Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1507: refute

Yi Tianyun did not choose the true face to show people, in order to do less, he does not want so many people to remember their faces, so choose to go out all the way, it is really the major gods know themselves.

More than one thing is less than one thing, he has always been like this.

"Who are you!? Who dared to kill me!"

The old **** on the side, when I saw Yi Tianyun's shot, his face suddenly became ugly. Yi Tianyun kills a few powerful ones, how can I make my face look ugly?

"Kill your people? It seems that you still know that these are your people! Demon words confuse the public, but also let your companions reconcile on the side, what is your heart!" Yi Tianyun looked coldly at this old god. "In my opinion, you are just a filthy phoenix fall. Can you not have someone with kindness? If you are filthy inside, you will think that no one will be kind?"

"It’s a lot of shit, saying so much nonsense, isn’t it just trying to force the fall of Feng’s autumn friends? If you say so many words, you really want to ask the cultivation method to improve your overall strength.”

"This kind of eating is really ugly enough, it is disgusting! I still find my own companion, pretend to be a distraction to echo your words. I wonder if you know what you mean?"

Everyone looked at this old god, and their eyes suddenly sank. They really thought it was other scattered repairs. Now it seems that it is not a loose repair, but this **** sent it to echo itself.

"Wuhan God, I didn't expect you to be filthy and phoenix!"

"Yes, you are a god, you use this kind of means!"

"I have just believed in Laozi, and now it seems that it is all witches and gods!"

They immediately believed Yi Tianyun, because Wuyuan God had just admitted it, and Tianzun, who was tied in the crowd, was the person in his power. Because of his anger, he directly said that he was leaking.

Witch Tomorrow did not expect that he was submerged, and he subconsciously smashed it out, causing the situation to once again tend to fall to the side of Phoenix.

Feng Yang looks up at Yi Tianyun. She has never seen Yi Tianyun. How can she help herself?

"I really let people say it on the side, but what do you mean by this? I am here for the future of the whole godland, the cultivation method of the ten refining monarchs is bound to win!" The power of the gods quickly shrouded around.

He has already treated Yi Tianyun as a dissertation and killed himself several Tianzun. How could it be easily let go?

"She has already said that the method of cultivation is to condense two planets. What is the problem?" Yi Tianyun looked at Wuyuan God with a blank expression, and did not worry about the power of the gods that came from all around.

"Jokes! It’s just a joke! But this joke is not funny at all." Witches tomorrow is cold and cold: "This has long been proven to be false. Are you still using it as real? Her words, Do you still believe?"

"Why don't you believe? If you want to break through to the ten refining lords, what you need is to condense two planets. It's that simple!" Yi Tianyun said lightly: "Of course, if you want to succeed, you can't do it without luck. The key needs your own strength." ""

"Funny, you guys don't know where to get out, but today you will die!"

The witch of tomorrow, the cold **** screamed, and the empty hand reached out and grabbed it. It had already surrounded the power of the gods in the past, and quickly turned into a huge palm on the side. He pinched over to Yi Tianyun and wanted to give him a pinch.

In his view, the strength of Yi Tianyun is only the level of the next level of heaven. You don't need to use all your strength, you can simply crush the other side.

At this time, Yi Tianyun immediately spurted a vast force in the body, immediately showing a chain of chains behind him, forming ten chains in the void, which means that his foundation has a level of ten refinements!

When the ten refining monarchs came out, they immediately had the power of repression, and they could have a slight suppression effect on all those who were not strong in the foundation of the ten refining monarchs.

It also has a suppressive effect on the witch of tomorrow, of course, this effect has become very small, mainly because the gap is too large. If it is done to be similar, then this will have an effect.

Even if it is already Tianzun, or the **** of heaven, the foundation of the ten refining princes is still there, but the gap is becoming more and more obvious. It can be said that one step first, step by step first!

Now everyone is watching, and the proof of the ten refining monarchs is so close to them. This is not a legend, but it is really happening.

Being repaired with Yi Tianyun as Tianzun immediately felt great pressure and there was a feeling of being crushed.

"Really, it’s really a refinement..."

"God, it really exists. I thought it was fake."

"It’s terrible. It’s possible to achieve it.”

Many of them heard the news, but it was too late. When they arrived here, Yi Tianyun had already completed the robbery. When I saw it with my own eyes, I was completely shocked.

I have seen it before, and now I am shocked when I look at it again. This is really amazing!

"Because I am her friend, it is also the only ten refining landlord! What I said is the truth! If there is a falsehood, thunder!" Yi Tianyun immediately made an oath in front of everyone to prove that his words are true. .

After making a vow, there is no thunder, which means that his words are not false.

"Tianyun Tianzun..." After Feng Yangzun saw it, his eyes were red, and in addition to Yi Tianyun, who could break through to the ten refining princes?

I didn't expect to bring Yi Tianyun out, and I felt very embarrassed inside.

Before Yi Tianyun had already passed her, it is best to be stupid, saying that he did not know. Who knows that it has led to so many things, and even let Yi Tianyun come out and disrupt the original plan.

As everyone knows, Yi Tianyun has long expected this kind of thing, and will not upset any plans. It’s just that Feng Feng’s tribute to the reality is clear, and I didn’t expect even some insider things to be brought out.

"Now I have vowed, the foundation is two planets, in order to successfully break through to the ten refining land." Yi Tianyun looked at them coldly.

They are all gods, and they have a spirit, and they have come together.

"This friend, I don't know what forces you have joined?" They didn't move immediately, but they were excited.

"I have not joined any forces." Yi Tianyun said a lie.

"I didn't join any forces?" One by one, one of the gods stood up and said: "Join us, we will give you the best resources... No, as long as you want any resources, we will give you! ”

"No, join us! What resources are they for you, but what resources can they have? We have more resources!"

"Our resources are more, among the top four!"

Every force is like crazy, they are constantly coming over and pulling Yi Tianyun, even if they say the way, they are also pulling together. Not only the potential is endless, the main method!

It’s really feasible to condense two planets, but how to do it in detail is another matter. I don’t know how many people tried before, but haven’t they failed? In the end, the method is very important!

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