Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1495: Big pit

After the fall of Phoenix Fall, everything became easier, and I felt that there was no pressure. All of them disappeared.

Yi Tianyun deliberately broke down, the speed is still to maintain the previous situation, it should be said that there is no way to be fast, I want to be fast. This is his limit state, how can it be faster?

As time went by, after almost half an hour, under his final point, this big array was finally broken by him.

The sound of "嘭", the solid shield outside, was so punctuated, revealing the key core inside.

After everyone saw it, suddenly he was happy and finally broke into the final shield. As long as the core is forcibly controlled, everything will come to a close, and the Dragon Shrine will become Yi Tianyun. No one can invade it. Who wants to roll?

"carry on!"

Yi Tianyun can be without a little bit of joy, as long as it is not completely over, there is no heart to be happy.

He shot on the core with one hand, in fact, it was a light ball, and it was a high-level sacred treasure. It was only fixed here, and spread through the big array here to the entire temple.

Without this big array, this superior Tianzun Lingbao naturally cannot exert the strongest effect.

As he shot on this core, an impact force emerged from the core and flew him out. Fortunately, Feng Yan’s eyes were fast, and he immediately dragged him back and did not fly.

"Good strength, and really, on the core, I was left behind!"

Yi Tianyun felt on the surface, there is the power of Long Yun Tian Zun, after breaking the shield, and the power of Long Yun Tian Zun, it is not so good to break.

The force of the earthquake just now shocked his hand directly, but after a little recovery, it was easy to treat. The healing effect of the Wumu God suit will be even more amazing.

“Is it successful?” Feng Yangzun asked.

"The difficulty is there. If you just dissipate this energy, there will be no problem." Yi Tianyun looked at it and prepared to take all the energy away!

As long as you absorb this energy, the rest of the work will be much easier.

Feng Wujun nodded, she also felt that this method is feasible. Can Yi Tianyun withstand this power?


Yi Tianyun grabbed the core and began to absorb it quickly. This time, as before, when I seized it, I immediately had an anti-shock force and popped up from this core.

But this time he has been prepared, grabbed the core of the palm of his hand, began to absorb it madly, forcibly pumping the energy inside into the body.

"Hey, get a hundred points of compression experience, 150 points of compression experience, two hundred points of compression experience..."

After absorption, it quickly turns into experience pouring into the body, and this value is quite good. For him, there is nothing to absorb too much, all through the experience, it is impossible to explode the body and the like, only worry about not enough!

Just according to the current situation, it takes a little longer to absorb it. This energy is not so simple to be exhausted.

"I am here to help!"

Swordsman Tianzun, they will have recovered almost, and they have come to help. Anyway, there is a phoenix autumn lord, it is enough to withstand all attacks, so they can absorb one by one.

Followed by them all came over, grabbed the ball of light, and forcibly extracted this energy. However, there is a big difference with Yi Tianyun. Yi Tianyun is equal to giving himself cultivation. However, they can't absorb it as experience. They can only be absorbed and released.

Yi Tianyun didn't mind this. Now he is pursuing speed, not that he wants to earn experience here. If you want to earn experience, it is better to go out and kill Tianzun. The experience gained is much more than here. Especially after superimposing the experience card, this experience is not enough.

After everyone joined in, the absorption speed was significantly faster, and the spirits on the side were in a hurry. However, its attack has long since lost its effect, and it has no effect on the defense of Feng Yangzun. Unless the power continues to strengthen a large section, it does not make sense.

With their crazy absorption, the ball of light quickly dimmed. Seeing this situation, everyone knows to continue to absorb it, and the small protective cover outside will absorb the light.

"Almost a little!"

Everyone has a happy heart, and feels that they are ready to be broken. It is really troublesome to add a layer of things. But they can only be so broken now, there is no other way.

Immediately, everyone sighed and absorbed the energy. After absorbing it, the outermost shroud was broken and the ball was completely exposed.

The last step left now is to drop this spirit!

Just did not wait for them to be happy for too long, suddenly there was a huge deep pit under the feet, and they were sucked in at once. The horrible suction did not wait for them to react, they have already sucked them down.

The main reason is too sudden, they did not expect that there will be a big pit under the feet, and they will be involved in it!

At the moment when they all fell, the ground quickly closed up and re-printed the layers of God's seal, which was fixed firmly and could not be broken.

In the original room full of attacks, it was restored to peace.

"Fortunately, the master left a hand..." The spirit looked at the ground and sighed.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun felt that they were sucked up by the crazy, strong suction, so that they could not pull. If you fly back again, you can't stop this suction.

"It's space suction, there is a broken space below! If you are sucked in, luck will be transmitted to the dangerous area, and luck is better, it is transmitted to the unknown area!"

Soon they immediately perceive what is behind the terrorist attraction. What is it?

"Your uncle is too worried, I didn't expect this arrangement!" Yi Tianyun wanted to marry her mother. It was really superimposed. Now I have to dig a big pit for them and prepare to send them away!

As for where to send it, it is not clear. If you want to come back, it will take several years, even decades, for a hundred years.

If it is sent to a more dangerous area, then don't say it, just die there.

"I, I don't know..." Feng Yang was stunned. She didn't expect to have such a layout. She had never seen it before.

However, this kind of secret layout, Long Yun Tian Zun will not say anything, after all, Phoenix Autumn will not come over and snatch. If you want something, do you want to grab it yourself?

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