Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1490: get rid of

Yi Tianyun tried it, let them look at each other and have no bottom in their hearts.

"Try it... If you break it freely, you may be attacked by the rebound." Feng Yang is a bit speechless, not something, he can try it at will.

If the energy above the trigger is bounced back, it basically has the same meaning as being hit by Tian Zun. In fact, this is tantamount to messing up the gods, the gods print a little broken points, leading to energy leakage, directly sprayed out, it is equal to a heavy blow.

"I still understand this point. Can you break it? I can't guarantee it. But it will not be bounced. I will not commit this wrong thing." Yi Tianyun smiled and went straight to the front of the gate. , began to break up.

It is very simple to break it out, that is, to remove the most important gods from above, and then the overall seal is thus broken.

It is very simple to say and it is very difficult to implement. The key points, do not know where, how to break? Even if you know the key points, you can break it and talk about it.

Yi Tianyun first carefully looked at the above, find the key points, and find out.

Swordsman Tianzun, they are also watching alongside, want to be able to see a trace of what, can give Yi Tianyun some help.

At this time, Wo Xing Tian Zun has already caught up. He was not very far from the original difference. It is not surprising that he can follow up. Only he did not climb up completely, still staying on the ladder, has been shrouded in the power of lightning, making him uncomfortable.

Yi Tianyun, they are all above, where he dares to go up, once he goes up, it is equal to the protection, then it may be besieged.

"Don't that kid, still want to get rid of the gods, to destroy this door? It's an idiot. There is no **** instructor above the six or seven-level level. It is absolutely impossible to get rid of it! I am afraid that it is impossible to see the eyes. Come out a little?" In the following, Wu Xing Tian Zun sneered and felt that their behavior was very ridiculous.

The previous channel did require a high level of level before it could pass. However, it is not really necessary to have six or seven products, but the time required for the six or seven products is much shorter. Most of them require four or five levels, and they can be seen.

Wo Xing Tian Zun happens to be the five-pronged **** engraver, so I can see the doorway. Now the gods on this door, he knows that he can't break it at first glance, he can only choose to break the violence.

"When they are violently broken, the consumption will definitely not be low. After they have consumed their heads, they will attack again!" Wo Xing Tian Zun’s eyes showed a bit of coldness in the depths of his eyes. He also had a card, and he did not give up when he was not critical. Use.

The main effect is the sneak attack, the effect is the best, not the sneak attack, the effect is basically reduced. After all, it will resist in advance, and how the effect will be much better.

He has been lurking on the side, waiting for them to start violently breaking. In his opinion, Yi Tianyun and others must be violently broken. According to what he knows, these people will not break this mark.

As for Yi Tianyun, it is even more ignorant. Perhaps it has a good power, and it does not mean that it can break the seal.

"That kid is really evil, or the level of the gods, this is unlikely." Wo Xing Tianzun once again felt that Yi Tianyun's repair was still deeply shocked.

I used to think that it was hidden power. Now it seems that it is not the case, but it is really a god. Is this really possible? Is there such a powerful god?

When he was ambushing behind him, other Tianzun were watching Yi Tianyun's situation, and he was also watching the situation behind him. Wo Xing Tian Zun ambushes behind, they naturally know.

But even in the back, they can't always break it? Knowing that there is a possibility of being attacked, you can only break the head hard, otherwise you will be in trouble when you wait for more and more people.

"All right!"

Yi Tianyun suddenly shouted, attracting the attention of everyone.

"What's wrong?" they came over and asked.

"I already know how to get rid of it, the time it takes may be a bit long, you wait a little." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Can you really get rid of this **** seal?" They were taken aback and felt very surprised.

"Don't I lie to you?" Yi Tianyun laughed.

"This is not... how is it broken?" Swordsman Tianzun still feels unlikely, and the difficulty is too great.

"How can we get rid of it? It’s not a **** seal. Can I break it out?" Yi Tianyun waved: "Not much, you are waiting on the side."

After he dropped a sentence, he immediately rushed to one of them and began to break quickly. Fingers quickly connect to the top and choose the most vulnerable place to break.

"Little teacher, I really want to get rid of God's seal..."

"If it can really be broken, then there are six or seven levels of the gods, how can this be cultivated?"

"You ask me, who am I going to?"

They looked at each other and had a creepy feeling. The level of Shenjun beats Tianzun, this is enough to be enchanting. If you add a level of six or seven characters, how can they live?

With Yi Tianyun began to break quickly at an incredible speed. The speed was quite amazing. After several consecutive times, a **** seal was broken, and the speed scared them.

In the blink of an eye, one of the gods will be broken, and the next **** will be quickly destroyed!

"What is the situation, this, this speed of breaking, I have never seen it?"

"It's not bad to be able to break. Is this slow? If this speed is still slow, the gods I have seen are all snails!"

They all looked at it, they all thought that Yi Tianyun said for a long time, thinking that it takes a long time before they can be broken. Now it seems that it will be very slow? It’s almost as fast as a fly, and it’s broken out after a few quick breaks. It’s as simple as drinking water.

Yi Tianyun this time, but the speed of breaking one hundred and twenty-eight times, how could it be slow? Under the madness, the speed of breaking is really amazing.

He thought that it would be more difficult to get rid of it. He has rarely touched these things. Who knows that after it is broken, he can't stop. It’s easy to explode, and it’s easy to get rid of it.

Sweeping all the way, stunned everyone! Including the ambush in the back of the Wu Xing Tian Zun, almost turned down the stairs.

He rubbed his eyes hard and looked at this side with wide eyes. He said with amazement: "What a freak this is, the six-seven-story **** print is like being wiped off by a rag, and it is wiped out in a blink of an eye... ”

He was completely shocked, and thought that Yi Tianyun was in the air, and he showed himself in the fall of Feng. Now it seems that there is really a way to get rid of the gods!

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