Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1479: Fight

Yi Tianyun is not worried about this situation, it is still easy to face. Looking at the many gods who surrounded them, they smiled happily.

"Oh, it seems that you think, we are both?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Why, do you still have a helping hand?" Tongwu Tianzun turned his head and looked at it. What the practitioners did not see. "Isn't it possible to come over here? But even if this is the case, there are a lot of big battles here, our How much effort people spend, can be solved one by one, even if you have a helper, it is a matter of time!"

Tongwu Tianzun said that it is true, they all know that it is extremely difficult. It takes a lot of time to crack a single array of methods, and they are still a few gods, so they can be so fast.

It is hard to say that it is different from other practitioners, but it takes a few months to get here, and it takes a long time.

Therefore, he does not need to worry about anything. When he came over, Yi Tianyun had already been subdued.

"of course not."

Yi Tianyun reached out and waved, and thousands of days of respecting them came out one after another, and all of them came out four times. Sudden changes have made them stunned. I didn’t expect anyone else to put other people in the world of their own bodies!

Tongwu Tianzun did not dare to do this, even if they were under their own hands, they would not let them enter the world of their own body. Nowadays, in the world of a god, it is really amazing to put in four gods.

Not to mention that Tongwu Tianzun, and even the fall of the Phoenix is ​​scared, she really did not think that Yi Tianyun will take four Tianzun.

"You are a strong respect?" At this time, a Tianzun next to him, immediately recognized the power of respect.

The vast gods are still a bit famous, and some of them are still famous. For example, Li Tiantian is very powerful. Because it is often outside, it is normal to be able to make a name.

"Yes, it's me!" Li Tiantian respected them all already know the details, but also knows that the golden tree behind them is breaking through.

"So, you are all disciples of the vast gods?" The **** on the edge, glanced at it, and generally saw some things, that is, these people are disciples of the vast gods!

"Women's disciple of the gods?" Tongwu Tianzun looked at the front and sneered: "I remembered, I heard that the new force is the vastness of the gods? It is really bold to seize the power with us!"

"I also remembered it. I have always heard that the new forces can't break through. It seems that I still get the care of God. I have a lot of shields out there. I can't break it in. Let us lose so many strong people, this account is worth one. Count!" Next to the woxing Tianzun eyes cold, anger increased.

When they think about this, they will come to the air, maybe they have not personally passed, but I heard that there is a problem with their own power, it must be a big fire.

"Speaking back, your master, looks like you are back to repairing the gods domain?" Tongwu Tianzun looked up and sneered at them: "The status seems to have risen, there may be fear outside, but here, kill you, who knows?"

"Yes! The vast gods have long since been removed, see how you are arrogant!" Wo Xing Tianzun and Tongwu Tianzun, it is really a joint effort, watching them even more flamboyant.

This will kill them all, and they will all be destroyed.

One by one, the fire was soaring, and the eyes were burning and wanted to destroy them.

It seems that recruiting people has not only made them afraid, but has caused them to be more powerful. This point is actually within the expected range of Yi Tianyun, but in any case, it is to be released, and a single battle can withstand some of the strong.

There are five in the upper ranks of the audience, eighty-nine in the middle heaven, and several in the lower heaven. When you accumulate, the amount is quite a lot.

Yi Tianyun added Feng Fengzun to this side, only six. There are only three places in the upper level, and the gap is quite obvious.

As for the median Tianzun side, the difference is even more disparity. It is simply the level of crushing. Especially in their view, Yi Tianyun has been neglected, how strong is a god?

It means that only four people can play, Yi Tianyun was excluded from the beginning, and there is any lethality.

"If you want to destroy our vast gods, just look at whether you have this ability!" Yi Tianyun glanced at them with a glance, and quickly added a star gun in his hand to prepare for the battle.

"Can you destroy your vast gods, then you can say it, but it is more than enough to kill you!" Tongwu Tianzun looked at him coldly and said: "Especially, you, destroy you, and even die." Only ants are so simple!"

"Go! Don't talk nonsense with them, go on, the golden tree will break through!" Wo Xing Tian Zun next to it has already prepared everything.

Under the command of the slogan, immediately rushed to the front, nearly 20 Tianzuns were besieged here, the purpose is to destroy Yi Tianyun first, and finally catch the Phoenix Autumn!

"Up!" Months of Heaven, they rushed up without hesitation, and they called out their strongest Tianzun Lingbao to fight against each other.

Yi Tianyun did not have any move, so he stayed behind the golden tree, seemingly hiding behind him and not counterattacking. In fact, he was protecting the golden tree.

Now that the golden tree is the most vulnerable time, if it is forcibly charged, it can basically be suppressed and charged. After all, energy is used to break through, and there is basically no power to fight back.

"Give me the kid! I want to hide behind, the door is not!" Tongwu Tianzun gestured to his hand to seize Yi Tianyun, he also had to live.

Yi Tianyun must ask him to personally hand the blade and be killed by others, then there is no way to vent.

Quickly, there are two median Tianzun, who come here and want to bring Yi Tianyun to life. In their view, sending two median Tianzun enough to seize Yi Tianyun, originally wanted to send one, but afraid of any accident, directly sent two out.

After thousands of days, they looked at them and ignored them. But Feng Feng, who is on the edge, yelled and yelled: "They sent people to catch Tianyun Shenjun. You have to go back and protect him! Or give him to the world of the body!"

"Don't worry, Tianyun's younger brother is fine." Qian Qiantian respected them with a smile, and there was a feeling of not paying attention.

Feng Yang’s reverence in the heart is anxious, what is no problem, a **** to deal with the two Tianzun, is definitely dead, how can it be no problem? It can be said that the problem is gone!

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