Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1460: Ancient ruins

This battle has finally come to an end. After the expanse of God, the great change was not immediately made. However, the situation will definitely change, that is, to test the talent, no longer use the broken stone to define.

At the same time, greatly enhance the treatment of talented disciples, so that they have the opportunity to climb up! Everything that genius can get, they have a chance to get it!

After these announcements, the entire Shutian domain was exploded, which was very unbelievable. Many of the disciples who had been desperate, now suddenly hope that they have the hope of turning over.

At the same time, they learned the details of the inside story, they were deeply shocked. All of this was won by the vast gods. The vast gods were the four elders of the original, and they promised to make the Shutian domain become fair. Even the talented disciples could not give up!

This move suddenly made the prestige of the vast gods explode, and his support rate was unprecedented. It can be said that even the master of the Tianyu, there is no such high prestige as the vast god.

There are so many disciples in the Tiantian domain, and the talents are at the middle or lower level, occupying at least 70%. Is it so irrelevant to repair the Tianyu master?

Therefore, the prestige of the vast gods directly reached the peak, and even many people discussed, hoping that the vast gods can quickly become the domain owner, let him completely change everything.

The vast **** is not a true god. Although he is a god, he is not a omnipotent type. A lot of things still need to be step by step, and there is no way to go to heaven.

If you change it in a big way, the genius here will definitely cause a rebound. What he needs to do is to take care of both.

These things are enough for him to be busy for a while. As for Yi Tianyun, they chose to leave the Shutian domain and return directly to the vast gods.

There are still a lot of things to be done in the vastness of the gods, and they are all managed by them. The vast gods and gods have all repaired the gods and gods, and the vast gods have to be handed over to them for management.

However, this has nothing to do with Yi Tianyun. He is not very good at managing these things. Naturally, he is doing nothing.

"It’s almost like it’s time to go back."

Yi Tianyun intends to go back to the Sanjie Divine domain. It doesn't mean anything to stay here. It's all done, and the rest is just under the impact and repaired, hitting the heavenly level!

He has now met the criteria for breaking through to Heaven, so he only needs to accumulate experience, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When he just wanted to leave, suddenly the area in front of him burst into a golden light and was released to the outside to illuminate a large area of ​​God.

This piece of Jin Mang looks very dazzling, even the Wanshen domain on this side has been affected by it. Looking up at the sky, it is a golden piece, quite exaggerated.

He does not know what power it is to achieve this level.

"What is this?"

Yi Tianyun stunned, looked up and looked up, the eye of the investigation could not find out what happened. Prove that there is nothing in it, it is a very simple energy spread, naturally it is impossible to find out what is going on.

At this time, the swordsmen Tianzun came over. When they saw this scene, they immediately sighed: "It is estimated that the gods are coming out, and there will be such effects. This is the remains of ancient gods. The treasures inside are definitely very Seductive."

"Ancient God?" Yi Tianyun.

"Yeah, that is, the gods of a long time ago, they are generally called ancient gods. The resources of these ancient gods are extremely amazing, including the ancient gods, but they have survived, but they have not seen them. If they survived For a long time, their power is very bad!"

"If the ancient superiors are respected, it is estimated that they can be hardened with the present gods. It is quite scary."

They are all heard by the swordsman, but they are not aware of the actual situation.

“There is still this saying?” Yi Tianyun first heard of this level of existence.

"Yes, people are very early in the group, the blood is very ancient, naturally powerful. After so long, our blood has become very thin, how can it compare with them?" Jiansi Tianzun shook Shake his head.

Some rare blood veins gradually disappeared with the passage of time. And some of them still exist, they are already very rare, and with the continuous reproduction, with different races, or with the same family, the blood will become thinner and thinner.

In the final analysis, the strength is not enough to reverse the sky, the blood is not strong enough. As a result, the power is getting weaker and weaker. It is also a kind of blood, but the power is different.

Yi Tianyun deeply understands this. His blood grade is equal to the meaning of ancient blood. For example, the blood of the ancient dragon **** is equal to the seven or eight grades. The current dragon **** blood can only be equal to the second and third grades. The effect is naturally different.

“The remains of ancient gods...” Yi Tianyun’s eyes are bright. What he needs now is a lot of resources. If you can get the resources of a god, you can accelerate the comprehensive strength of the Three Realms.

Especially the remains of such a rich god, it is absolutely different from the present god. But if he kills a present god, it is also a very rich resource.

Just with his current strength, but can not do this step.

"The younger brother is interested?" Swordsman Tianzun, they saw that Yi Tianyun was already ready to move.

"It's a bit of interest. I want to go shopping and see it." Yi Tianyun didn't hide it. He really wanted to go and find out.

"What are you waiting for, a piece of the past!" Swordsman Tiandeng laughed and gestured to respect them every day.

"This..." Yi Tianyun looked at them, not to mention the swordsman Tianzun, and their strength is always eager to try.

"Reassure, we don't need to manage here. As for whether someone will invade, I don't think anyone will dare to mess up. The master let the strong man of Xiu Tian Shen domain attack the past, what forces must be flattened!" Patted his shoulder and excited: "This is the remains of the ancient gods, of course, it may be the remains of ancient Tianzun, it will take a long time to see once."

"Well? Not to say that it is an ancient god?" Yi Tianyun.

"Hey, this is where I dare to say, I am free to guess, it is very likely that ancient Tianzun..." Swordsman Tian Zun a hand.

"Well, let's go now, so as not to be taken away." Yi Tianyun nodded and acted with them, which is naturally a good thing.

I am alone, going to this ruin, is vulnerable to siege. His current strength is not weak, but it does not mean that it is absolutely invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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