Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1461: Gather

The five disciples of the vast gods of Shenzong said that they would be dispatched when they were dispatched. This kind of opportunity is extremely rare and they are impossible to miss.

Unless it is too low, it will be dispatched. This is an ancient relic, so rich in treasures, but also can be experienced, how can you miss it.

Talented in general, compared to the amazing talent, if you want to get closer, the best way is to continue to experience, only in this way can get closer. If you get the treasure, it will be a skyrocket!

So sometimes talent is just one of them, and opportunities can improve yourself.

"Hope is the ruins of ancient gods..." Yi Tianyun hopes that this time he will encounter the remains of the gods, not the remains of the gods.

After all, the remains of the gods are always one level higher and the resources are more abundant. Therefore, Yi Tianyun hopes to encounter the remains of the gods.

The five of them quickly went to the area where the light came out, through one **** domain after another, and finally came to the gods that radiated golden light.

This **** domain is actually one of the destroyed in the battle of the gods, it will be normal here. It should be said that it will only appear in this ruined domain. The normal domain of the gods will not appear in this way. It is not enough for yourself. How can there be a light that attracts others?

"I didn't expect to be here..."

Yi Tianyun glanced around and many practitioners flew over here. Whether it was a loose repair or a strong force of some power, they would send people over.

Every time this happens, there will be a bunch of people coming out. Because they know that every time there is a relic, there will be good things, and it is still a very good level.

"It seems that there are a lot of damages here. In fact, there are still many intact relics. Some are hidden in a certain rock, and some are protected by the turbulent flow of space. Now it broke out, it must be that the seal is broken. Then, it will break out from it." Swordsman Tianzun knows the most in this regard.

It’s very high that they are cultivated by Heaven, but many things are not as much known as Swordsman. The main reason is that the swordsman Tianzun likes to inquire about various news, and it is only like the power to respect them.

"I don't know, this ruins will be the remains of the gods, or the remains of the gods. No matter what the remains, the competitiveness is not small. It is estimated that the Shutian Shenyu, will also send people over." Swordsman Tian Zun guessed.

Yi Tianyun nodded, so many forces have come, and Xiu Tian Shen domain will certainly not miss this opportunity. Xiu Tian Shen domain is in the four-character domain, it has a strong strength, but the strength is strong, all need resources. In particular, they have more geniuses and more resources.

This ancient vestige must not be absent, especially after it comes out, the danger will be greatly reduced.

According to the original situation, even if there are many treasures here, it is possible to ban some relics somewhere. But no one dares to look for it casually, even if it is a god.

The higher the cultivation, the more afraid of death. If you die, you really have nothing.

Immediately they quickly flew forward, and after flying a distance, they finally saw the true face of the relics. It is no different from the ordinary hall. The temples of the strong are almost similar, or there are more than a few statues, or a few lines of words or something, roughly the same scale.

Some are indeed more special, at least not special in front of them, just happens to be a superior Tianling Lingbao. A towering shrine, so standing here, Jin Mang spread around, it looks very dazzling. There is no doubt that this Lingbao owner, the attribute is of a metallic type, otherwise it will not emit such a dazzling golden mang.

At the same time, it was immediately confirmed that this ruin is the remains of ancient Tianzun, not the remains of the gods.

"It’s a pity, it’s a relic of Tianzun." Swordsman Tian sighed, but immediately smiled: "It doesn't matter, so the danger will be much lower. If the ancient gods are relics, they should be cautious everywhere, otherwise they will die." The whole body."

Yi Tianyun still deeply agrees with this point. The more advanced the relics, the more dangerous it is. Especially the remains of ancient gods, then there may be many gods coming over to snatch, the difficulty can be imagined.

"The swordsman brother really will comfort himself." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

It is said that the remains of the gods will be more dangerous, but why don’t they want to be the remains of the gods? If you want a better treasure, you must be at a higher level.

"Cough, sometimes comfort yourself, you must know the foot." Swordsman Tianxiao said with a smile: "Is it true that the ancient heavenly things are not good? There must be a lot of good things, and it is impossible to help us break through. The treasure of the gods."

"This is true, that is, the difficulty may be a bit big." Yi Tianyun looked around, a pile of Tianzun statues like no money, stacked in rows on the side.

There are separate people coming in, and there are also groups coming in. There are many gods who come to try their luck, especially some gods who have never been able to break through to the heavenly level. Even if they die, they must come and try their luck.

"Of course, every time such ancient relics appear, they will fight for this. There are many deaths and injuries." Swordsman Tian Zun looked around and looked around. The eyes finally gathered in the front hall: "Now the hall is temporarily unable to enter, outside The seal has not yet been spread, but if it is forcibly broken, it is no problem."

"You can stare at each other. It is estimated that no one is willing to make this effort. They are waiting for the seal to break open automatically."

Many strong people around are waiting, they did not immediately rush in, naturally because this ancient ruins have a seal. If you want to break open, you need to work hard.

But they don't want to work alone. After all, they contribute, others don't contribute, don't they suffer? When the seal is broken, others may take the opportunity to sneak in.

At that time, it was really a wedding dress for others, but it was a loss.

Moreover, now the seal has become very weak. After a few days, the seal will be automatically broken. At that time, it will be equal to the opening of the gate, allowing them to rush in.

"It seems that we are waiting outside too."

Yi Tianyun, five of them are waiting on the side, they also do not make heads, do not want to contribute. Unless the seal has been broken for decades, otherwise the practitioners here will not shoot.

While they waited, there were always cultivators coming over here, and Yi Tianyun saw that there was no god. It is obvious that the gods level, but also do not see this resource.

Moreover, in their power, there are many Tianzun. Let them come over and practice before they can become stronger. Always staying in the power of cultivation, will never become a god!

(End of this chapter)

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