Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1483: collapse

Tongwu Tianzun was attacked by double attack, Yi Tianyun recruited and killed the life. The light blade of Feng Yangzun was also greeted by Tongwu Tianzun. There was no wind of the Virgin, and it became a female god!

Under the double pinch, Tongwu Tianzun suddenly fell into danger and complained. If his defense is not strong, he will really be in the same position.

"You are so afraid of death, the whole body is defensive protective gear, it is really enough, just like a turtle!"

Yi Tianyun constantly waved the stars and guns at the side, recruiting and killing. Every move is full of mighty power. Under a shot, the halo emitted by Tongwu Tianzun will become bleak. .

If you continue to do so, then a strong defense will be smashed. In particular, the power of the phoenix fall is also extremely amazing. Countless light blades are bombarded, rubbing against the shield, and making a "squeaky" sound, which is very harsh.

Every move can leave a deep trace on it. This Fengwu autumn is really angry. Before I was worried about Yi Tianyun, I would not play well.

Now it is different, and one heart is determined to forcefully kill Tongwu Tianzun, and the power is naturally rising.

"You actually yelled at me as a tortoise!" Tongwu Tianzun was almost mad at the air, and thought that Yi Tianyun was simply deceiving too much, but he could not fight back.

Two powerful attacks, constantly banging outside, where can he resist. Slightly resisted, afraid of lack of arms and legs, especially Yi Tianyun's sizzling degree, far beyond his imagination.

His moves were originally not limited to this. The defensive equipment is indeed a bit more, but it does not mean that he is a greedy and fearful person. He just wants to be safer.

In any case, in the eyes of others, it is indeed a greedy and fearful person who has chosen to defend and has no way to resist.

In fact, it is not that he does not want to resist, but that there is no way to resist, the suppression of power, so that he can only retreat.

"Over, come over to rescue! Let them quit!" Tongwu Tianzun shouted and gestured to the companions to save themselves.

Immediately, those who wanted to kill the swordsman Tianzun, flew over here, to save Tongwu Tianzun. This time, the swordsman Tianzun was once again "abandoned" and no longer attacked them.

This represents the success of Yi Tianyun's plan. What he wants is this effect. First, he will kill Tongwu Tianzun. Under their storm, they must have come to the rescue.

"Fast past rescue!" Wo Xing Tianzun face ugly, also indicating that his companions in the past rescue, now they are on the same boat, if Tongwu Tianzun is destroyed, they are not much better.

The two batches of Tianzun quickly rushed to the past, and the two together can indeed exert the strongest effect. A blockade, an attack, is a perfect match.

"How do you escape this time!" Tongwu Tianzun insisted on his death, waiting for the rescue.

In his opinion, as long as the rescue comes, see Yi Tianyun here is not dead! Before he was not negligent, he was really able to hold down Yi Tianyun, so that he could not escape.

Although it is free to enter the void, if the space is blocked or if it is stormed, it is impossible to easily enter the void. When the void is unstable, there is no way to open it.

Yi Tianyun said nothing, still madly waving the star gun, shooting down and shooting, want to break the defense.

Next to Feng Fengzun, they are also in a hurry. They continue to do so. When those support comes, they can only choose to give up.

"This defense is too strong, you are a little farther away, let me subdue him!" Feng Yang Zun passed the voice, indicating that Yi Tianyun went to the side to let go.

"You have to do your best?" Yi Tianyun passed the voice back.

"Yes, I can only do my best. After I have broken out, there will be a short time to move. I hope you can protect me from time to time! No matter you or Xiaojin, you can't be hurt by them!" "Feng Yang Zun will explode this time. He was not willing to break out before, mainly because the side effects are too strong.

But now it doesn't break out, and the ones waiting for them are dead, and they can only choose to break out. Give priority to killing these superiors, and the rest will be better.

"You don't have to be like this, don't worry, there won't be anything..." Yi Tianyun squinted at the batch of Tianzun who rushed over, indicating that Feng Yang is not too impulsive.

Feng Yang respects a glimpse, how is it at this festival, Yi Tianyun still let her not burst out? Can it be said that Yi Tianyun has his own countermeasures?

In a twinkling of an eye, the two large batches of Tianzun have been besieged, and Feng’s autumn eyes are too late to see, and I am prepared to disregard Yi Tianyun’s persuasion and to erupt my strongest power.

Suddenly, Yi Tianyun turned and went to a group of Tianzun, like suicide.

"It’s really hard to send it to the door!"

They are happy in their hearts. Although Yi Tianyun’s strength is very strong, but the two strong groups gather together, the effect is different. If you match it, even if it is the mid-level of the upper level, you can suppress it!


One of the Tianzun groups immediately chose to block the space around Yi Tianyun, and the chances of running away were all gone. The space is locked, and naturally it is impossible to escape, especially the power of the void, which is blocked in a small area.

In this state, the basic effect is not exerted, and the power of the void is invalid!

"Attack!" At this time, another group of Tianzun began to attack Yi Tianyun.

When it is blocked, it is equal to catching!

At this time, Yi Tianyun showed a sneer: "This is the moment!"

At the moment of their attack, suddenly Yi Tianyun disappeared in the same place, directly to an instant transmission, flashed to their large array center, the rifle was swept away, directly killing the two median Tianzun.

After the two median Tianzun was spiked, the balance of this large array was destroyed in an instant, and the bursting energy immediately turned back and exploded directly in their bodies!


Along with a loud noise, the attacks they broke out rebounded back to themselves, and all of them were blasted out and fell from the air.

In a flash, a strong squad is disintegrated and relaxed. What Yi Tianyun wants is this kind of effect. It’s too much trouble one by one. It’s the easiest one, and it’s effortless.

As for what blockade, it does have an effect on his vanity and can be blocked. But don't forget, he really escapes, or sneak attacks on the matter, it is an instant move!

When his soul strength breaks through to the level of heaven, this breaks the blockade and does not mean anything to him!

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