Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1462: in advance

As time went by, more and more practitioners came, and their eyes were fixed on this ancient ruins, waiting for the opening of ancient ruins.

Over time, the seal became lighter and thinner, and it felt like it was broken at any time. Once broken, everyone will rush to it.

"Quick, it’s almost a seal and it’s broken."

"Well, it’s still a little bit, I have to get a lot of treasures inside!"

"Oh, it’s too naive. I didn’t see so many practitioners here. It’s not difficult to get treasures.”

"Do you want to control it? If you don't want to walk around with it, will there be treasures falling in front of me?"

"This is really possible. There was a Tianzun in the past. When others robbed the treasures, he wandered around in other places. Suddenly there was a treasure falling down, and he was picked up, and it was very good!"

"Yeah, so luck is very important. The relics are quite unstable. When their owners were alive, there was no problem. Once they collapsed, they are prone to various problems."

Everyone is discussing this matter, and they all hope that they will be lucky, so that they can get treasure without having to compete with other people.

But this is all a good imagination. If you can get such good luck, it is really a matter of personal luck.

"What luck?" Yi Tianyun smiled slightly. Who can compare him than luck?

It is undeniable that some practitioners are quite lucky, but who can compare them under the lucky halo? Originally, luck is not bad, and then add a hundred times of luck, then you can have treasures falling when you walk?

When I think about the situation in the outer **** domain, I know how important luck is, and let the token appear directly above, just like pulling it forcibly.

"Yeah, luck is very important. Because of the long time, this ruin has become very unstable. Sometimes, if you don't pay attention, you will enter the special treasure space and search for those treasures at will." Swordsman Tianxiao smiled and explained. "At the same time, it is also possible that if you don't pay attention, you will enter the dangerous space, causing you to die without a whole body, so you have to be careful."

Yi Tianyun nodded, he still knows this. These ruins will come out, that is, they become unstable, which will lead to this situation.

In the initial war, the battles were affected by these seals. Over time, if there is no repair, it will split and reproduce the day.

Correspondingly, what is banned inside is damaged. Once it breaks a little, there will be errors.

This is similar to the transmission matrix, and the slight damage can still be used, but whether it can be correctly transmitted to the destination, then another matter. If you are almost in luck, you can send it directly to the danger zone and you can't come back.


At this time, everyone saw the feeling that the shield quickly disappeared and was broken at any time. A group of people are nervous and want to rush in at the fastest speed and search for the treasure inside.

The first batch will make it easier to find treasures, and the corresponding risks are higher. The more the front, the more dangers you encounter. But only in this way can we get the treasure first.

The latter comes a lot of security, but it really depends on luck to bump, otherwise don't say treasures, afraid that even the root hairs have been searched and scraped away.

Hundreds of practitioners in the audience suddenly stopped discussing any topic, holding their breath and staring at the ruins.


At this time, the upper shield began to crack, and it was getting bigger and bigger, eventually leading to the entire shield, which was covered with cracks and would collapse at any time.

At this time everyone's heart is mentioned in the eyes of the blind, but this shield is not broken. If they are not broken, then they can only continue to wait. It seems to be very fragile, but it is the most dangerous time.

Once it is broken, there is a possibility of a large amount of energy in it, and it will be shocked. This kind of situation is not uncommon. It is mainly the chaos in the ruins. After the collapse, it is equal to the attack of the strong. When it is hit, even if it is not dead, at least this exploration is not with them.


At this time, Yi Tianyun, who had been closed for a moment, opened his eyes sharply, and the fine mans shot from his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's almost the same. This seal is almost broken. It can still last for a few days. It will definitely be broken!" Swordsman Tianzun thought that Yi Tianyun said this.

"I don't mean this, brothers and sisters, you all grab me." Yi Tianyun indicated that they grabbed their arms, or shoulders.

"catch you?"

They felt a little confused, but they still reached out and grabbed Yi Tianyun. I don't know what he meant.

Immediately after the figure flashed, the five of them disappeared in the air, and everything was so unconscious. On the side, there are practitioners looking at this side with a puzzled look. Seeing this empty, I thought it was my own illusion.

“Is there five people there?”

"Which five people are there, don't look at the past, even if they die, they have nothing to do with us. Hurry and stare at this side, don't look around other places!"

"Yes Yes……"

No one here will care about Yi Tianyun. They disappeared. Anyway, some people are gone. It is a good thing for them.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun took them directly to the corners inside the relics, where they were extremely remote and surrounded by ruins. In front of it there is a turbulent space, raging on the side.

"This, is this inside the ruins?"

All four of them were shocked. If they didn't know what was going on, they came to the ruins. Is there a shield outside?

"Yes, this is the inside of the ruins."

Yi Tianyun looked around and finally came in early. His spiritual knowledge had not been able to penetrate in before, and naturally it was impossible to move in.

When the shield was broken, his spirit finally managed to come in, and quickly found a safe area in it, and moved them in with them.

Now they are the first practitioners to come in, and there is plenty of time for them to explore. Correspondingly, they are the first to encounter dangerous areas, but for them, it is not the focus.

The focus is still coming in early, making them feel so incredible.

"Why did you come in, didn't you have a shield?" Swordsman Tianzun was shocked.

"This is one of my abilities, similar to the type of emptiness." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Now come in early, just look at where we started to explore."

The four of them are bright, and now they are becoming their world, just look at where to explore.

(End of this chapter)

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