Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1508: Go to war!

One by one force rushed out to draw, one is more attractive than one. This is like pulling a Tianzun, it is like pulling a god, and it is still very powerful.

Under the madness, their faces are revealed, and the phoenix fall is completely left aside. It can be said that it was completely abandoned, and Yi Tianyun is the focus.

"Our holy mountain **** domain, the same for all resources ..." Wu tomorrow God also opened a very high price, want to pull Yi Tianyun.

"Sorry, even if I join other forces, I will not join your forces." Yi Tianyun pointed to the cold tomorrow of the witch: "Not only is it dirty, but also filthy my friend! You are such a force, I will never Will join!"

In fact, I still hear more about the holy peak **** domain. This guy is the **** of the holy peak **** domain. How can I join the holy peak **** domain?

Witch's face is ugly, and it sinks directly into the trough, but I want to worry, but I can't do it. He has no chance, and does not mean that other gods have no chance.

Therefore, if he is arbitrarily, the other gods will stop him and will not let him do it.

Looking at a group of people so crazy to pull Yi Tianyun, Feng Autumn respect feels a little angry, a group of these animals, so much, is for this cultivation method!

What is the right way to know, and how is the detailed cultivation method? This is the same as the martial arts of the anti-sky, knowing the effect and power of the anti-sky martial arts, but how to cultivate it?

So for many years, no one can succeed, it means that the method is very important. It is impossible to say what kind of attribute planets need to be condensed, or what kind of elixir to use, or what kind of martial arts to cultivate.

After all, knowing an inevitable condition requires a lot of basic conditions. If there are no basic conditions, how can it be successful?

I don’t know what the preconditions are. There are actually not many, that is, they need strength and strength, and they have enough strength to succeed.

Of course, there is also a constitution to be consistent. If the condensed planet does not conform to its own attributes and has no integration, it will certainly not succeed.

This point Yi Tianyun will not say it, because there is no such necessity at all, even if it is his own power, it does not necessarily respect this method.

Because he has experienced it, the difficulty is too great. If you try it yourself, the failure rate is extremely high. Unless he looks at which practitioner, it is in line with this condition, maybe he can still try.

"Sorry, for other forces, I will not have the idea of ​​joining." Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "Because you are all in the same place, it is not interesting to join you. Especially I still feel that my friend is trying to make up for anything wrong!"

"In the absence of any evidence, don't be filthy! What witches, devils, are all swearing. Also moving out of the older generation's strong, I also said that you killed people, evidence? Don't be so naive, a bunch of silly goods. That's all the things of the last age, and it's said that you haven't done anything."

"You, I don't know how many innocents to kill, how many planets have been destroyed. What other devils are told me, is it estimated that it is a devil?"

"As for the battle of the gods, it is even more talk. When the battlefield of the gods occurs in the outer **** domain, it is not the most beautiful of the holy peak gods and the gods of the gods. It is so funny!"

"One by one is so noble, I don’t know how many things I have done in my back, how much blood is on my hands!"

"Even if Feng Yang’s parents have done this kind of thing, at least she will not be born, it has nothing to do with her! She can make up for mistakes now, it is good to be kind, at least to really help others, you? What's the good thing? I don't think that good things have been done. Is it a bunch of things that hurt the world? Even if you are embarrassed, or your ancestors, it will trigger hundreds of battles in the domain of God, it is estimated that you will not think of anything to make up for it!"

"I want to find me now, force me to ask the method, really think I don't know?"

Yi Tianyun squirted a bunch of words and let them smoke their faces. It was too arrogant! There are so many gods here, do you want to find death?

Even if it is the foundation of the ten refining princes, it belongs to the anti-sky level in the level of Tianzun, but in the face of the gods, it still succeeds!

Feng autumn respects his mouth, tears and tears, Yi Tianyun stood up, in fact, just want to say fair words to her. She doesn't really know whether her parents have actually done it.

Sometimes she really doubts whether her parents have done it or not, so she does not want to join any forces and wants to help the victims. Of course, the true heart will occupy a large part. If there is no such kindness, who will make up for it? Change to some black-hearted people, talk about what to make up, and still have peace of mind to eat.

On the contrary, she can't do it, and her conscience is uneasy. Whether you have done it or not, you will choose to help others.

"Don't talk nonsense with this kid, everyone... grab, grab him!" Witch Tomorrow God, their eyes are red, all the gods have been dispatched, including the rest of the gods.

What forces are rushing over here, just want to give Yi Tianyun a complete grasp!

Originally wanted to use soft, who knows that Yi Tianyun does not eat this set at all, now it can only be used tough.

In the face of a pile of Tianshen and Tianzun rushing over, the strongest basic is only the initial level of the lower god, and there is no strong one. It should be said that the next **** is enough. As for the median **** level, there is no need to mix such things.

It’s only necessary to catch a Tianzun. Is it necessary to do so? Some of the superiors are even too lazy to pay attention. Because they have long been a landlord, even if they know the method, it makes no sense. After all, you can do it yourself, what about the rest?

"The chance to earn experience is coming..."

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and his hand swiftly waved. Suddenly, ten Tianzun Lingbao floated on the side. This is not finished yet, followed by ten Tianzun Lingbao, which bloomed again.

This time there are twenty heavenly treasures, all of which are superimposed on the side, all of them are weapons! One person controls twenty pieces of Tianzun Lingbao, which means that he can kill up to twenty Tianzuns so that he can get so many Tianzun Lingbao.

However, he does have a lot of gods and treasures. When they kill a lot of Tianzun, they will burst into a pile of Tianzun Lingbao. Now all the bells are coming out and preparing for a fun and exciting battle!

“A lot of days to honor the spirit treasure!”

After they saw it, they suddenly saw it, but many people shook their heads and felt that it was quite unwise. Because many Tianzun Lingbao are condensed according to their own attributes, or abilities, if they are used indiscriminately, they will not maximize their power.

But is this really the case?

Yi Tianyun's mouth is hooked with a confident smile, which is not easy for others to use. For him, there is no pressure at all!

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