Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1478: Surrounded

The golden tree is a good thing. If Yi Tianyun comes in alone to suppress it, it should be able to suppress it, or it may be difficult to suppress it. The conditions for it are so good, if used, it is equivalent to dealing with the entire dragon statue, which is not difficult.

When they wanted to move on, the golden tree in the phoenix autumn glory suddenly trembled. Following a jump on the side, it was rooted on the ground, and it began to grow rapidly. When it became almost as high as one person, it began to emit dazzling golden light.

“Is this a breakthrough?” Yi Tianyun discovered the golden tree and began to **** the energy around him. The big array on the ground began to flash and was started by it.

The constant energy is gathered by this large array and then gathered here. The entire hall began to vibrate, representing the big array here is really powerful enough, but it is just a gathering of energy.

If the golden tree is stationed here, it is really a constant source of energy to come in and to supplement its own consumption. Fighting is absolutely capable of being the strongest guard.

The creatures of this plant type are extremely amazing in terms of vitality. As long as there is enough energy, the recovery is quite amazing.

Now it is breaking through, Yi Tianyun guesses that it may encounter Feng Fengzun, gain a little insight, and thus break through to a higher level.

Before it was repaired, it was the mid-level of the median Tianzun. If it would break through, it would be the middle-level Tianzun later. As a demon tree, it is an amazing level.

The phoenix autumn rushed over, one of the purposes, estimated to be taken away from the golden tree.

"Yes, it is breaking through, then we are here to protect it." Feng Yangzun said with apologetic.

"Nothing, you are nothing more than worried, will there be other practitioners coming over, and it is indeed possible to start with it at that time." Yi Tianyun knows what she thinks.

At the time of the breakthrough, it is the most vulnerable time, and it is easy to recruit people to fall.

"Yes, I don't know how long those people will come in, just in case, just protect the law here. When I come here, I will get some key things, and the rest of the treasures can be given to you." Feng Yangzun said: "As for Some special things, some of which I can't get, everything depends on you and me."

Phoenix Autumn is not invincible. Although it is relative to the owner here, it does not mean that it can be opened exclusively for her. So there are some things that she still can't take away.

Yi Tianyun nodded. Without forcing anything, he meditated on the side and waited for the breakthrough of the golden tree.

The golden tree's breakthrough seems to be slow, and you don't need to experience any catastrophe. You only need to absorb enough energy to supplement your body's energy and you can successfully break through.

So it only takes time, no need for anything else.

Follow them both to meditate next to the golden tree. Over time, the golden tree radiates more and more pure light, which is the more pure gold.

Time has passed quickly for a month, and the golden tree behind it is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that there is still a little time to break through.

"Almost, it takes a little time to break through." Phoenix Falls looked at the golden tree behind him, which was roughly inductive.

"Well, I still have a little time." Yi Tianyun nodded, and he could also perceive that the situation of the golden tree has begun the final stage.

All the leaves of the golden tree began to fall, and quickly became a pile of energy and integrated into the ground. Re-integrated into rich nutrients to provide energy for yourself. It would be too naive to think that the leaves that have been transformed can be taken away by them.

If the demon tree breaks through, it still needs more energy. Its own leaves are equal to the reserve of energy. When it breaks through, it will fall off, so that you can absorb it and break through.

"This is a golden tree? It's great, I didn't expect it, there is a golden tree!"

"It's really good. The rumored golden tree has a good effect. If it is planted back in the power, it will greatly enhance the effect of training disciples."

"The light is this golden tree, and it takes us so much effort to come."

Yi Tianyun looked up and saw, from the entrance, in addition to Tongwu Tianzun and Woxing Tianzun, who else. They brought in a group of strong people and flocked in. There were roughly a dozen Tianzuns in the past, and the lowest level of cultivation had the level of the next Tianzun, and immediately surrounded it.

The face of Feng Yang’s face changed, and the worrying thing finally came. These people came over and would definitely search for it, and it was impossible to let go of anything.

"Hey, it seems to be breaking through, taking the opportunity to drop it. If it breaks through, the difficulty of the fall will become bigger." Wo Xingtianzun saw the golden tree in the breakthrough, his eyes suddenly shine.

"You dare!" Feng Qiu Zun stood up and looked at them coldly, and the light in his body was released and turned into a cyclone.

When the fall of the phoenix falls, where there is still a little affinity, it will still become murderous.

"Why don't we dare, just rely on two of you?" Wo Xingtian respected them with a smile, and thought that Yi Tianyun was so ridiculous. Do they still want to protect the golden tree?

"Yes, do you think you can turn the sky? You may still be jealous of you a little outside, here? Who knows you? If we kill you, no one knows what we did!" Tongwu Tianzun The eyes were full of haze, and she looked up and down and sneered: "A little bit of fun, choose to surrender, sign an oath with me. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying flowers!"

The momentum of Tongwu Tianzun directly exploded, and the murderous gas rushed over here. It was obviously a killing of the heart. It really wanted to kill the phoenix autumn.

If you can't get it, then it will be gone! If it is gone by other forces, it is a kind of trouble.

Feng Yang looked at them coldly and coldly. It seems that these people are fearless and there is no longer any worry about her influence here. There are no other forces here, and naturally they are not afraid to be known.

"You, kid! I dare to break my good deeds, I will see that I peeled off your skin layer by layer, let you know, what should be done, what should not be done!" Tongwu Tianzun looked at him evilly. The eyes are full of killings.

What he wants to deal with most now is Yi Tianyun. Before he broke his good deeds, how could he let him go?

"It seems that I am hurting you..." Feng Yangzun shook his head and smiled. In the face of so many Tianzun, she could run away, but Yi Tianyun could not escape.

With the level of Shen Jun, how to escape in the face of so many gods?

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