Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1515: Condensation

After Cui Cui has been upgraded to the superior Tianzun treasure, its strength is equal to a superior Tianzun, which is why Yi Tianyun will be mammoth.

This is equivalent to let the three realms of God, a strong superior God! As for the superior Tianzun Lingbao, most of them are not spiritual.

It is mainly a pop-up thing, there is no such thing as a spirit. Unless it is the treasure of robbing others, there will be some spirits in it, but it is very difficult to use it.

Therefore, if it is impossible to easily fall, it will be returned to the furnace and merged into it.

"I feel that I am full of strength now, and there is no problem in activating these!" Tsui Cui was so excited that she did not expect to raise so many levels in one breath, and changed things that were not imagined before.

In general, it is very difficult to upgrade the grade, especially the improvement across the hierarchy. For example, the level of heaven is from the lower grade to the upper grade. This is more difficult, but it is not up to.

As for the top-grade treasures of the top grades, it is extremely difficult to upgrade to the heavenly treasures. It is basically a matter that is judged impossible.

But in most cases, there are a few that can be improved.

Yi Tianyun is easy on this side, as long as there is a corresponding high-level treasure, a mammoth will do. It’s just that you’re generally considered a fool. If you give a high-level treasure to a low-level one, can you not be called a fool?

For Yi Tianyun, the use is the key point, and there are not many treasures like the special ability of Cuicui. The vast **** is a very special treasure, which is very suitable for his use.

In particular, it can now be used as a high-level management drugstore to save a lot of trouble.

"Then I have activated these elixir now, I will use it later." Yi Tianyun gestured to help her activate the withered elixir.

"No problem, give it to me!"

Tsui Cui took a shot of the chest and reached out for a trick. The elixir floated over, and with a single wave, the withered elixir was quickly activated, and the difficulty was not high.

Ling pharmaceutical grade is not low, but the grade of Tsui Cui is not low, so the activation is not difficult, it is easier to achieve.

"Master, I have already done it." Cui Cui looked for an expression of appreciation.

"Well, it's very good. Your performance is very good, keep up the good work!" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "This elixir will be given to you to activate. After the activation, I will give you a errand. You are satisfied!"

Followed by Cuicui, they immediately activated the withered elixir. Yi Tianyun picked up the activated elixir and went to the side to meditate. Now that all the materials are ready, it will condense the gods.

"The seal grass, poisonous cage grass, magic gold, magic sand..."

These materials are all things of a low grade, thrown in with piles of piles, and the place where they are thrown into is the body of their own body. After throwing in, start to work with the power of Tianzun, dissolve these materials, and quickly condense into the corresponding weapons in the way he imagined!

The whole process does not require any flames, nor does it need to be specially stared, thrown in the brain, and then always use the power of heaven to merge, it is very simple.

What is needed is not the skill, the material is needed! The more precious the material, the richer it is, the more powerful it will be. To put it bluntly, it is to fight for financial resources.

Very simple and rude way, so that every day will have a gods treasure. Of course, the most basic materials, the price is very expensive. Then how the garbage of the Tianzun Lingbao is a spiritual treasure, the price is not low!

After Yi Tianyun is ready, he waits for the weapons he wants. Although I don't need to stare at all, he has nothing to do, just stare at it.

The time of cohesion will not be too long. Generally, the month will be able to successfully condense, so he will wait. If it takes decades, then I have no choice but to say that he will not wait stupidly here.

At the same time, he looked around, and Cui Cui had been activating the elixir and reviving the previous drug field. After regaining their vitality, these elixir looked much more beautiful, and the thick aura drifted over, making him feel very comfortable.

It didn't take much time to complete the activation, which made Yi Tianyun very satisfied.

"Master, look, I have been activated, not very powerful?" Cui Cui is also running over to invite merits, full of pride.

"Of course it is very powerful, and it is still very powerful." Yi Tianyun reached out and licked her little head, smiled and walked over and said: "In the future, you are the drug garden administrator of the Three Realms, all the medicines are managed by you. Management After the medicine garden, where do you want to go, where to play, I will not limit you."

"Great!" Tsui Cui happily hugged it over, and finally didn't have to squat all the time, can feel free to stroll here, can you be unhappy?

Immediately, Yi Tianyun took her to Shi Xueyun and told Shi Xueyun about the general matters. Later, the medicine garden was handed over to her for management. Although they are all managed by Tsui Cui, in general, they are still based on their orders from Shi Xueyun. It is impossible to let everything go.

"It seems that the key talents of the Three Realms are still coming to you." Shi Xueyun was very happy after knowing the power of Cui Cui and his skills.

Tsui Cui can not only activate the elixir, but also strengthen the elixir, which is naturally very suitable for the management of the medicine garden. It can be said that no one can manage the medicine garden better than her.

"This is true, but the key basis is still to rely on you." Yi Tianyun smiled and immediately made a small meal, which was a smile: "Just, my condensed Tianzun Lingbao is now formed!"

The many materials in his body finally condensed into the shape of the gun, and finally solidified completely, forming a quaint weapon, which looked very ordinary.

He reached out and the rifle fell into his hand. It looked very ordinary. The surface had a faint black color, which seemed to be mixed with many things.

He grabbed the long gun and waved it forward. All the power was poured into the rifle, and the rifle was immediately erupted with the rifle. Originally, there is no color at all, and it instantly becomes colorful, like a dream!

At the same time, a **** rush comes out, there is a feeling of seeing blood and sealing the throat, but there is a kind of magical power that can tear everything, and can completely tear everything.

This weapon is mixed with a variety of attributes and strengths, which is in line with Yi Tianyun's multiple attributes. What he wants is this effect, otherwise he will not be able to explode his own power.

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