Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1494: break out

Under Yi Tianyun's Wumu God suit, their situation has improved greatly. Although the body is still constantly traumatized, the situation has been greatly relieved, at least it can continue.

As I walked forward step by step, I slowly began to get close to the big array, and I walked over step by step and finally came to the edge of the big array.

At this time, the offensive of the spirit, the same as the most fierce effect, the gods thunder are getting more and more dense, roaring throughout the temple. Their pressures have doubled again. I didn't expect the spirit to come to the end, but it will also explode such a terrible force.

However, it was too late. They all came to the side. Yi Tianyun quickly stepped forward and began to break the big battle.

"Crazy God Print Mode!"

One hundred and twenty-eight times the speed of the breakout broke out, and a small **** seal began to disintegrate quickly. The speed of the horror is broken again.

No matter how many times you look at it, or if you are deeply shocked, the speed of this removal is too fast. It’s like breaking a product, otherwise how can it be so easy?

In fact, the **** seal that has been broken has a level of six products, and the difficulty is not low. Under normal circumstances, it does take a long time to break.

Now it takes only a little while, and it can be successfully broken. The speed of breaking 128 times is not a joke.

Yi Tianyun's speed of breaking is very fast, but the area that is broken is too much. Even if it is faster, it will take several hours, and I am afraid that it will be able to break the success.

It can be a nightmare for them to stick to their current situation for several hours. Fortunately, Yi Tianyun was able to break the edge and be able to use the Wumu God suit to treat them with injuries. Otherwise, they could not hold on.

"This guy is crazy, the younger brother is going to hurry..."

They clenched their teeth and constantly resisted the gods and thunders. The feeling of thunder and lightning in the body was not acceptable at all. The body is even more black, and after recovering a little, it turns into a blackened, so repeated, it is simply uncomfortable.

Yi Tianyun's speed has already been raised to the extreme, unless his grade is upgraded again, otherwise the speed can't go up. Or it is a crazy mode to upgrade a level, or else you want to improve, you can't improve.

"Come on, fast, and stay for a while!"

Yi Tianyun has already oozing sweat on his forehead. He also raised his mental strength to the extreme, and the consumption is equally amazing. Everyone present is exhausted, but it is really impossible to resist.

As time went by, the gradually-sworded Swordsmen began to resist, and even with the amazing Wumu God suit blessing, they could not hold on for too long.

This is in the face of the attack of the upper and middle heavens. They are not invincible, but also the flesh and blood. If it wasn’t for Yi Tianyun’s treatment, I’ve already been lying on the ground.

Now they rely on mere perseverance to persist, but perseverance can't become invincible, and at most it will last for a while, it will completely collapse.


The swordsman Tianzun and Longming Tianzun were stunned by a god, and they fell to the side and fainted between them. With two people resisting, the pressure suddenly increased, and they felt that the pressure was even greater.

According to this situation, Yi Tianyun did not break the success, they will completely fall down. Today's situation has greatly exceeded the scope of their expectations, and they should be able to persist in their previous judgments.

It seems that there is no such possibility now.

"How much!" Feng Yang said seriously.

"Give me half an hour, I will be completely broken! But how much time is inside, I can't say it, but overall, I insist on an hour, I should be able to win it!"

Yi Tianyun did not dare to say that he could definitely win, and the big array outside would definitely win, but how to force the confession inside, this is more difficult. The time needed is not good, some need several days, even months.

Yi Tianyun said that it would take half an hour to win the core, and no one would believe it.

How to say that this treasure belongs to the superior Tianzun Lingbao, a **** said that he won the superior Tianling Lingbao, but he really did not believe it. However, they believe that Yi Tianyun’s words will definitely win this core in half an hour.

Moreover, at present, it is only possible to choose to believe, otherwise there will be no chance.

"it is good!"

Feng Yangzun quickly closed his eyes, followed by a violently open, two rays of light bursting out of her beauty, and the eyes quickly turned white.

In an instant, her power was quickly released to the maximum, and the light core of the body broke out completely, and the core of the seven-product stage could be weak.

After the outbreak, her combat power increased dramatically, several times in a row. The Tianzun Lingbao in her hands is like a chicken blood, and the defensive power is raised several times again, one by one.

In this state, those gods can't get rid of them at all, forming an absolute defense, and protecting them.

They are all stunned by the thousands of days, and they did not expect that the phoenix priests could explode such a terrible force. If they were to break into an attack, they would be easily killed if they were even stronger in the late Tianzun.

Yi Tianyun will finally see the explosion of Feng Yang Zun. When he wanted to deal with Wo Xing Tian Zun, they wanted to explode such strength. If it weren't for him, the fall of Feng Feng would burst out.

These forces are really absolute killers, and the faint Chinese Yi Tianyun can still feel a special power, an indescribable power!

"I can only insist on one hour. If I can't hold it anymore, I will lose consciousness. If I need extra time, I will rely on you..." Feng Yang is like a goddess, and the body is flashing, forming a circle of aura. Covered on the side, it looks so beautiful.

In this state, she can only insist on one hour. When Yi Tianyun can't win control, it will be resisted by thousands of days.

Swordsman Tianzun can all breathe a sigh of relief at this time, and can quickly recover under the Wumu God suit. However, they still need to recover for a while before they can resume their combat effectiveness.

Thousands of days, they nodded and said they knew. At that time, they are also going to fight everything out to resist this god.

Phoenix Falls has a killer, and there are also killers in the moon, but it is still a lot worse than the Phoenix Fall. This is a real explosion.

The original horrible **** Thunder can't be penetrated at all, enough to see how terrible it is.


Yi Tianyun will be able to concentrate on breaking it, he must not live up to this expectation!

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