only reflect your incompetence!"

Yi Tianyun is extremely aggressive and walks two steps forward. Simply using the power of his fists proves that he is not without power. What speed, what is fast and not broken, is virtual in front of him.

Under the punch, everything is gone!

"Good!" Jiansi Tianzun began to applaud and felt very agree with Yi Tianyun.

They are smiling and they all agree with Yi Tianyun’s words. Losing is losing, don’t make excuses for your loss!

Now Yi Tianyun’s punch once again proves that he is not relying on speed to win, but that his opponent does not even have the qualification to let him break out.

These words echoed in their hearts for a long time, their mouths were so big that they couldn't be closed for a long time. Such a powerful Feng Rui Tian Zun, a fist is killed by the second, this will not be their illusion?

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