Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1516: Wulong Gun

"Not bad!"

Yi Tianyun feels the Tianzun Lingbao in his hand. Although he is the next Tianzun Lingbao, he feels that the effect is absolutely no less than the median Tianzun Lingbao! Even approaching the superior Tianling Lingbao.

He broke into a lot of precious materials, how can it be too bad, can have a strong effect, that is a matter of course.

As for the real power, when the real war is over, you can know the effect.

“Hey, I have successfully created Tianzun Lingbao, and I have gained a thousand proficiency. I also have a special magical skill, “Five Dragons Frenzy,” which consumes a thousand points of compression and madness, and the body damage increases by 20%. To increase the damage by 20 times! The cooling time is ten minutes."

“Is there a special magical skill?”

Yi Tianyun’s eyes brightened, and he did not expect the condensed Tianzun Lingbao, and the extra skills attached to it. Just by applying this skill, it has an explosive power, and it actually increases the damage of twenty times!

Don't look at the 20 times damage is a little less, compared to his previous skills or blood, and so on, to improve the level of hundreds of times, a lot worse.

In fact, most of the data is now being compressed quickly. For example, before the dragon and the phoenix, these can increase the strength and speed of a hundred times, and now they are cut off most of the time!

This is not only the dragon and the phoenix, but also the blood of the 鲲鹏, which is cut off a lot of effects. Mainly to improve, it is impossible to come back a few hundred times, it is too bad.

However, the basic value is high, even if it is increased by a dozen times, it will still be against the sky. Therefore, the ability to increase the damage of twenty times is already a godsend.

This made him very satisfied, and it seems that the power that can erupt later will be even more amazing.

At the level of Tianzun, it is enough to superimpose the damage of twenty times. If you have another crazy damage mode, you don't have to say more.

Nai Tian Zun Ling Bao can not be engraved on the gods, or there will be a stronger effect increase. The problem of Tianzun Lingbao lies here. If it is made by God to create a master, those treasures of heavenly honor can be engraved.

"This is the master's celestial spirit, it seems very good, can you give me something to eat?" Cui Cui put his eyes on the side, wanting Yi Tianyun to integrate himself.

Yi Tianyun reached out and took her head and smiled and said: "Everything wants to eat. If you eat it now, it will not have any effect."

Tsui Tsui licked his little head and spit out his tongue.

"Tianyun, this is your Tianzun Lingbao, it looks very good. Just don't know, when will I be able to reach this level..."

Shi Xueyun smiled next to her. Her current cultivation is only a level of Tianjun. It is still a lot worse than Tianzun.

"Nothing, it will be reached soon." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "After a while, when I let the comprehensive strength of the Three Realms, give a big lift!"

He can now deliver the experience and be able to force others to improve, no matter what. However, the experience required will be very large. If you want to upgrade a large number of strong people, you must gain more experience.

He wants to create a large number of Tianzun, no problem! With only a very explosive amount of experience, you can create a large number of Tianzun. It is something that you can't imagine to change to other forces. He can do it.

It’s just that he doesn’t have much experience now, and he’s no longer able to promote himself to Tianzun, let alone promote others to Tianzun. Moreover, he now needs to quickly improve and repair, and wait for himself to become stronger to a certain extent, and then to experience the experience.

It is very good not to say that you have to break through to Tianzun and be able to hit a large number of gods. At least in terms of comprehensive strength, it can quickly improve a lot.

This is simply cheating, but he does not mind cheating at all. If this is not the case, in the short term, where the Three Realms can be made up, once the outer shield is opened, it is a war!

"Don't be too stubborn." Shi Xueyun gently squatted in his arms.

"I didn't force myself. These are not big problems." Yi Tianyun warmed up and reached out and patted her back, indicating that she should not worry too much.

"Well..." Shi Xueyun thought of something, he asked: "Right, you haven't named your weapon yet?"

"Name it?" Yi Tianyun stunned, almost forgot about this, and immediately thought about it, said: "But take the name, I am not very good at this, how come you think for me?"

Shi Xueyun looked at the long gun in his hand. After thinking for a while, he said in front of his eyes: "Is it better to call the Wulong Gun? Just that shot, I feel that the five dragons burst out, so I named it. It is."

"Five dragon guns? Good! Simple and rude, just let this be." Yi Tianyun also thinks the name is quite good.

After a little warmth, Yi Tianyun was leaving again. The account of the account was finished, and the arrangements were arranged. Feng Yang Zun temporarily hides here for a while, and if he goes out, he will definitely be arrested immediately.

The great gods are not the vegetarians. Since they can put down their faces to catch them, then the next time is no exception. The five-character domain may not intervene, but the four-character domain will certainly come over.

Therefore, Feng Yang Zun stayed here for a while, waiting for the outside to calm down and go out. However, at present, Feng Shouzun has not swam around like before. Everything has been said to be broken, and the news must be spread throughout the Divine Realm.

When she goes to do good deeds, there will definitely be people pointing at them, simply staying here and looking for opportunities to explore the truth.

Yi Tianyun said before, to find her the truth. Of course not now, he still has a lot of things to do now, such as going to light and dark trials!

It was because of the lack of cultivation that I couldn’t get in. It should be no problem now.

Soon he came to the hall, and the front was still the two passages. Now that I feel the horror of the atmosphere again, I find that there is still a sense of pressure. Obviously, this trial is still very powerful.

"First, let's start with the light trial. I have the core of the Seven Pinguang, and I should be able to pass!" Yi Tianyun finally chose the light trial area.

As for the dark trials, he searched for the dark cores of many evil spirits before, but all of them broke in, most of them are the core level of the three or four products, which is obviously not as good as the core of light.

Therefore, he decided to go to the light test first, and even if this light test could not be passed, let alone dark trials.

"This time I upgraded to the level of Tianzun, I believe that it should be passed. When I master the heavens, the power of self-protection will be stronger." Yi Tianyun's eyes are firm, and the three realms must be completely controlled.

Yi Tianyun smiled, just matching his skills, it is true that this is true.

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