Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1509: Detonate

"A fool, show off how many days to respect the spiritual treasure? So many days to respect the spiritual treasure, can you control it?"

"That is, there are so many days to respect the spiritual treasure, thinking that you can win? A little control is not good, that is waste!"

"Haha, is this a fool? Is there a kid who is called a gift kid? He is not, and he will open the sacred treasure!"

I feel that Yi Tianyun is a fool, summoning so many weapons, really think that I can control?

Immediately, a batch of Tianzun first rushed up, in which the gods controlled the space around them, and wanted to seal Yi Tianyun here, not letting them escape.

“It’s just right!”

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, and the figure flashed. The blood and dragon and phoenix in the body broke out instantly, and the speed suddenly improved. Unbeatable speed, even the gods, can only see a touch of afterimage!

As for the level of Tianzun, it is really impossible to see even the shadow.

"Give me death!"

Yi Tianyun reached out and waved the past. Twenty Tianzun Lingbao flew out. Each one has its own ability, and at the same time it shows different powers.


Every time the gods are sacred, the power is very amazing. Under his eruption, a sacred singer! After being attacked, these Tianzuns directly exploded into a cloud of blood and died directly.

The power of terror, so that they did not respond, was easily killed in seconds.

In the blink of an eye, twenty lives are harvested, of which Tianzun ranks almost ten, and the rest are gods. Even the gods have come to join in the fun, have to say that it is stupid to get home.

When I shot, I scared off a group of people and scared them all! They thought that these attacks belonged to the kind of powerlessness. Who knows that the power is amazing, and each one breaks out the power that it should have. It is the ultimate force of the next heavenly spirit!

"This, how is this possible, he, he can control so many days of spiritual treasure, and the attributes are different!"

"Damn, how is this cultivated! At the same time, you can control twenty heavenly treasures, just kidding!"

"Too, it’s too horrible, this guy is enchanting..."

The scattered training on the side was stunned. They used to laugh at this genius before, but now it seems that the gap between themselves and the name of genius is really too big.

They control their own Tianzun Lingbao just right, control others, at most one or two is even better. Now Yi Tianyun controls twenty in one breath, and it is against the sky!

"These idiots don't have to think about it. How do the younger brothers cultivate to this level? It's more without thinking about it. How did the ten refining monarchs come? So for many years, no one can successfully cultivate to the ten refining land. Now that the younger brother has succeeded, I really thought that it was so good to cultivate, and that no brain can be cultivated successfully?"

"It’s true that it’s all a bunch of idiots. I thought that the younger brother is a lucky boy. It’s funny enough. Now, where is the money, it’s the soul.”

Swordsman Tianzun, they stayed by the side and looked at it. When Yi Tianyun went out, he wouldn’t let go, and everything would be done by him.

It seems that it is really unnecessary for them to intervene. It is Yi Tianyun alone, which is enough to kill a group of people.

Witch tomorrow God, their pupils shrink, I did not expect that a lower Tianzun would be so powerful, and even control so many Tianzun Lingbao, it is incredible!

"The kid is very strong, let's shoot!"

They rushed over and let other gods flee here, otherwise the losses will only be greater. Add up, a total of five gods surrounded, they are not a force, but now they are gathered.

Basically, they decided to cooperate for a moment. First, Yi Tianyun was arrested and then forced to come out. This is their common purpose, so they will join hands soon.

Seeing the five gods surrounded, Yi Tianyun smiled coldly, and the figure flashed and disappeared. The space around it is blocked, but there is still a lot of space inside, so it can be moved instantly.

In a flashing light, it will kill the rest of the Tianzun side, and twenty Tianzun Lingbao will be thrown out, and it will be easy to kill them. Such a sudden move, everyone did not react, do not know how Yi Tianyun came over.

Not only that, but also has ten heavenly spirits to go out and quickly harvest other Tianzun. As long as Tianzun Lingbao is squirted, it must be bloody!

Under a harvest, I earned a lot of experience and treasures.

In the blink of an eye, the men they brought over were basically cleaned up by him, and they became elders.

"This kid has killed my men!!"

They all have to be blown up, and so many of them have been killed, so that they are bleeding and bleeding.

"Catch him, grab him! Wait until the law of cultivation is forced out, then kill him!"

They are all red-eyed, and their inner anger is blasting. They all choose to erupt their powerful strength and besieged to Yi Tianyun.

Five gods surrounded a lower god, and no one believed that when they went out, after all, a **** can easily kill Tianzun, whether it is the lower or the upper, can still be killed.

But the facts are in front of you, a lower god, under the eyes of so many gods, easily kill all the men! This kind of thorough cleaning method, Yi Tianyun often do, since you want to seize yourself, then be prepared to stay here all!

On the edge of the phoenix autumn, the heart immediately lifted up, but she can't help now. Five gods blocked the space, even if she was, she couldn't break it.

The gap is too big, even if the core breaks out again, there is no way to break the blockade. If she can get rid of it, she is not the **** of heaven, but the god!

“It’s just right!”

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand quickly. He took out the Tianzun Lingbao and took it out, aiming at the witch god.

"Give me a burst!"

He reached out and held a hand, and the sacred spirit of the past sacred, directly emitting a dazzling light, and when they were not close to them, they exploded.

"Detonation of the gods, this kid is crazy!"

They are crazy at the side, and Tianzun Lingbao has an ultimate usage, which is to detonate the gods! After the detonation, you can completely exert the power to the maximum, and the power is several times stronger than usual.

The result is equally terrible, that is, this Tianzun Lingbao is basically scrapped and cannot be used. Yi Tianyun blew it out very loudly, and it continued to explode. At the beginning, it was set to detonate four or five pieces. It seems that it will continue to blow up. It is just that there is money to burst!

However, Yi Tianyun is indeed very rich, and it is also a very capricious one.

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