Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1518: Phantom memory

After the final light wall was destroyed, it was like being destroyed and the rest was restored. This time, he can finally relax.

After two consecutive attacks, I really can't relax. Now I can breathe a little, and there is no attack around me, so I can let him down.

Yi Tianyun looked at his body, but it was really a big black, but it was not a serious injury. It would be fine to recover.

If he slows down a bit, he is completely burnt and then gasified. His body is very strong, but the power of the light attribute is stronger! If he had a light core in his body, he would be more burnt.

The light core can be slightly relieved, so the effect is not so strong. Of course, it only has a part of the effect, and it does not have an absolutely critical effect.

He also thought that he had a light core and would be a little more relaxed. Now it seems that it is a little more relaxed and a little bit, and it is only a little bit.

"It’s just that it’s just starting out, I don’t know what’s going on behind it?”

At the same time of Yi Tianyun's recovery, he looked at the situation around him. It is still bare, and there is only a light stone. Only the front channel seems to be a little evil, and the rest is no problem.

“But the more difficult, the more amazing the rewards here...”

Yi Tianyun believes that after passing through this, the rewards won will be amazing, and the rewards won by the real world are not bad, let alone the rewards here. If you can control the heavens, you are afraid that you will be able to kill the gods.

I think that there is a bit of excitement when I think about it. If you control the sky to fly around, you can stop all the way, and no one can stop it!

Of course, just think about it now, or let the three realms be controlled first, and then talk about the rest.

After a slight relief, Yi Tianyun continued to move forward, and this time the vigilance was even greater. I have been attacked twice in a row, and I will not know what kind of offensive will be suffered. The power will only be strong and not weak.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun continued to move forward, and when he stepped into the passage, the heart immediately lifted it up. After all, this is equal to the passage to the next level. Is it possible to have countless lightsabers running through like before?

When he came in, it was the rows of statues that stood in the past. Each statue looked different and held different weapons in his hands. Especially the expression, especially serious.

These statues are also made of light stone, but there are other materials, but it is not clear what it is. However, these statues permeate a dangerous atmosphere, as if they would come alive at any time.

"Do you want me to play this group of statues?" Yi Tianyun looked at the statues, and suddenly he sank in his heart and looked at the statues in this row. From the point of view of this power, the cultivation was the highest level of heaven.

The total number is not too large. There are only eight statues. If you hit the past, it will be okay to fight one by one. If a group is hit, it is not an easy task.

Even though he has a lot of breakthroughs now, there is still a gap between the strong superiors and the superiors. It is not easy to deal with them.

Immediately, he was quickly prepared, and the five dragons in his hand were clenched and ready to fight.

Follow him to the front and enter the scope of the statue, but these statues are not moving, not as imaginary, will rush to attack him.

"Weird, why don't you follow the routine?"

Yi Tianyun frowned, he was ready, but then there was no movement? However, he did not relax at all, stepping inside.

When he came to one of the statues, the statue suddenly shrouded in a light that struck his soul. In an instant, Yi Tianyun felt that he had entered a strange illusion.

A pile of thousands of horses whizzed past them, and they were all in a melee. Yi Tianyun just reacted, and saw a few Tianzun rushing over here, holding his arms in his face and slashing his sword.

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were condensed, and he was not panicked in his heart. He waved the five dragons in his hand and counterattacked the past. Who knows that a wave of his own attack, but through their bodies, did not cause any harm to them.

Similarly, they can't attack Yi Tianyun, they are all passing through him.

Yi Tianyun quickly turned his head and found that this group of gods, the opposite is actually the **** in the statue! The **** will wave his hand to get the giant sword, and the screaming Tianzun will kill him.

"A group of arrogant people, who are coming to death!" The **** will scream and attack here. The giant sword in his hand is crazy and flurry. Whenever he goes, Tianzun is divided into several paragraphs.

The same is the superior Tianzun, his level is much stronger, and the median Tianzun is on him, it is simply crushed. All the way to the past, no one can rival!


Yi Tianyun immediately reacted. It turns out that all this is an illusion, not real. Because of the suddenness, just a moment ago, it was really impossible to distinguish it as an illusion.

He looked around and turned into a battlefield where countless strong men were killed. However, it is very obvious that this is an extreme suppression!

This side is divided into two parties, one side is very strong, crushing everything. Among them, he also saw evil spirits in it! Another wave gathered a lot of forces, gathered together into a party to resist their onslaught.

One of the gods will be on the weak side.

"Is this the battle of the gods..."

Yi Tianyun reacted a little and felt that this should be the battle of the gods, accurately called the battle of the gods! In order to create a **** emperor, the battle of the gods!

There are quite a few ancient celestial beings present, and this is already in a state of scarcity of resources.

"Kill them, pull out their blood, and have resources, all of us!"

"With these resources, all of them are available to the adults, so that he can become a god!"

"A group of ants are still dying and dying, killing them!"

In addition to the evil spirits, there are many other powerful races, all on the opposite side.

As for this, there are some weak races, including the Terran. But there are also powerful races, such as the gods! One of these gods is the gods.

"In order to be able to make emperors, you can kill all creatures at will, and want to destroy all races. It is so cruel!" The **** will shout.

"Xiang Long Tianzun, are you brains kicked, are some low-level life, why do your gods protect them so? Such a low-lying life, your gods also protect, it is really low-lying home." Opposite Road.

"Life may have strength and weakness, but there is absolutely no distinction between high and low!" Xiang Longtian respects the cold channel.

In the next Yi Tianyun's heart shocked, it was the original battle of the gods, the gods played the striker, guarding all races!

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