Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1481: Come without a trace

In the face of the first celestial ancestor who rushed up, Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, and the figure flashed into the void, completely disappearing into the sight of this superior Tianzun.

"The power of the void?!" The superior Tianzun was greatly surprised. I did not expect that the Terran would have the power of the void. When he wanted to quickly explore the image of Yi Tianyun, a figure had already come out from the area behind him. Waving a long gun down the bottom.


Under one shot, another median Tianzun was spiked, followed by a continuous sweep. Under a few shots, the three median Tianzun are directly killed!

The four median Tianzun sent out, almost in an instant, was easily killed in seconds. These sharp points are even stronger than before.

This is the power of repairing the ascension. After the basic value is increased, and then the madness damage mode is detonated, the effect of the damage is greatly improved. Especially after the basic value is raised, the power of the bloodshed will far exceed the previous level!


Yi Tianyun feels so refreshing, even before it can kill the median Tianzun, but definitely not as easy as it is now.

Under the breakthrough of the dragon and phoenix gods, the power of use is even more terrible. It can be said that sweeping all the median Tianzun, the superior Tianzun dare not say, but the median Tianzun has no pressure at all, just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, it is easy to kill.

A group of people have been scared, how to feel stronger than before, the key is to emancipate, still the gods repair. It’s just that this **** is repaired, seems to have improved?

"This is impossible, is it really the gods repaired?" Their eyes must be pulled out. The median Tianzun is like a Chinese cabbage, and it is easily harvested.

Unless it is replaced by the superior Tianzun, and it is still very powerful, otherwise it will not be easy to harvest. Of course, if the speed of the upper-level Tianzun, the same level can be achieved easily.

It is difficult to fill the gap in repairing. But now Yi Tianyun shows it, but it is completely different. The level of the monarch is repaired, but it can kill the middle heaven.

However, all of this is really due to his blood, and various abilities. After being superimposed, it has a different effect.

The power of the void makes him come and go without a trace, plus the amazing speed, especially after entering the void, directly to a teleport, who can catch him?

Unless you are a very strong one, or a very special one, you can't catch him. Under a sneak attack, it is not difficult to kill this median.

"I just said, there is no need to worry about the younger brother." Swordsman Tianzhao laughed and continued to slash and kill, compared to Yi Tianyun's ease, they can be difficult.

Their strength is outstanding, but they can't do the level of Yi Tianyun. The main reason is that the speed is much slower than Yi Tianyun, and their eyes are almost unable to keep up.

The speed is amazing, the attack power is strong, and under the combination of the two, it is absolutely invincible.

Of course, this is in the face of the median Tianzun, it is not so easy for the superior Tianzun. Because of this, Yi Tianyun will give priority to solving the median Tianzun. As for the superior Tianzun, it can only be solved slowly.

Feng Yang Zunzhen is shocked from the beginning to the end. It is no wonder that Jiansi Tianzun said they should not worry, she thought they were talking. It seems that I really don't worry now, it is simply against the sky!

Do not say anything else, there is no pressure on self-protection, no trace of no trace.

"No wonder he can come here alone. It turned out to be a bit of a skill, but can God be so strong?"

She had seen such a powerful **** for the first time, and she had never seen it before. It should be said that the powerful God Jun, in fact, she has seen, at most, in the face of the next Tianzun early, can deal with, desperate words, can not be killed. Especially when they sneak attack on their mind, this has the biggest success rate.

But that is a killer, even if it can be crushed, it is just to crush the lower level of the previous level, or to fight hard with the next Tianzun.

As for Yi Tianyun, the crushing median Tianzun is really one that has never been seen. It can be such a super genius, and it is still a peerless one.

"This, this kid!!" Tongwu Tianzun was going crazy, and he was killed by four Tianzun, so he wanted to vomit blood.

Heaven will kill one, and there will be one less. The cost of cultivating a celestial person is extremely high. Not to mention the median esteem, the lower heavens are extremely high.

Now that I have died four median Tianzun, it is just a painful death.

Wo Xing Tian Zun is equally dumbfounded, and thought it would be easy to control. Now it seems that the most threatening, is a god!

"What's going on, this kid is a bit evil!" Wo Xingtian Zun frowned, and the strongmen beside them were all vigilant, especially those median Tianzun, which were piled up in one piece so that they could take care of each other.

Dealing with the attack of Jian Si Tian Zun, they immediately slowed down, so that the swordsman Tian Zun they took a slow breath, but still not ideal.

They have been injured for a long time. Can they not be injured in the face of so many gods? They are not Yi Tianyun, they are not so strong. Fortunately, Longming Tianzun is hard enough, otherwise Swordsman Tianzun will be seriously injured.

Yi Tianyun glanced at the front, did not stop, and the figure flashed, and entered the void. When he entered the void, a group of Tianzun had a tight heart. Only the superior Tianzun was a little better. It also locked all the space, especially around him.

Yi Tianyun enters the void, it is definitely to attack them, and it is impossible to escape. Therefore, the top celestial star is staring at the middle of the sky, but also to the swordsman Tianzun here to force over, want to force Yi Tianyun.

When their nerves were tight to the extreme, suddenly a glimmer of light appeared behind one of the superiors, and all the power came out in an instant.

Whether it is the blood, the core of the five elements, or even the crazy injury mode, all burst out. Increase the power to the maximum, and the combat power will explode directly!


This attack was smashed on the upper celestial body. This superior Tianzun did not react. He thought that Yi Tianyun would attack the median Tianzun, just like before.

Who knows that Yi Tianyun does not follow the routine, and directly selects a superior Tian Zun shot who is too relaxed and alert! With one shot, the effect appeared immediately.

Under the storm, this superior Tianzun was directly smashed and almost killed!

"Escape, escape!"

The head of Tianzun’s head quickly fled to the side, where he dared to stay here. He was a big life, and he had various protections to protect his head, so that he could escape.

But when he didn't run far, one shot went down and nailed the head in the void!

A superior god, death!

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