Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1489: distribution

When they heard the phoenix fall, they looked at each other. Obviously, this is not a simple success, but it requires collective cooperation and perhaps success.

Of course, they are just a group right now, but they can cooperate to suppress it. If it is suppressed alone, the difficulty will be enormous.

"If you cultivate the power of the thunder, you can easily control the core?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Yes, the uncle is the power to cultivate the thunder. If you use similar power to force control, the success rate will be improved, but this is not absolute, as long as there is enough time, you can control. Correspondingly, the cost Time will definitely be a little longer." Feng Yangzun explained.

"I just cultivated the power of Lei. If I control the temple, it will be controlled by me. How?" Yi Tianyun said very straightforwardly.

Feng Yang is silent, and there is no need to guess. Yi Tianyun knows that Feng Qiu Zun wants to control the temple instead of trying to give control of the temple to others.

"Feng dynasty, the control of the temple, can be controlled by me first. After the event is over, you can hand it over to you." Yi Tianyun added this.

“Really!” Feng Yang’s beauty in the autumn is a surprise, and she is most worried about this.

Here is the Dragon Shrine, she was originally coming in and receiving it. How can she say that she is the estate of her uncle? How can I not accept it?

"But it is necessary to talk about conditions. As for the distribution of treasures inside?" Yi Tianyun said with a sigh of relief: "Can we help us in this group of people? Of course, if you choose to join my forces, the temple Something, we don't want to divide it!"

Swordsman Tianzun almost laughed at the side, isn’t that a fart? People have joined the Three Realms, and things are not Yi Tianyun?

Even if one doesn't come out, when you need Feng Yangzun, you won't come over. After all, if the resources here are not needed, it is equal to giving the phoenix fall to practice, especially at the crucial moment, it is not the phoenix autumn lord to help out.

"You are too strong to be a man..." Feng Yang Zun shook his head and sighed: "I choose the former, and divide the treasure. I know that if you want to succeed, you have to pay a lot. I am holding a try." The attitude of coming over, whether it can succeed or not, is to say something else."

"The distribution on the treasure is very simple. I only need the uncle's inheritance, that is, this monument. The rest of the treasures, you can basically take it. I want this little gold, and this temple."

Feng Yang is very generous, she provides how to get in, or how to break it, which is a relatively large advantage. This should be a big head, but she has no need to pay any more, and what they want is these two things.

The temple here is very precious, but it can be said that it is not precious. As long as there are no treasures here, this is only a good mobile palace.

"You are not going to join in? You don't think it is very pleasant to work with us?" Yi Tianyun will not give up and continue to pull up.

"No, I like to be alone, I don't like to join any forces." Feng Yang Zun shook his head, and the beauty was full of loss.

Yi Tianyun looked like a torch and stared at the Phoenix Autumn. He could see that Fengfeng Autumn was very happy, but he finally refused. He can see that Feng Shouzun’s good feelings for himself are rising. According to the normal situation, there is no problem in pulling it.

But she eventually refused, and there must be something unspeakable, otherwise it would not be unacceptable. Along the way, she must have had a heartbeat and wanted to join some good forces. She still chooses to refuse, and she must have a hard time.

"Yes, then assign it according to this." Yi Tianyun is not polite, they pay the same amount.

It’s the same door for the thousands of days, they don’t mean that they really don’t want anything, and the distribution is still to be distributed. It’s terrible to come here, and if you don’t get anything, it’s too bad.

After a brief explanation, they quickly walked to the gate. After Feng Mingzun looked at it, Shen Sheng said: "This door can only be forcibly broken, or the above gods can be broken, or it can't be opened."

In front of this towering gate, there is no switch, and there is no groove or the like. Either it is opened by the spirit inside, or it is to break the gods, or to forcibly break it. These are the three methods.

Let the inside of the instrument open the door, it is simply delusional, it is not good to not kill them, let alone help open the door.

"Breaking the gods..."

Yi Tianyun squinted at the above gods, and if forced to break, it must be the most difficult to break, and the time spent is also the biggest.

It takes time to break the gods, but it is like unlocking. Unlocking the lock, a door can be easily broken.

Violation of violence is tantamount to constantly licking the door. It would be nice if the door was fragile, but if the door was so strong, it would be extremely difficult to break.

Often the easiest way to break is to break the gods.

"Violence is broken, this is nothing to say. It is too difficult to practice in the gods and seals. The highest one on our side is the second-person **** engraver. If you want to get rid of this, the difficulty is too big and basically impossible." Swordsman Tianzun knows The situation on your own side naturally wants to choose violence to break.

They are nodding their heads and they can only do so so far.

Feng Yang Zun is also a **** engraver, but the grade is slightly lower, only three levels. The **** instructor above the six or seven-level level is not a Chinese cabbage. It takes a lot of time to be able to cultivate.

The high-grade **** engraver, the repair is certainly not weak; the repair is not weak practitioners, the rest of the level is not necessarily *** force is too slow to break, with the defensive power of this door, we squat For six months, it is estimated that it will open. "Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "Let me break it. It is faster than breaking the violence. The most important thing is that it is effortless and can save strength to break." ”

"Little teacher, you, can you get rid of the gods here?" They were all shocked, and they said that they had to be more than six or seven levels before they could be broken.

Yi Tianyun said that he could break it. Isn't it just that he has reached the level of sixty-seven? This is really scary. When is the level of six or seven products so worthless, or is it so low?

"I will try this, can you say that there is nothing wrong with it anyway." Yi Tianyun smiled, and he naturally had a sigh of relief. With a glance, he knew how to get rid of it.

It seems that upgrading this godsman grade is really not ups and downs!

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