Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1496: control

Such a turbulent flow of space can be escaped by their current ability. However, this channel is now around four weeks, and there are no other channels.

It means either breaking the wall or being sucked in, there is no other choice.

But where can this channel be easily destroyed, and there are a lot of protective arrays around, how can it be easily destroyed? Even if it breaks, it takes a long time.

They can't stay in this state for too long, and they will definitely get involved.

"It’s over..." Feng Yan’s eyes are full of despair. In the end, everything is a failure, and it’s really busy.

"not end yet!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are full of steadfastness, staring at the front wall, and the super-smart knowledge penetrates into the front, and the impact is on the **** seal, and slowly penetrates into it.

As long as the spirit penetrates this **** seal, he can move through the moment and send it to everyone!

However, the **** seal on the wall is really thick enough, and it will not be able to penetrate the past for a while. Followed him to bite his teeth: "Just grab me, and hold on to death, it will be a while!"

Without any hesitation, Qian Qiantian respected them and seized Yi Tianyun. They all grabbed their hands and feet, and quickly flew forward, all the way to the other side.

Feng Qiu respected a glimpse, did not know what it meant, but she still chose to grab Yi Tianyun. After all, they have done this for thousands of days, and she naturally will not refuse.

It’s just that she wonders why this is done, even if it’s broken, it’s very difficult. It has been very good to be dragged back and forth, and it is very difficult to keep it from being sucked in. As for damage, it is too difficult.

If you are not sucked, there may be a chance to destroy. It has been sucked all the time, the station is standing still, and it is still possible to destroy the wall.

At the same time as she was puzzled, Yi Tianyun tightly locked the front of the gods, and under the rapid penetration, finally squeezed into the outside environment. This difficulty is really not small, but it is much better than the outer door.

The door outside is the one that the spiritual knowledge can't penetrate. Otherwise, he directly infiltrates into it, moves in one moment, and needs to destroy one by one.

Neither is a level, it will be more fragile, but it is not very fragile. At least it will be enough for the spiritual to penetrate the past.

"Give me a pass!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were condensed, and everyone suddenly disappeared into this space. In the next moment, they appeared in the center of the temple before, and there was the ball of light on the side.

After Feng Fengzun saw it, he was shocked. I was just trapped in the passage, how come back now?

"I almost got sucked in. See how I cleaned up this time!"

Yi Tianyun reached out and shot on the ball of light, followed by the core of the thunder in the body, and the violent force swarmed in quickly. Without the shield before Longyun Tianzun, this time it will become a lot easier.

After the influx, the inside immediately has the power of rejection, constantly rushing over. In fact, it is a violent **** of thunder, trying to drive out the intruders.

At this time, it is necessary to use the core of the mine. If there is a core of mine, it will undoubtedly be able to withstand this force. If not, the difficulty of resisting will be greatly improved.

Now that this power of the gods has emerged, it was quickly absorbed by him, and at the same time, some of the energy overflowed, causing his body to be burnt.

Of course, in general, it still benefits, and the experience begins to move up quickly. Every time, you can get thousands of points of compression experience, which is really refreshing.

With the experience card and the like, the effect is undoubtedly even more amazing. There is also the use of the Wumu God suit, everything is still balanced.

The point is that the spirit is stupid, completely silly! It didn't react to what happened. It had already left here to see the situation in other areas. Who knows that everything is so sudden, suddenly the ball of light is controlled, and a steady stream of energy comes in!

According to this situation, it will take a while to completely control it. I was scared to go back immediately. When I saw Yi Tianyun staying here, I forgot to start the big array around.

"How can you get back these invaders!" After the spirits reacted, they quickly controlled the surrounding array and once again ignited the gods to storm.

If Yi Tianyun smashes the wall back, it will definitely react. Who knows that there is no sense of induction, and its body is invaded by energy.

"You don't need to be in charge of this, you are controlled!"

Thousands of days, they laughed loudly and began to struggle to resist. This little younger brother is powerful and has no ability. It is simply omnipotent. At such a critical moment, I was pulled back in a game.

I can't say the end, I don't know if I will lose!

Feng Yang’s contemptuous side resisted and confused. She still didn’t understand it so far. What happened? How did Yi Tianyun do this step, is it a move?

Such a terrible move, can ignore the gods and the like, and move in?

What do they think, Yi Tianyun is too lazy to pay attention, and concentrate on controlling. Seeing a little bit of suppression, according to this situation, it does not take half an hour, you can control it.

Under the defensive resistance of Feng Yang, she finally fainted and the energy was exhausted. This is the result.

Immediately, thousands of days, they are all on top, one by one, the strongest force, and the last time, is their victory!

"It's still a little bit worse!" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed with cold light, and he almost succeeded.

"No!!" The instrument screamed, but the snoring didn't make the power stronger. What is it, or what.


The lightball began to flash, and the thunder around it disappeared instantly. Everything was restored to silence without any change. If it weren't for a blackened night, it really didn't happen.

Followed by the spirit of the instrument flying down, falling down around Yi Tianyun, respectfully said: "Master."

Yi Tianyun nodded and said: "Well, hold me to this temple, and at the same time, trap the Woxing Tianzun, and wait for us to entertain him!"

"Yes, the master!" The spirit quickly disappeared in place, to clean up the Wo Xing Tian Zun.

Thousands of days of reverence, they are soft on the ground, and their bodies are already black and black, and they look terrible.

"It is finally over. This temple of ancient heavenly gods has finally been conquered by us!"

"Yeah, this is the first time to conquer the ancient heavenly shrine, and it is not the leftovers of others..."

They all squatted on the ground, and they were too lazy to move. They finally ended, and the rest was to distribute the spoils.

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