Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1459: End

"Great elders, I don't know what else can you say this time?"

The vast gods look at the elders faintly, and the genius disciples who look at the side. Now Yi Tianyun has an amazing strength, not relying on speed, or relying on his own fist.

It is thoroughly proved that Yi Tianyun not only has speed, but also amazing power! In the case where speed can easily win, it means that the opponent's strength is too weak. Yi Tianyun is now proving this, no speed is used, it is a punch!

The violent power covers all directions, there is no attack that can escape him, and it is easy to kill the wind and the gods.

"Nothing..." The elders looked bitter. This time he knew that he really lost. What else can they say here? Going on, it means that the median Tianzun is on the scene.

The more they do, the more humiliating they are. It is only because of the repair of Yi Tianyun that it is only a god, a **** who crossed the battle against Tianzun, has been very exaggerated, and even the median Tianzun is counted.

Other geniuses are also silent, only the shock in the eyes, more unwilling.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the vast gods won, meaning that most of the power is controlled by the vast gods.

"Well, that time, the competition for the four elders won." At this time, the repairing Tianyu master announced on the above, announcing that Haotian Tianshen won this victory and fulfilled his original promise!

"Is it finally won..."

Yi Tianyun sighed with relief, although he did not mind continuing to fight, but he continued to do so, he will naturally expose more. If you can, it is definitely good to stop now.

“Hey, successfully complete the ‘Help the vast gods to defeat the genius’ hidden mission, get 3,000 points of compression madness, 3,000 points of compression proficiency, and get a special title ‘first fascinating’!”

At the beginning of the show, you can strengthen yourself ten times in the realm of God!

"There is a special title." Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, this effect is still very good, and can also be superimposed. It means that he stays in his own three realms, on the basis of the original, again superimposed ten times the damage, it is really enough against the sky.

At the same time he felt pleasantly surprised, the repairing Tianyu master said at the top: "The 10,000-year vows are now over. According to the original regulations, the next domain lord is the four elders, and now the power is promoted to the elders level. The original elders , descending one level in order."

Yi Tianyun stunned, no wonder these big elders or two elders, strongly opposed to everything, do not hesitate to cheeky, have to go back. It turned out to be such rewards, but it was really tempting.

The vast gods and gods suddenly rushed to the position of the elders from the four elders! This makes him immediately become the first person under the domain power, and is still the next domain owner. These conditions add up, can you not let the elders go crazy?

But now the elders can't go against it, not only to repair the Tianyu master, but more importantly, the vast gods prove with their own strength, his theory is not wrong.

With a group of strong people who are not geniuses, they crushed them.

I don’t know if Yi Tianyun is a half-way monk, and I can’t talk about the vast gods. No matter what these things can be, if you can win, then everything is worth it.

"Thank you for the domain master!" The vast gods squatted down and accepted these seals to make him climb to the top.

After the domain was excited on the side, her son was successful, she was naturally very happy.

This matter soon came to a close, even though those geniuses were unwilling, but this was an oath that could not be violated.

Yi Tianyun, they are all arranged in the VIP room to wait, can not walk freely. They are disciples of the vast gods, but they are not free to move around here, so they can only stay here waiting for news.

"Little brother, come here, I will respect you!" Yue Qian Tian Zun very proudly raised the glass, and then poured it. "If it is not a younger brother, we are lost. The master is definitely not the position of a great elder. It will be even lower."

"Yes, my younger brother, I also respect you!"

Swordsman Tianzun, they all respected Tianyun a cup, Yi Tianyun smiled and drank with them, it was quite happy, finally raging those guys. But fortunately, he wants to abuse the other two major gods.

When I was drinking almost, suddenly Jiansi Tianzun asked: "Small younger brother, if the master asks you to join the Shutian domain, would you like to join?"

"I don't want to." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "This time, although they can shock them, let them choose to obey, but they will not be able to change for a while. I don't want to stay in this ghost place, I can only hope that the master can Manage well and change the atmosphere here."

"Yes! We think the same way, how can we not join here. Look at their faces, it is disgusting. No wonder the master will run out and want to change the domain of the heavens. Continue to do so, Xiu Tianshen domain will sooner or later !" Swordsman Tianzun is extremely unhappy.

"Well, genius is always a minority, and it has always been cold and talented. This will not last long. Now the grievances are extremely deep. As the accumulation increases, there will always be an outbreak." Li Tiantian respected them and shook their heads. This place is really not willing to stay here.

The purpose of this group of people is surprisingly consistent, that is, they are unwilling to join the field of repairing the gods.

"I think the master will definitely not let us join, even if he is now a big elder, will not let us join." Yi Tianyun drank a drink, smiled.

"Do you know this?" Swordsman Tianzhuo wondered: "The master must have been unable to leave here. It is equal to returning. Is it because we are outside?"

"This is not clear, it seems that it should be like this." Yi Tianyun laughed.

When they talked about the fire, the vast gods walked in from the outside and smiled: "You are all drinking here, talking about something, so happy?"

They all shut up one by one, and they were too embarrassed to say what they were discussing.

"Nothing, we are not talking about Master, let us join the Shutian Shenyu." Yi Tianyun simply and rudely asked.

The wine in the mouth of the swordsman’s mouth was directly sprayed on the face of Longming Tianzun. He did not expect Yi Tianyun to be so bold. The words were too straightforward, and they almost all squirted.

"Haha, this is not. You are the first disciples of the vast Shenzong, how could you join the Shutian Shenyu? The vast gods are the vast gods, and will not become the heavens!" The vast **** Shen Shen said: It’s not settled here yet, it’s really not the time to let you join.”

"Here, it will take a long time to rectify..."

The vast gods sighed and poured a glass of wine on them, followed by a drink.

(End of this chapter)

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