Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1482: Join hands

This time, Yi Tianyun did not follow the routine, and directly selected the one who was the least vigilant, and attacked directly with the strongest force.

The superior Tianzun is the superior Tianzun. Under such circumstances, he can escape his head and soul. If it wasn’t Yi Tianyun’s eyes, he was really managed to escape.

"A good master, good!"

Yi Tianyun felt the constant experience and made him very satisfied. The experience of the superior Tianzun is absolutely rich, and it is still the kind of explosion. It is only a face of the breakthrough to the level of Tianzun. The experience required is still quite different.

The original five superiors, now become four, the most difficult to die, the most precious upper-level god, said no, no, it makes people feel bad.

To cultivate a superior Heavenly Respect is equal to the difficulty of cultivating ten median heavens. This is only a numerical measure, and it is actually far more difficult than cultivating ten median Tianzun. The total resources seem to be so many, but whether it can be done or not, it is another matter.

Therefore, a superior Tianzun died, and Tongwu Tianzun immediately reddened his eyes. I did not expect that in order to kill a god, but it is to catch up with so many gods, even the upper heavens have to catch up!

"Help me drag these superiors, and let the rest go to us!"

Yi Tianyun once again tore the void, the body stepped into the void, ready to continue to kill. This time, he is aimed at those who are the best in the middle of the sky. There are four of the top celestial gods. The phoenix esteemed them to resist it a little, but there is still no problem.

After all, the gap is only one upper-level god, and the pressure will not be too big. In contrast, there is still a lot of median Tianzun. As long as all the median Tianzun and the lower Tianzun are destroyed, it is basically dust settled.

Even if they can't kill Wo Xing Tian Zun, at least they can't pose too much threat to this side.

"Encircle, surround!"

Both Wu Xing Tian Zun and Tong Wu Tian Zun were red-eyed, and hurriedly voiced to their companions, let them surround them and form a big squad!

In an instant, they are surrounded and turned into two large arrays, each of which is different. Originally, their powers are different, and the joint array that is displayed will naturally be different.

After being displayed, the power went up straight and suddenly rushed to the top. Before they felt that there were a lot of people, they didn't have to worry about this problem at all, so they immediately showed such a strong move. At the same time, this type of move has its drawbacks, that is, it is not very flexible.

Now it is forced to display it. After the powerful array is displayed, the area is quickly locked and all details are locked. As long as Yi Tianyun appears from any direction, it will be attacked immediately!

The median Tianzun, who is united, is quite amazing. It is definitely a powerful attack that surpasses the superior Tianzun. The main thing is to be able to hold everything, at least not as passive as acting alone.

"When he comes out, we block his space here, so that he can't even get into the void. At that time, you will attack again!"

The median Tianzun on the side of the Ten Thousand Gods domain communicates with the Tianzun of the Holy Mountain Gods and makes detailed plans. In fact, a large array is mainly based on blockade, and the other is mainly based on attacks. The two together can definitely block Yi Tianyun!

The swordsman Tianzun was left on the side and became uninhabited. Now I am dedicated to dealing with Yi Tianyun, who will pay attention to them.

This time, the swordsman Tianzun, they can finally relax their breath, after taking a few recovery tablets, they came to the side and stared.

"All concentrated on the younger brother, I hope that there will be no problem..." Swordsman Tianzhao shook their heads and smiled, they came out to help something, can resist it is not bad, want to kill the same level of Tianzun, come to them It is still difficult to talk about it.

Especially under the encirclement of so many gods, it is already great to be able to not be seriously injured, let alone to kill them easily. They can stay that long, and they are already the best.

Can kill in the army, even walk around, and kill a lot of strong return, this is always a minority! They are all top-notch matches.

When they were ready, they did not find any traces of Yi Tianyun, as if they had evaporated completely.

"Strange, what about people?" These days are doubtful, they have been prepared for so long, and they have not attacked.

"If you don't come out, let their companions go out first, and see if he can't come out!" This will make Tongwu Tianzun yell and yell at them, and they will first target them to the swordsman, first kill them, see Still can't force Yi Tianyun out?

Immediately, they locked in the swordsmen and respected them. In one of the big arrays, they sealed the space of Jiansi Tianzun and Longming Tianzun. They were intercepted by a transparent wall in all directions and immediately blocked in a small area. in.

This is their power, and they will join forces to directly explode, far exceeding the power of alone.

Swordsman Tianzun's face was heavy, and they all prepared to resist. There was no fear in their eyes. Big deal is a death, there is nothing to worry about.

"I don't believe this time, you can hide when!" Tongwu Tianzun attacked and noticed the situation there.

Here is a simple attack, and he did not use his heart to fight. To put it bluntly, he was entangled in the fall of the phoenix and prevented her from running around.

"Despicable!" Feng autumn respects the cold channel.

"You even said that I am mean? Now I don't know who is the most despicable. The kid hides his strength. Now he hides, and is more despicable than me!" Tongwu Tianzun turned to look here, suddenly a cold light passed through Come over, go straight to Huanglong!

Suffering from the sudden cardiac arrest of Tongwu Tianzun, he hurriedly waved the double sickle in his hand and waved it to the back.


Because it was too sudden, under this violent blast, Tongwu Tianzun directly flew out and squatted directly on the ground. The body emits a burst of aperture, apparently the body of the gods, and other heavenly treasures to protect the body, otherwise he must be seriously injured.

It’s just a little bit hurt now, nothing serious.

"Feng Yanzun and I joined forces to kill him!"

It’s not someone who sneaked into Tongwu Tianzun, it’s Yi Tianyun! Yi Tianyun did not kill those superior Tianzun, but turned his eyes to Tongwu Tianzun!

This move is to Wei Wei Zhao, he ignores those big powers, directly kill Tongwu Tianzun, see how he ordered? He doesn't believe in other people and won't come to the rescue!

"Good!" The xylophone in the hands of Feng Yangzun quickly played, and a circle of light blades quickly surrounded the past, and every move was full of killing!

With Yi Tianyun fighting, you can definitely kill Tongwu Tianzun!

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