Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1517: Wulong screams, open!

After Yi Tianyun was ready, he went straight to the light trial. As he stepped into the light trial passage, he immediately felt a sun wrapped around himself.

Looking up, the surrounding walls are made of light stone, so the situation is so big. Guangling Stone can generally be used to build Tianzun Lingbao, but it is a corridor that is very luxurious.

Not to mention the extravagance, it can be described as a defeated family. After all, creating this corridor seems to have no use, it seems to be more beautiful.

"It's really big enough. Only here, there will be such a big deal to build." Yi Tianyun shook his head, but there was no slack in his heart.

When he entered here, it was already a light trial. Naturally, it was dangerous to step by step. If you were not careful, you might die here.

But all the way through, he did not see any special formations, or what is the danger, is a long passage to the unknown area.

“Is there no danger here?”

Yi Tianyun continued to move forward, but the inner vigilance never relaxes. If you take this as a walk, it will die very badly.

When he was not far away, when he came to the center of the passage, suddenly the walls around him radiated dazzling light, turning into countless lightsabers running through here.

This lightsaber condenses all the energy of the light of the light, and penetrates the ground, trying to nail him here. In an instant, all the light stones were lighted, including the light stone that had just entered, and they were quickly lit.

At this time, Yi Tianyun immediately felt the danger of death, coming from all directions. Just beginning, these light swords that have passed through have already reached the level of the late stage of the Tianzun!

Yi Tianyun stepped on his feet and broke out all the blood power. He rushed to the front and sprinted forward. At the same time, the Wulong Guns waved forward and matched the five elements of the body to maximize the effect.

The five air dragons roared from inside the long gun, surrounded by the body, and constantly destroyed the stabbed lightsaber. Five air dragons, like thick shields, are constantly surrounded by sides.

These five air dragons can not only attack, but also be able to defend, and the effect is amazing. Just the corresponding, the consumption is also extremely amazing, and in less than a little while, the consumption will climb straight.

"This is just beginning to come in, it is necessary to face the onslaught of the late Tianzun, it is really terrible!"

Yi Tianyun suddenly felt the pressure multiplier. This has just come in, and it will explode a very strong force before it can withstand it. Even his crazy injury mode was released.

He is faced with the onslaught of the late Tianzun, and it is still a large-scale full-scale attack. If you don't have to do your best, it will definitely be screened.

As for the core of light, there is no use here. What is the use of these attacks? If you don’t pay attention, you will be screened.

“It’s no wonder that it’s so dangerous. There’s no place in this place. Where can I come in at will?”

Yi Tianyun complained, but fortunately he upgraded to the level of Tianzun, or he must have died here. If you change to a normal strong person, you will definitely need the upper level of the heavenly level, otherwise you will not be able to get through it.

When he rushed all the way, suddenly he felt a little familiar, how is the attack method, how is it similar to the way of the Dragon Shrine?

"Isn't it possible, the **** of the Dragon God Temple is still portrayed by the former owner?" Yi Tianyun feels a bit similar, but here is more overbearing, the intensive lightsaber is really terrible.

Under the rush of all the way, Yi Tianyun finally rushed out of this channel. Followed by the eyes, it is a wall of light, also made of light stone, the power of light attribute, suddenly enveloped, locked him in it!

Yi Tianyun had no time to react, and he was already trapped inside. When trapped inside, I immediately felt the temperature around me and began to climb at an alarming rate.

"What is this?"

Yi Tianyun was overwhelmed and was trapped. He reached for a shot next to him, and he slammed it like a picture on a transparent wall.

The eyes of the probe swept away and immediately saw what effect it was.

Wall of Light: With super strong defense, you can trap the enemy inside, while constantly raising the temperature inside, completely gasifying the enemy!

Now, let’s not say that the temperature is rising rapidly. I feel that the light of the entire godland is gathering here, gathering on him, can the temperature not rise? This is simply trying to burn him, even being gasified. When it is time, there is nothing left in the slag, and the air is left.

"This is too embarrassing, it is fatal!"

Yi Tianyun did not hesitate, and wanted to move out and follow the figure, and went through the wall of light. However, the foot just fell to the ground, and in all directions, it quickly fell off the wall and trapped him.

This wall of light can't stop him, but he can't escape the siege of this wall. Especially the amazing temperature is really terrible. It is many times more hot than the flame he has received so far.

This is the first time he encountered a special attack. He did not expect a new attack mode when the light attribute reached a certain level.

"It seems that I will not let me pass easily, I must destroy it before I can pass it." Yi Tianyun frowned, this difficulty is really not small.

Follow him and take a deep breath, ignoring the light that enveloped him, holding a five-dragon gun.

"Five dragons scream, open!"

Yi Tianyun whispered, the five dragons in his hand burst into a dazzling five-color mans, and twenty times the power instantly superimposed! In conjunction with his various forces, the combat power exploded directly.


The five dragons are much stronger than those released before. This is a consumable skill. How can power be the same?

The horrible five dragons slammed into the light wall and just touched it. This hard light wall, like a thin, thin ice, was easily damaged.

After the crash, while continuing to whistle to the front, one hit the light wall in front. This is the final light wall, blocking the light wall of the road. If it is not broken, there will be more light shrouded over and trapped him here.


The five dragons ran into the same, and smashed the wall of light, smashing two walls of light in a row!

After the two walls of light were damaged, the light that shrouded the surroundings disappeared completely and everything was calm. The burning sensation finally disappeared.

However, his current body surface has been burnt, enough to see that it is not easy.

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